War Room Lounge v76: I put it to you, Greg: isn't this an indictment of our entire American society?

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Lol I don’t mean to insult anybody.

and to be fair a high percentage of my platonic female friends have been lesbians. My sister is lesbian, so maybe that’s part of why but I alway got along well with lesbians in general. I don’t know many who personify that “man hating” stereotype.

oh, I wasn't trying to be snide with my response.

I just know several people who reject the premise of planotic friend (NOT FWB)
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kind of what you are saying here...

friends you hang with, because you have similar interests, are able to grab drinks with and not have in in the back of your head, "god, I want her!!"
Depends on the level of attraction and whether the people are looking for a new mate, imo. Less likely to work if one or both of you are single and looking.
Nice to see that last thread go before it filled with any more regretable confessions.

I used to have platonic female friends. I even once knew a Platonic female. Now I spend time with women I would sleep with and women I would marry - usually one but not both, and never neither.
Poles are dead, bud. The PTB got mad and yanked my Plat. Poles are the one thing it's useful for, but I'm not paying for the privilege. If you want poles back, tell them to re-plat me. I'm good either way.

Nah, you're done. No more plat ever again.

Your days are numbered. I am plat now. You are not.
Well hey there, my African American British Canadian. What exotic dishes you must enjoy.
yea, getting old sucks ass.

I'm a first class cuck when it comes to anything involving my back. I rarely if ever deadlift over 225, or clean 185 for multiple reps.

back injuries at our age just take too god damn long to recover.
I like to use alternate units of measure.
For example, instead of "I rarely deadlift more than 225", substitute something that weighs about 225, as follows:

I rarely deadlift more than Jon Jones.

My goal is to deadlift Brock Lesnar by the end of the year
Anthony Johnson is not a good unit of measure
I don't think discussion of the events will be looked upon favorably, but suffice it to say that one is not to question the surreality of Yorkist being an African American British Canadian.

Whatever he is it rhymes with baguette
Can you explain the last part? I think most pro-choice people would say that there are reasonable limits to when in the pregnancy an abortion should be allowed, with exceptions based on medical emergencies.

Agreed, and it should be pointed out with modern medical advances such medical emergencies that threaten the mother are rare.

The main area of disagreement is how the argument is framed. The biological humanity of a fetus isn't the point to the pro-choice person, but rather whether or not the fetus's rights to the mother's uterus supersede the mother's right to decide if she wants to carry a child to term.

My response is two points -

One, modern medicine has allowed mothers to give birth to the baby within the beginning of the 3rd trimester and the baby has a very high survivability chance. This has made 3rd trimester abortion completely unnecessary.

As for 'the fetus's rights over the mother's womb' this is the only possible debate in which the (A) is acknowledged to have rights, but (B)'s rights are judged to have a higher priority, so (A) is executed.

Murders on death row have more rights than the unborn.

The most rational point for pro-choice with limits position is that the mother has the right to terminate the pregnancy until the fetus is viable, around 20-25 weeks, at which point, the fetus can begin to be considered its own entity rather than completely dependent on the mother.

This we can agree on, the restriction of abortions in the 3rd trimester.

But for pro-lifers such as myself, we consider 99.999% of the abortions committed in the country to be murder, including 1st and 2nd trimester abortions.

If you have a rigid belief that the embryo should have primacy over the mother, then you are welcome to defend that point, but you are going to have to eventually tackle the issue that such a policy has historically been shown to have some serious negative consequences on society.

Ok, I have an open mind about this.

What are these serious negative consequences to society?
No idea why they sided with the obvious lying troll, but that's par for the course here these days. Just work around it, they'll get sick of propping up trolls and liars eventually, and come to their senses. Or their body parts will start decaying, one of the two. There are some powerful gypsy spells in the mix now.

It's on video.
Only coworkers now, really, or friends of my wife. Plenty of people, depending on how close you mean but more than 10 for sure.

any adult who “doesn’t believe in it” is some kinda weirdo with a stunted emotional growth imo. Women are humans and I do not desire to fuck every single one of them even if I like them as a person.

I don't trust anything that bleeds for a week straight every month and doesn't die
Yo @Jack V Savage

Your hypothesis that I have little success on this forum is not holding up. Don't forget, you are also involved in some weird shit.
It's possible to be friends, but there is always that looming sex on the horizon. Unless the chick is obese or ugly as fuck.

Men are attracted by what they see, women are attracted by what they hear. On a spectrum of course, not absolute.

Spend enough time together, and you will meet the threshold for attraction one way or another. Someone will catch feelings.
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