War Room Lounge v170: I don't read threads by NordicWarrior1888 and ArmedandReadyToStartFiring

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I have low level, little to no complexity discussions on this site with people where I hope I'm being trolled, because otherwise, what the fuck. What hope can I have in this world to get better.

It's not like I'm some genius or anything either.

I think I need to just leave this site behind. Motherfuckers here are depressing.

I hope this helps give you perspective:

I just read your posts in disbelief, like how is he not getting this.

The answer is because you weren't making any sense, despite your claims of making sense. You're just mad that I deconstructed your bullshit.

Walk away though, buddy. If the video game forum is too much for you to handle, it's best to just tap out. Don't want you to suffer a mental breakdown or anything. You got a retirement speech, or what?
To be fair to myself, I think losing faith in humanity after having a discussion with Heretic is quite reasoanble.
I think it's time we talked about how overrated Poe is.

But seriously, it's not just you, it's him.
Man, I'm crushing spirits at a record pace.

If I'm the bane of your outlook on humanity or life, YOU have problems. Not me.
Oh, I completely think it possible some of these people backtracked on what they meant. My point though is even in some keys situations where people went full retard, they either changed their stance (without claiming it was ever what they said) or realized what other people meant and hit the brakes on it. I just think the majority of officials are sensible and know the different between understandable rage and reasonable policy. Even the ones who really thought they could do that seemed to quickly find out that isn’t a good idea and backtracked.

Yea and yea, a lot likely amplified by the emotional impact of the moment too. Maybe they saw an opportunity to pounce, maybe they were influenced by the emotions of the moment, maybe they thought about it afterwards like heyyyy this is silly. A 9-3 and then the commissions 10-5 counter show it wasn't as clear cut both ways. I didn't know there were leaked texts though that highlight a bit of infighting about it even at first, that was interesting. If anything this might be a good example of why legislation should always take a bit of time to develop to ensure it's the best course. Gave everyone time to cool off a bit and pretty much say, "hey, let's pivot a bit to a better position".
I think it's time we talked about how overrated Poe is.

But seriously, it's not just you, it's him.
well, he's no Coleridge or Wordsworth, but who is.
I just read your posts in disbelief, like how is he not getting this. And why is he so smug when he doesn't get it. And then I start to think, well, if he can't get this, what does he get? How many people here are like him? Then I start to think back, and the last time I was this confused and exasperated was talking about sports with Foster. He was probably trolling, but at the same time I'd seen him be serious and it felt the same before so I could not tell. And it was troubling.

That's how I see you. More like a worrying trend and cause to reflect about why I am spending time here. It's not so much about you as it is about me. So, I guess congrats?

Okay, so I went and looked at that conversation for the hell of it. And, yes, you were making a very simple point about IP exclusivity that Heretic refused to acknowledge. You're saying you are annoyed by the extra costs/hassles that consumers will incur for access. He's saying that you still have the access so stop bitching. I wouldn't say that he's "trolling" so much as he's just being who he is. I'm sure he realizes the validity of your concern but lacks the courage to concede that he entered the discussion to validate that concern by the amount of annoyance that it causes others. It's a sad, sadistic sort of thing, but you've been around here long enough to know him as a person. It's like Ben Shapiro responding to persons fretting about their coastal communities being put underwater by rising sea levels with "just sell your house and move." Obviously he knows that's not a logical response, but it's not about addressing that person's position: it's about ridiculing their anxiety over it.

To be fair to myself, I think losing faith in humanity after having a discussion with Heretic is quite reasoanble.

Oh, no doubt about it. He doesn't specifically cause me much existential grief because I don't think he's a typical sort of jerk. I'm more disgusted by posters here whose shittiness is more common
None of these fights so far I'm finding captivating.
Yea and yea, a lot likely amplified by the emotional impact of the moment too. Maybe they saw an opportunity to pounce, maybe they were influenced by the emotions of the moment, maybe they thought about it afterwards like heyyyy this is silly. A 9-3 and then the commissions 10-5 counter show it wasn't as clear cut both ways. I didn't know there were leaked texts though that highlight a bit of infighting about it even at first, that was interesting. If anything this might be a good example of why legislation should always take a bit of time to develop to ensure it's the best course. Gave everyone time to cool off a bit and pretty much say, "hey, let's pivot a bit to a better position".

Yea, this is why I don't like the idea of mob rule inspiring change. It's completely possible it can but from what I see each time an event like this occurs, the discussion doesn't shift to real policies. It just becomes stupid arguments that don't actually result in anything. Like kneeling/standing for the anthem or BLM/ALM just allows people who think they like politics to argue about nothing of substance. It keeps people riled up at each other but has no end goal other than making people feel divided with one another. Part of that is about legislation though. I can agree that a local community has limited options in expressing their outrage for corruption or injustice. They ultimately can work to get those in power voted out but that takes time, planning, energy, etc. My biggest gripe with those situations is nationalizing them because it comes at the expense of that community being just one small element of how things should happen.

I don't know how it all played out but we should be happy it didn't go off a cliff. I haven't really liked the focus of most headlines this year but after seeing some of these events play out, there is a much much bigger fault line I hadn't initially noticed with law & order/ justice between the two parties. I don't know if it's always there or it just creeps out during downturns like this.
Okay, so I went and looked at that conversation for the hell of it. And, yes, you were making a very simple point about IP exclusivity that Heretic refused to acknowledge. You're saying you are annoyed by the extra costs/hassles that consumers will incur for access. He's saying that you still have the access so stop bitching. I wouldn't say that he's "trolling" so much as he's just being who he is. I'm sure he realizes the validity of your concern but lacks the courage to concede that he entered the discussion to validate that concern by the amount of annoyance that it causes others. It's a sad, sadistic sort of thing, but you've been around here long enough to know him as a person. It's like Ben Shapiro responding to persons fretting about their coastal communities being put underwater by rising sea levels with "just sell your house and move." Obviously he knows that's not a logical response, but it's not about addressing that person's position: it's about ridiculing their anxiety over it.

Oh, no doubt about it. He doesn't specifically cause me much existential grief because I don't think he's a typical sort of jerk. I'm more disgusted by posters here whose shittiness is more common
not gonna lie, I was trolling and being hyperbolic when I brought the comment in here and subsequent posts. Wasn't expecting you take it as seriously enough to read through that shit heap and provide me honest counsel. The effort and sacrifice of your time is appreciated however, trying to save me from myself and all. But I'm good. lol.

I bowed out of that VG thread because I knew what he was doing in the end.

This is to save anyone else from going through that thread, not worth it. I thought I'd be funnier than it was.
Okay, so I went and looked at that conversation for the hell of it.

LOL, of course you did.

And, yes, you were making a very simple point about IP exclusivity that Heretic refused to acknowledge. You're saying you are annoyed by the extra costs/hassles that consumers will incur for access.

Explain the "extra costs" that weren't already there, Trots.

He's saying that you still have the access so stop bitching. I wouldn't say that he's "trolling" so much as he's just being who he is. I'm sure he realizes the validity of your concern but lacks the courage to concede that he entered the discussion to validate that concern by the amount of annoyance that it causes others.

Who are the "others", Trots?

It's a sad, sadistic sort of thing

LOL, and you wonder why Liberals are looked at as insane. "Sadistic"...LOL.

but you've been around here long enough to know him as a person. It's like Ben Shapiro responding to persons fretting about their coastal communities being put underwater by rising sea levels with "just sell your house and move." Obviously he knows that's not a logical response, but it's not about addressing that person's position: it's about ridiculing their anxiety over it.

Ridiculing hysterical and hypocritical anxiety over it, yes.
not gonna lie, I was trolling and being hyperbolic when I brought the comment in here and subsequent posts. Wasn't expecting you take it as seriously enough to read through that shit heap and provide me honest counsel. The effort and sacrifice of your time is appreciated however, trying to save me from myself and all. But I'm good. lol.

This is to save anyone else from going through that thread, not worth it.

Don't minimize how you feel. Bury your weepy eyes into my warm, welcoming bosom.

None of these fights so far I'm finding captivating.

It's a top-heavy card.

The headliners should be hot fire but these others suck. Freakin' flyweights? Even regular manlets call flyweights manlets.
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