War Room Lounge v189: Big-Time Nerd Quarrels

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They can't even stake a castle nut properly so I wonder what else they cut corners on.
My AR10 lower is a complete A2 fixed stock style one from them so I will likely have my LGS take a look at it when I take my upper to them to put the upper together. Anything with a gas system I tend to take to a gunsmith to be better safe than sorry.

I'm not going to let you buy me a game, Greg.

That's priceless
"Do you know who my dad is?"
"No, but I assume you're gonna tell me he's a lawyer and he'd likely disown you as soon as I tell him you drink White Claws as he has $500 bottles of Scotch"
TRUMP: i won the election. I got more votes and Biden got less
Rudy: you mean fewer
Trump: goddammit Rudy i've told you not to call me that in public!

(Apologies to @JDragon for the terrible pronunciation, but it will make sense to most English speaking Americans.)
My AR10 lower is a complete A2 fixed stock style one from them so I will likely have my LGS take a look at it when I take my upper to them to put the upper together. Anything with a gas system I tend to take to a gunsmith to be better safe than sorry.


"Do you know who my dad is?"
"No, but I assume you're gonna tell me he's a lawyer and he'd likely disown you as soon as I tell him you drink White Claws as he has $500 bottles of Scotch"

My favorite college experience (I didn't go to college, but I partied a lot) was actually hearing some dude tell me he was going to get his "daddy" (his word) to sue me after I slapped him a few times. My head was clean shaved and he kept trying to rub it. Must have warned him 5 or 6 times before I just slapped the shit out of him. He was drunk and thought I was kidding and reached for it again and got slapped again. He tried to act tough and then got slapped again. He threatened me with daddy's lawyers and got slapped 3 more times.
My favorite college experience (I didn't go to college, but I partied a lot) was actually hearing some dude tell me he was going to get his "daddy" (his word) to sue me after I slapped him a few times. My head was clean shaved and he kept trying to rub it. Must have warned him 5 or 6 times before I just slapped the shit out of him. He was drunk and thought I was kidding and reached for it again and got slapped again. He tried to act tough and then got slapped again. He threatened me with daddy's lawyers and got slapped 3 more times.
I've had one kid pull that on me when me and some other bouncer rather roughly threw him out.

"Go ahead and call him pussy, he'll probably tell us to beat your ass like he should have when you was a child"

He came back later that night and threw a full fucking fifth of Jack Daniels at us thinking he was clever and we couldn't see him. Nightclub across the street got in front of his car and we dragee his ass out of the car and deposited him in a garbage can and then called the cops.
I've had one kid pull that on me when me and some other bouncer rather roughly threw him out.

"Go ahead and call him pussy, he'll probably tell us to beat your ass like he should have when you was a child"

He came back later that night and threw a full fucking fifth of Jack Daniels at us thinking he was clever and we couldn't see him. Nightclub across the street got in front of his car and we dragee his ass out of the car and deposited him in a garbage can and then called the cops.

I don't want to say we could get away with a lot at the last bar I worked at but the owner invested in placing cameras literally EVERYWHERE on the building as he owned it so if we said we got swung on or someone pulled a bottle on us so that's why we cold clocked them and the guy was missing teeth and bleeding like a broken nose we had cameras to back us up.

Guy threatened to throw on us and then claim self defense if we beat his ass too much. Pointed to the cameras to him and told him we'd manipulate him into throwing first:
"You think I can't knock you down with a punch?"
"You could knock ONE of us down, then the other 5 are going to stomp a mudhole in your ass"
Speaking of nerd quarrels:

Dunno if y'all are familiar with the Bulwer-Lytton prize for the worst sentence, honoring the so bad it's good opening sentence of the novel beginning with "It was a dark and stormy night," but this gave me a big chuckle because of how much it reminded me of me,
"Gawker writer Richard Lawson tried to do the Bulwer-Lyttons one better, asking readers to try to outdo "the worst sentence in America." Jen Doll of the Village Voice found contenders from the day's news. (Her example: "Starbucks is serving chicken.") Here's the winner/loser of Lawson's contest--judge among the entrants yourself:

Noontime yesterday--or thereabouts--a rather mild diurne, if we do say so, considering the surrounding ones of oppressive heat and death, surely, of the elderly and probably, or possibly, more accurately, since we are not in possession of the statistics, stray cats--the pregnant ones, anyways, in their gravid multitudes--one Hamilton Nolan of The Gawker, at best a filthy truck stop plied by lousy (literally) goldbrickers and meth whores on the information superhighway--wrote of the 2010 Bulwer-Lytton Fiction contest, likening the announcement of its winner to a "bullhorn fart," or some such; lovelily enough, the competition is such that, but of course, The Gawker must--must--must--must!--feel compelled in cascading waterfalls of inexorability to publish a second dissertation on the results of said striving, this time implying that the fix was in, for easily, verily, a much worse sentence a man (or woman) could indite."

I liked this actual contest entry a lot as well,
"As Holmes, who had a nose for danger, quietly fingered the bloody knife and eyed the various body parts strewn along the dark, deserted highway, he placed his ear to the ground and, with his heart in his throat, silently mouthed to his companion, "Arm yourself, Watson, there is an evil hand afoot ahead.""


2020 Grand Prize
Her Dear John missive flapped unambiguously in the windy breeze, hanging like a pizza menu on the doorknob of my mind.

Awesome. I don't know if y'all agree, but this seems like something right up my alley. I believe I must submit some entries for next year. Hopefully I won't forget this time.
Speaking of nerd quarrels:

Dunno if y'all are familiar with the Bulwer-Lytton prize for the worst sentence, honoring the so bad it's good opening sentence of the novel beginning with "It was a dark and stormy night," but this gave me a big chuckle because of how much it reminded me of me,
"Gawker writer Richard Lawson tried to do the Bulwer-Lyttons one better, asking readers to try to outdo "the worst sentence in America." Jen Doll of the Village Voice found contenders from the day's news. (Her example: "Starbucks is serving chicken.") Here's the winner/loser of Lawson's contest--judge among the entrants yourself:

Noontime yesterday--or thereabouts--a rather mild diurne, if we do say so, considering the surrounding ones of oppressive heat and death, surely, of the elderly and probably, or possibly, more accurately, since we are not in possession of the statistics, stray cats--the pregnant ones, anyways, in their gravid multitudes--one Hamilton Nolan of The Gawker, at best a filthy truck stop plied by lousy (literally) goldbrickers and meth whores on the information superhighway--wrote of the 2010 Bulwer-Lytton Fiction contest, likening the announcement of its winner to a "bullhorn fart," or some such; lovelily enough, the competition is such that, but of course, The Gawker must--must--must--must!--feel compelled in cascading waterfalls of inexorability to publish a second dissertation on the results of said striving, this time implying that the fix was in, for easily, verily, a much worse sentence a man (or woman) could indite."

I liked this actual contest entry a lot as well,
"As Holmes, who had a nose for danger, quietly fingered the bloody knife and eyed the various body parts strewn along the dark, deserted highway, he placed his ear to the ground and, with his heart in his throat, silently mouthed to his companion, "Arm yourself, Watson, there is an evil hand afoot ahead.""


2020 Grand Prize
Her Dear John missive flapped unambiguously in the windy breeze, hanging like a pizza menu on the doorknob of my mind.

Awesome. I don't know if y'all agree, but this seems like something right up my alley. I believe I must submit some entries for next year. Hopefully I won't forget this time.

What the fuck did you just make me read?

Tucker for the last 4-5 years has been focused on giving a working class fake-populist message.

The working class Trumpists eat it up.

Hannity is more of a typical Fox shill and has gotten into arguments with Tucker on air during their handoffs.

This is why people hate lawyters. This woman sued because her daughter chocked on a pancake on the grounds that "the university had approved the event despite the dangers of quickly eating pancakes because of their thickness." The lawyer and mother got paid and I am sorry for her loss but come on.


The mother of a college student who died following a pancake eating competition has dropped her lawsuit against the school.

Caitlin Nelson, 20, died three days after choking during the charity fundraiser at Connecticut’s Sacred Heart University in 2017.

Her mother, Rosanne Nelson, had filed a wrongful death lawsuit against the university but withdrew it after a settlement was reached.
all the gyms in my county are closing AGAIN.
46 ppl were hospitalized recently....
in a county of 1.1 million people.

health nazis.
This is why people hate lawyters. This woman sued because her daughter chocked on a pancake on the grounds that "the university had approved the event despite the dangers of quickly eating pancakes because of their thickness." The lawyer and mother got paid and I am sorry for her loss but come on.


The mother of a college student who died following a pancake eating competition has dropped her lawsuit against the school.

Caitlin Nelson, 20, died three days after choking during the charity fundraiser at Connecticut’s Sacred Heart University in 2017.

Her mother, Rosanne Nelson, had filed a wrongful death lawsuit against the university but withdrew it after a settlement was reached.

Is that the whole story? I remember the McDonald's hot coffee incident being the butt of a joke for a long time until I found out what really happened.

We all knew Trump used spray tan and dyed his hair, but did any of us suspect that he applied both DAILY?

We all knew Trump used spray tan and dyed his hair, but did any of us suspect that he applied both DAILY?

Look at the colour of the suits. Unless I were to see actual footage of the event I wouldn't have any confidence this is real. Just my 2 cents.
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