Elections VP Harris Promoted a FreedomFund To Bail Rioters/Protestors 4 years ago

Yep. Stick to Harris 2016-now. Her politics and rhetoric are swing state poison if we don’t let her run from it by focusing on who’s dick she sucked in the 90’s or that time Gabbard embarrassed her on TV.

Harris has never had to appeal to a general swath of voters before. Her whole career has been exclusively playing for votes of coastal progressives.

I’ve seen some republicans online rallying behind that Tulsi Gabbard clip that destroyed Harris..in a democratic primary.

I’d advise against Republicans using that. It’s embarrassing for her because it didn’t match her post George Floyd rhetoric at the time but that’s hardly a concern to us…

Of course her tenure as a prosecutor saw her disproportionately prosecuting and jailing those disproportionately more likely to commit crime.

Let’s not accuse her of doing her job.
Great post. Harris is more than just an unlikeable ditz with an annoying laugh. Her fund bailed out murderers and rapists to go reoffend again under the guise of a "racial reckoning" that nobody needed. She used Jussie Smollett's fake racism hoax to promote a useless anti-lynching bill, and many think she had advance notice of his scheme. She also whined about Kyle Rittenhouse being found innocent as a sign that the criminal justice system wasn't "equitable." She's an evil, divisive person who will be exposed now that she's in a competitive race for the first time in her life.
You are really reaching here. Trump facillitated the riot, Harris did not. Also, nobody charged with crimes got off scotch free. It is the whole innocent until proven guilty thing that you cried about before Trump got his felonies and fined for sexual abuse.....

Moreover, It is not "funding domestic terrorism", do you understand the purpose of bails? If there was a severe concern for reoffense, the judge would take that into consideration during the hearing.
You mean those charges agaisnt Trump that seem to look are more politically motivated and the Biden campaign tried to use charges agaisnt Trump during the election?

fined for sexual abuse
Having Hunter Biden after been charged during the white house during with the white house private meeting is ok?

Hunter Biden has joined White House meetings as he stays close to the president post-debate
You mean those charges agaisnt Trump that seem to look are more politically motivated and the Biden campaign tried to use charges agaisnt Trump during the election?
You have any proof of the Biden campaign arranging the charges for the election season time specifically or is this just what you feel?

His sexual abuse liability was filed in 2023.

Trump's Jan. 6th indictment was filed in 2023 too.

The felonies transpired closest to election season. But if you are going to run on the Biden adminstration taking part on that. Wouldn't you think that they would try releasing the sexual abuse liability and Jan. 6th indictments all in 2024 to make him look bad when it matter most for them?
Having Hunter Biden after been charged during the white house during with the white house private meeting is ok?

Hunter Biden has joined White House meetings as he stays close to the president post-debate
Hunter had no business being there. I don't know what that has to do with anything here though.
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He was also 'tough on crime' with this pardon of a drug dealer that scuppered an investigation.

Naturally the concern about 'drugs' is only serious if it involves the fabled border, not drug barons who flee the country.
Don't kid yourself . Kamaltoes put her fair share of people in jail. She isn't even close to breaking even.
Little early for these attacks.

Don't get all frantic and worried. It's Kamala Harris. This little honeymoon will be over very shortly.
Yep. Now look at all of the pieces of shit trump pardoned who were found guilty. Murderers even. But they killed brown people. So it’s okay I guess
You're really doing this again? I remember you guys foaming at the mouth over her tweeting some org that was bailing out protestors during BLM.
When REGULAR folks break the law, they often get locked up, and need to post bail to be released prior to trial, or even during the appeals process.
Some REGULAR folks don't have the means to post bail.

When Trump/Navarro/Bannon break the law, they either don't have to post bail (ROR) for Trump and Navarro (2022 but he DID have to post bail in 2019... he's a recurring shitbag)
or it is something they can easily manage (Bannon).

I guess only rich people deserve bail? Like, if you're not rich enough, don't do the crime right? If you're not rich enough, don't protest.... does that sound American to you?

That's OK with you chucklefucks? As a former prosecutor, Kamala is very familiar with the inequities of the legal system, and she supported a bail initiative.

Cry more, chuds.

lol… chud is so 2022 bro

You have any proof of the Biden campaign arranging the charges for the election season time specifically or is this just what you feel?

His sexual abuse liability was filed in 2023.

Trump's Jan. 6th indictment was filed in 2023 too.

The felonies transpired closest to election season. But if you are going to run on the Biden adminstration taking part on that. Wouldn't you think that they would try releasing the sexual abuse liability and Jan. 6th indictments all in 2024 to make him look bad when it matter most for them?

Hunter had no business being there. I don't know what that has to do with anything here though.
His sexual abuse liability was filed in 2023.
Political motivated.
If this person was not named "Trump" things would have played out different.
Yeah I remember Steve Carell retweeted this and donated a bunch of money to them. The ironic part is I highly doubt he would want them running around in whatever gated community he lives in.
lol… chud is so 2022 bro

It's not Guilty until proven Guilty, right?

The inequity of imprisonment pre-trial based on income is antithetical to a system that purports to idealize equality. If the offender is such a high risk to public safety, there should be no bail granted in the first place.

Be that as it may, I'm sure there's a thread somewhere else in this shit heap re: Bail reform., I wouldn't want to derail y'all's coping &/or seething.

The next President of the United states of America will be a Black Woman?
Good Times.
Why is the thread about Kamala's bail promotion during the riots now about Trump more than Kamala? How does that even happen?