Crime What did the cops do wrong today. Vol. 2

I don't understand why people would want to be cops in America.

The adrenaline rush, power, but most just want to serve their community and try to make things better. I started because of #3 and stayed through the suckfest that was the academy because of #1, then went back to #3.
There will be a drastic decline in police and military recruitment in the next few years. Just how China and Beijing Biden want it.

Filling cop rosters is going to be very tough for a while and I am not sure it will ever improve again. And I think that is how many want it. Leaders and activists wanted less cops and now they have it and recruiting is so low that most departments could not lure anyone to be a cop unless they drastically raise the salary, but the cities will want to keep the number of cops on the low end even as they are getting destroyed by crime and when they finally realize they need more cops, they won’t be able to get any
It's amazing how cops can't seem to do their jobs without hurling profanity. Trying to think of another profession where something like that is acceptable.
Because the cop yelled “shut the fuck up?” A lot of the time, that’s exactly what we need police for. This war on police is absurd and I can’t help but be inspired by the men and women in blue who still get up every day and do their job despite all these forces working against them. I couldn’t do that.

I live in a medium sized city and we didn’t get quite the backlash of last year. Sure, there were enough anti police idiots parading in the streets, but they don’t have much to complain about my old department because we had a decent relationship with most people-all but the total shitheads. But the cops here feel the hate nationwide and it eats at you. I noticed it got much worse after the thug mike brown got gunned down with a frown.

Sometimes, people don’t respond to please and thank you. I know what this cop was trying to do by raising his voice-get on her level, but in my opinion, he failed and lost his temper in the process and it made things worse. If he was one of mine, I would have written him up, but no discipline with it-just a “don’t fucking do that again” letter. I think maybe this has gained traction is because she is black despite the article saying she was white-she looked at least mixed to me and her mom sounded black on the phone, but I could be wrong.
It's amazing how cops can't seem to do their jobs without hurling profanity. Trying to think of another profession where something like that is acceptable.

How many people do you think would take a job where you have to put your life in the line on a regular basis? I wouldn't. Not for that pay especially. Some that do might be a little rough around the edges. Should he have cursed? Probably not. Should she be driving around over the speed limit with her baby, her baby daddy and a stolen gun? Absolutely not. Yet when you hear this story you wanna defend her, why is that?
The cop clearly could have been more professional. But idk, he didn't say anything I don't hear on a daily basis so it's hard for me to relate as to how big a deal this is.

On the other hand, thanks to the on going anti-police agenda we now have more people feeling empowered to resist or resort to absurdities. They have completely bought into the media narrative hook-line-sinker making every situation worse and more dangerous for both the cop and the suspect. I keep hearing these kind of stories all the time.

This is a mess
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has the soveirgn citizen bullshit defense ever worked?

i seen plenty of live PD episodes where people are driving without a license and try to pull the soveign citizen crap only to end up getting arrested.

its like a bunch of people read some crap off the internet from one of their conspiracy buddies on facebook posted, and then they start acting like they dont have to follow the law like everybody else.
It's amazing how cops can't seem to do their jobs without hurling profanity. Trying to think of another profession where something like that is acceptable.

Did the other officer use profanity? Sgt Acuti said fuck when he found the gun and it had him shook, so maybe that is part of it, maybe he is always that unprofessional, or maybe he was trying to get through to her because the other officer’s attempts to be calm were clearly not working on her. Rarely did I see cops speak like this to anyone. Rarely. You’re just falling into the trap that is a viral video that gain traction because of bad behavior. You won’t see the 95+% of good interactions because they are not interesting. I am a little surprised and disappointed you actually believe that
Did the other officer use profanity? Sgt Acuti said fuck when he found the gun and it had him shook, so maybe that is part of it, maybe he is always that unprofessional, or maybe he was trying to get through to her because the other officer’s attempts to be calm were clearly not working on her. Rarely did I see cops speak like this to anyone. Rarely. You’re just falling into the trap that is a viral video that gain traction because of bad behavior. You won’t see the 95+% of good interactions because they are not interesting. I am a little surprised and disappointed you actually believe that

From your OP.

Acuti then begins to yell back at her telling her to “shut the fuck up”

No kidding we won't see the good interactions. That doesn't change the fact that in so many of the ones we do see there are cops screaming and cursing at people. If you're gonna make the case that it's effective compared to not screaming and cursing you're welcome to do so.
Fuck her. Stolen gun was involved? I wouldn’t have mind if he shut her up after she didn’t listen.

Wasn’t acting professional? Come on now. It was the criminals that weren’t acting right, not him
seeing as most police departments require 2 years of college your answer is moronic

nice try to be edgy
