War Room Lounge v130: How many gat balls it hold? How many yeeter skeeters does it pew

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Nice transition to outright homophobia. You're a real piece of work.

Your political arguments aren't that special, they're just kind of dumb and pigheaded.

And your location used to be, quite literally, "I wrote a book!", so yeah, "Hur dur, you wrote a cringeworthy fan fiction book" seems relevant.

Yes the fact that I wrote a book (which is all you've talked about across several topics by the way, stalker) is relevant to the fact that James Mattis is a closet tranny.

Why am I even arguing with you about any book at all? You don't read books you're a fuckin ape.
"Everyone I don't like is gay"
-a webnovella by holic

Your political argument was "mattis gay"

Really proving yourself to not have a hard on for your friend there.
And your location used to be, quite literally, "I wrote a book!"

Wait a second, did you screenshot this? Did you commit my previous location to MEMORY?

Jesus fucking christ you really are obsessed. Don't Kathy Bates me bro, please.
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