Weirdest food you ever had

Alligator in Florida but it was fried and tasted like Chicken strips as far as I was concerned.

and at my Vietnamese friend's wedding......Red Octopus just like this but on a plate not on a stick. My ex was grossed out, she hates seafood to the point where she wouldn't even eat anything from my plate if it had any seafood on the plate.

Fish head stew. It was good until I found out what it was.
I have had mountain oysters and cow brain when I was a kid and they were alright but thev melts like butter what I remember
What did the hearts taste like? I have had chicken liver before, it was chewy and like rubber lol. Never again.
You had some bad liver. Fried or sauteed liver is delicious and should be easy to chew.
Chicken pwet. Literally chicken ass.

My dad used to throw chicken gizzards in this soup he would make.
I once was forced to eat a steak that wasn't well done and had no ketchup
Chicken pwet. Literally chicken ass.

My dad used to throw chicken gizzards in this soup he would make.

deep fried chicken gizzard tempura is so fucking good.
Nothing like digging into a giant, uncircumsized penis.

When I lived there, you'd sometimes see those in fish tanks, alive, in the supermarket - very fucking expensive. I asked some locals who just said it was called 'elephant trunk' and was an expensive delicacy.
Goat brain and tendon with curry, in Haikou, China. Duck stomach was also a bit strange, but ultimately tasty.

Horse Sashimi in Japan was also strange I suppose. But Japan is just.... they're so good with foods.

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