Vendetta: State Of Colorado Goes After Cake Maker Jack Phillips Again

And the culture wars roll on.

Fuck it. I'm going to drink heavily and visualize my own death for a while. It's preferable to this bullshit.
Right, I understand the notion that some people find parts of the Bible hateful. I'm trying to square that with your view that being religious, which I take in this context to mean being Chrsitian, as not being hateful. Is it only if they agree with the parts you find acceptable?

There's a lot of violence and hate in the bible, particularly if we go Old Testament. There's no need to play games, some of the scripture is pretty unambiguous. Most people don't find talk of discrimination and stoning people to death acceptable.

Also, of course interpretations vary widely, however, a large majority of Christians, and Muslims, agree with interpretation that the Bible sees homosexual behavior as sinful. This is the most reasonable interpretation of the texts, and anyone familiar with the arguments can see that those suggesting otherwise are way out on a limb.

But not all religious people have a problem with homosexuals, some not at all. Whether it's going out on a limb to not be bigoted is irrelevant. Religion is a personal belief and should be treated as such. People use religion to justify good and bad behavior. I won't even bother listing examples.

A homosexual wedding isn't a person either, it is a form of celebration, much like Halloween. It is a good analog. The facts in play demonstrate that the baker does not have a problem doing business with people who are homosexual, but he will not participate even obliquely in certain events, include homosexual weddings and Halloween.

A homosexual wedding is a legally recognized union between two people exactly the same as a heterosexual wedding. It's not a holiday.

To your knowledge. So based on your knowledge, we should use the apparatus of the state to crush businesses that don't comply with your view? That is what is being attempted here.

You are literally making the same argument that racists made against desegregation.

I am happy you have the right to disagree with Christians. I'd be even happier if you were willing to extend that right to Christians. Not long ago, tolerance was considered an important civic virtue.

That framing. They're being asked to treat people different than them as humans and their privilege has eroded. They are not and never have been a marginalized group in the US.

No it wasn't. All through US history tolerance was never a civic virtue. Not if you were black, brown, gay, a woman, Irish (for a time), indigenous, an immigrant (despite... ya know), etc. This country was literally founded in white supremacy, patriarchy, slavery, theft, and genocide. Women have only had the right to vote for about a century, dark skinned people have only been considered equal to white people in the eyes of the law for a few decades (within our parents' lifetimes - that ain't that long), gay people couldn't get married until five years ago (not to mention in times past they could be killed simply for existing), and there's still stigma around people who don't believe in god. They all had to fight for generations to be treated as humans. Where the hell has all this tolerance and civic virtue been hiding? That is some powerful ignorance. I don't mean ignorance as a pejorative either, I mean that is literally ignorant.

There's some great things about the US, but it has been very intolerant.
Deut 22:5
A woman must not wear men's clothing, nor a man wear women's clothing, for the LORD your God detests anyone who does this.


A homosexual wedding is a legally recognized union between two people exactly the same as a heterosexual wedding. It's not a holiday.

1. I never called it a holiday. I said it is not a person. You keep insisting that the baker's discrimination is aimed at homosexuals as people, which is clearly not so. The man tried to sell the couple a cake. From what we know, he's more than happy to do business with anybody. Where he draws the lines is being involved in certain kinds of events: Halloween, gay weddings. The analogy between gay weddings and Halloween in this case is obviously not that they are both holidays, but that both offend his religious sensibilities.

The baker should sell cakes to gay couples. He does so. The baker should not, and thus far is not, required to participate in their wedding by designing a custom cake for them. He's allowed to think they are wrong.

The real issue here, as confirmed by the Supreme Court, is the overt hostility toward Christianity characterizing the Colorado Civil Rights Commission's handling of this entire affair.
And the culture wars roll on.

Fuck it. I'm going to drink heavily and visualize my own death for a while. It's preferable to this bullshit.
Just stick to drinking heavily. Leave the other part out.
The Bible has bad stuff in it? That just sounds crazy.

The bad thing here is a lawyer chasing someone for not wanting to make a cake for a gay wedding.
Isn’t it common for different groups to support their group? Go to a gay baker

This screams of LOOK AT ME!!!!!’
He is refusing based on gender and sexual orientation. Put another way; a couple walk in, one white one black. They want a black and white cake or something like that, sort of symbolizing their union, baker will make them a "normal" cake but refuses black and white based on his personal beliefs (that is what religious beliefs are) that people of different skin colors shouldn't marry - clear cut racial discrimination. The reasoning remains the same either way.

Shitty example, here is why - the Islamic baker wouldn't even carry the ingredients for those cakes. That would be like saying a vegan restaurant is discriminating for not making a steak, or a fish restaurant is discriminating for not carrying beef. Etc. Edit: Even if you're referring to making a cake that looks like chocolate or bacon, it's still not the same; human orientations do not include bacon and chocolate.

P u b l i c

b u s i n e s s.

You are openly advocating for the ability to discriminate based on race, ethnicity, gender/sex, sexual orientation, etc. There was a little thing called The Civil Rights Act that addressed this decades ago.

By the way, slave labor and stripping of freedom were quintessentially American for hundreds of years.

I am as sweet as chocolate
How does Christian belief bear on transgender issues?

It seems to me there are some here pursuing a precedent where "religious belief" becomes a catch-all to avoid established civil law when an individual doesn't care for it. What's next? Serving a black couple violates someone's "religious beliefs"? I'm sure some asshole will try to found a religion that forwards that theology.

This is extremely dicey.
Agreed. I remember this question being asked in the War Room: Would you expect a Holocaust survivor to serve a cake to a Nazi?

My answer: YES

Do your job unless your customers break the law or store rules. A religious Christian HAS to serve gay people. And gay people HAVE to serve an anti-gay Christian. Just do your fucking job. Discrimination can't be allowed from any side.
This case is different from others because we're talking about custom cakes. The man is happy to sell LGBTBBQ members cakes off the shelf however he won't accept a special request that involves spending hours decorating a cake from scratch about a theme he disagrees with. It's like if you went to an artist and told them that you wanted to commission them into making something that disgusts them or something they don't feel comfortable painting, and the artist refused. Forcing them to do it would be mandated labour, that's fucked up. Protected classes in the context of mandated labour wouldn't even make sense, are you going to go to an artist who's an atheist and force them to draw them to draw pictures of Jesus Christ? That's why the courts went in favour of him.

Did the cake maker have a store rule stating that what special cake he designs is up to him? Seriously asking.
Just make the cake but make it fucking horribly
Yeh and when the poof complains keep trolling him with shit cakes like one of those photoshop fails. Could even make a thread about it ''poof cake fails"
How does Christian belief bear on transgender issues?

It seems to me there are some here pursuing a precedent where "religious belief" becomes a catch-all to avoid established civil law when an individual doesn't care for it. What's next? Serving a black couple violates someone's "religious beliefs"? I'm sure some asshole will try to found a religion that forwards that theology.

This is extremely dicey.
Religious beliefs are protected though. I don't believe homosexuality and trans people are. He has a right to not serve those who conflict with his belief so long as its not refusal based on race or nationality.
What happaned to treating gay people badly and not having any backlash. I miss the 80s
This case is different from others because we're talking about custom cakes. The man is happy to sell LGBTBBQ members cakes off the shelf however he won't accept a special request that involves spending hours decorating a cake from scratch about a theme he disagrees with.

This so much. They’re not denying service to gays. They’re declining to create certain custom products.

And that is explicitly harassment going after this particular baker to make a tranny cake

I hope they can sue the state and Colorado takes it up the ass for this round
How does Christian belief bear on transgender issues?

It seems to me there are some here pursuing a precedent where "religious belief" becomes a catch-all to avoid established civil law when an individual doesn't care for it. What's next? Serving a black couple violates someone's "religious beliefs"? I'm sure some asshole will try to found a religion that forwards that theology.

This is extremely dicey.

I don't particularly agree with his views, but Christians tend to believe that anything "God" created should be left "as is" I think. So it makes perfect sense to me that the cake maker would be conflicted. Not to mention the fact that he's probably well aware that these requests are publicity stunts given the notoriety of his business.

I don't like your analogy with black people either, when was the last time a religious claim was made for racism?
How does Christian belief bear on transgender issues?

It seems to me there are some here pursuing a precedent where "religious belief" becomes a catch-all to avoid established civil law when an individual doesn't care for it. What's next? Serving a black couple violates someone's "religious beliefs"? I'm sure some asshole will try to found a religion that forwards that theology.

This is extremely dicey.

I think people should be cautious when trying to conflate the trans movement with the black civil rights movement. One is a mutable, the other is not.

My biggest annoyance comes from the brood parasitism of the trans cultists as they hitch their wagon to the PoC/Womens rights hoss, and then claim equivilence with their state sanctioned cosplay.

I have no hard eveidence to back up my claim, but i predict an over-correction in the coming years. Free will will become the new counter-culture.
I am going to set up a cake shop in Colorado, because apparently there is only 1 place in the whole state to get a cake.
Deut 22:5
A woman must not wear men's clothing, nor a man wear women's clothing, for the LORD your God detests anyone who does this.

Y'all christians really need to make up your minds as to whether Deuteronomy is still binding or not. Because there's some pretty unsavoury shit in there.

This is HARAM!

...but I'll allow it.

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