Walmart vs. Target

Walmart or Target

  • Walmart

  • Target

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we had a target here but i never got the point of it. they had all the same stuff as any other store, with the same prices (if not more expensive). i just never bothered with it. tho i did buy a funky ninja turtles shirt there, lmao, but eh.

then they all closed down in canada. but it was no big loss.

i remember when they were having their clearance sales, and everyone was like oh yeah we gonna get so much cheap shit . . .

brb, $2 off xD
im not a big shopper of walmart either. but they have a better selection for vegetarian food so i go for that.
Target's awesome and cooler but has limited product availability and is generally more expensive.

It's pretty annoying how much people complain about Walmart. Like, you go there to buy underwear and potato chips, why are you so rustled that fat or poor people go there?

you know, despite having lived in some shit areas, ive never been to a walmart even half as bad as people say they are. theres no abundance of fat ppl or white trash, i mean if anything theres a lot of slowpoke old people, and the same amount of fat ppl that are anywhere else in the town. stores are always clean with friendly staff too.

and ew, stop buyin cheap pannies >:/
I prefer Target it's more upscale and doesn't degrade the community and property values like Walmart does. Granted Walmart has cheaper prices but it's heavily offset by all the downsides. Walmart is the type of place where someone would buy some quarts of motor oil or a bulb for their headlight, upon leaving the story they would immediately start working on their car in the parking lot. Walmart is also the type of place where you'll be walking around and see like 2-3 year old kids just running around the store with parents no where in sight, it's like they want their child kidnapped. I have gone to a Walmart once in the past three years, 3PM on Black Friday. I had to buy something that could not wait and it was the nearest place. I went into the store, the place looked demolished everything was on the floor, clothes weren't even on their hangers, just lying on the floor, empty chip bags were littered all over the place. Employees were walking around dead in the eyes like they were experiencing PTSD.
Walmart seems to have better prices, maybe wider variety. Target has cheaper ice cream when on sale. I like 24/7 hours for Walmart.
Lol. Walmart has garbage produce and meat. I prefer target. I go into wal mart, sparingly. If I need something I cannot find anywhere else and I think Wal Mart has it I will step in that store.
Target by a mile. Walmart is full of the lowest dregs of society. Been to quite a few, but my all time favorite was Downtown Long Beach. Cashier was high as fuck (definitely not weed), shit everywhere, the feeling that you could get stabbed at any moment, and of course all the lovely Walmart clientele.

Attractive women, clean stores > Slightly cheaper prices, mutants
Target by a mile. Walmart is full of the lowest dregs of society. Been to quite a few, but my all time favorite was Downtown Long Beach. Cashier was high as fuck (definitely not weed), shit everywhere, the feeling that you could get stabbed at any moment, and of course all the lovely Walmart clientele.

Attractive women, clean stores > Slightly cheaper prices, mutants

I've been in that Walmart and yeah that's a real shitty Walmart right there.

You need to check out a super Walmart son!!!
Target is cleaner and the employees are always helpful where as wal mart always looks dull and the employees suck. Even still, you can't beat their prices.

Wal Mart by split decision
The experience at target is better, plus the environment, but overall the product quality is about the same, usually I'll go to Walmart though.
You are comparing apples and oranges. Take clothes for instance, higher quality in Target. But for other things it's the same shit.

Also the clientele I find to be different too. I still remember that woman in the short bobby skirt in Target and how I ended up right behind her when she left the store and there was this big gust of wind and lets just say, I then knew she was NOT wearing underwear. NICE!
target, cause it's clean lol
walmart has a weird aura, it's much cheaper tho
I have both w/in 2 miles of my house... I pretty much always go to Target because it is less chaotic and there are far less trashy people there.
I'm in Canada so its Walmart for me. Target was a disappointment over here.
I'm in Canada so its Walmart for me. Target was a disappointment over here.

I have friends (one is from Canada but lives in the US) and his wife whom is American when they visited his folks in Canada the female (whom is American) even said the Canada Walmart is a lot better than any version of the American Walmart.
I have friends (one is from Canada but lives in the US) and his wife whom is American when they visited his folks in Canada the female (whom is American) even said the Canada Walmart is a lot better than any version of the American Walmart.


When I went down to the US last year; In terms of products, Walmart USA had alot more variety and cheaper prices. eg. 3-5 more different flavors of poptarts which we never get here and roughly 1/3 cheaper. Gatorade 2L (64oz) for the same price as 1L over here.

I guess maybe its the consumer environment thats better over here. I haven't noticed the whole "People of Walmart" over here.
Wal Mart is open 24 hrs a day which is a plus. Yep, parking lots can be a mini war zone but them's the breaks for wanting to buy cheaper stuff ya don't really need.