weight belts


Purple Belt
May 19, 2007
Reaction score
I was wondering if that since now I'm moving into the 300's for my 5x5 squat, should it be necessary to wear a weightbelt?
Its not necessary but I would. Protect that back man
Absolutely not. And weaken his core??

Save the belt for max-effort days.

There are other ways to work your core. So wearing a weightbelt makes you do a few more exercises.. dont be so lazy
Just get a belt if you have the money. Sooner or later you will want to have one. Not necessary to use all the time, though.
<500 lbs, I wouldn't worry about it for most people.
Teh bern and teh counter bern
p.s. would it atleast be good to use it when i do cleans. i must admit my clean form is a little shady but i'm getting there.
Its kind of a touchy issue. I'd rather people not wear belts until they have to, but for some people that point is at 300 lbs and others 800 lbs on different lifts. I clean 225 without a problem, and my biggest back issues seem to come from squats not deadlifts, which is weird since I only squat 315. I you feel you NEED a belt, it may be time. if you're new to the game and just paranoid, you may just be new to the game and paranoid.
well i'm not totally new to the game, i've been lifting for a few years but now since the weight is getting heavier and heavier I don't know how much added stress can be placed on my back or knees so I'm just trying to get some opinions.
For squats with a 5x5 scheme I don't really see the point. The sets aren't that balls-out anyway. However, since your doing 315 5x5 I assume your max is pretty high and that, yes, you would probably be fine wearing a belt for you rmax-effort sets.

Also, I'm not sure why people still say that using a belt will weaken your core...unless I missed the joke. It's not like your core goes to sleep...Mark Rippetoe even addresses this. It might get stronger SLOWER than it normally would...MAYBE...but it sure as hell won't make it weaker. I'm not sure how that could happen with more weight on your back...
Also, I'm not sure why people still say that using a belt will weaken your core...unless I missed the joke. It's not like your core goes to sleep...Mark Rippetoe even addresses this. It might get stronger SLOWER than it normally would...MAYBE...but it sure as hell won't make it weaker. I'm not sure how that could happen with more weight on your back...

Right on the money. If that was true, about every powerlifter and strongman in the world would be in trouble. I don't think Big Z worries about his core weakening from wearing a belt when he's log pressing 450.
I would invest in a belt but use it on heavy singles and 1RM's, don't worry about it with 5x5
i just recently got a weight belt and ive been liftin gfor about 8 years now
I lift girl weights... so no weight belt for me sir.

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