What do you watch before playing sports ?

Walkman before wrestling matches in high school. Indoor soccer sounds like fun.
I watch pass pro one on one competitions before football practice. I feel it preps me for what I'm about to do. I like to watch people way better than me do the thing and I then do the same. Mental reps in prep.

I don't really bother with music or shit to pump me up, that's enough!
Before I lace up my cleats.


Before the starting whistle

Usually music but i remember watching the last samurai before a boxing match and i think it helped.
Was that just between stupid rival fans who think they are hooligans? Wow that’s real cool, stupid fans like stupid sports!

I used to play rugby union for years, a real mans sport. Not a sport for delicate little darlings which soccer was created for.
How do you know if your son should play rugby or soccer? if he picks up the ball, rugby. if he kicks it, flyhalf.
I don't watch anything.

I haven't competed in a few years, but last time I did I just listened to some music that helps me get into a flow state.