Social War Room Lounge Thread #321 - welcome to the pussy lounge

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There are levels Mr. Capp, you will know these levels and you will achieve unbelievable dimensions to your taste. Your tongue won't comprehend such a delicacy....

I assume the cooking duties chez nous here and there; perhaps we'll see what level I'm starting at :)

Maybe the current generation isn't so bad after all.
Bacon and onion wrapped chicken livers are pretty decent. Beef liver can kick rocks
Never had bacon and onion wrapped chicken livers but would try. Sounds good. Maybe I need to revisit livers. Its been some years now. Never tried beef liver. Chicken is big enough.
Never had bacon and onion wrapped chicken livers but would try. Sounds good. Maybe I need to revisit livers. Its been some years now. Never tried beef liver. Chicken is big enough.
To me, if you haven't tried beef liver, you haven't really tried liver :)
To me, if you haven't tried beef liver, you haven't really tried liver :)
Interesting. Really? Not sure why my mom preferred chicken but its all I remember growing up. My tastes have changed a lot and its been years since I've had liver of any kind but I'd be game to try it from a good spot. Does beef taste very different than chicken?
Interesting. Really? Not sure why my mom preferred chicken but its all I remember growing up. My tastes have changed a lot and its been years since I've had liver of any kind but I'd be game to try it from a good spot. Does beef taste very different than chicken?
Way different. Its insanely more strong tasting, and only suitable for a dog’s consumption…

seriously though. It has too much of a minerally/organy flavor for many. Most try that first, and it turns them off of liver and offal in general. I think people should always try chicken liver first, and go from there. You might enjoy it though. Never know.
Way different. Its insanely more strong tasting, and only suitable for a dog’s consumption…

seriously though. It has too much of a minerally/organy flavor for many. Most try that first, and it turns them off of liver and offal in general. I think people should always try chicken liver first, and go from there. You might enjoy it though. Never know.
I think it's a shame so many have had poor experiences with it on account of it being so hard to get just right. There's only a small margin of well prepared in between over and under-done. Or perhaps you've had it prepared well and it's just not your thing--that's ok too. I've been eating it since I was a little kid so possibly it's an acquired taste too.
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I think it's a shame so many have had poor experiences with it on account if it being so hard to get just right. There's only a small margin of well prepared in between over and under-done. Or perhaps you've had it prepared well and it's just not your thing--that's ok too. I've been eating it since I was a little kid so possibly it's an acquired taste too.
Yeah, like music, we like what we like.

I’ve had it countless times growing up, by many people, and I just don’t dig it. Try as they might, it’s just too much, though others ate the same ones and loved it. I’ll take that over brains though… We had to eat all sorts of cheap and nasty crap growing up.
Yeah, like music, we like what we like.

I’ve had it countless times growing up, by many people, and I just don’t dig it. Try as they might, it’s just too much, though others ate the same ones and loved it. I’ll take that over brains though… We had to eat all sorts of cheap and nasty crap growing up.
Roger that. I'm from a big family and you took what was on the go or you did without :)

I have a prediction and a vision.

Biden will be replaced as the democrat candidate for President. Not sure if he serves out his presidency. That seems irrelevant because Harris is a dope.

It will be Hillary Clinton. She wants it big time, has the experience and has a better chance than any other dem. Her VP will be Big Mike Obama.

Trump's VP will be general Flynn.

The vision, based upon chapter 11 of the book of Relevation.

Hints: Trump and Flynn are the two witnesses. There will be an assassination attempt on both of them at the same time. They will be hospitalized in critical condition. Their enemies will celebrate. Three days later, Trump and Flynn have survived. Then all kinds of bad things happen to the adversary and his dark minions.
Was reading today in Reason (roundup) about neo-Puritanism, alive and well in woke and cancel culture.
Based of course, on HL Mencken’s definition of puritanism: “ the sneaking suspicion that someone somewhere is actually happy.”
…and how to ruin it! one might add.
@senri has no such distraction as he vibrates on a higher frequency than most of us.
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