Update on the sandwich deli girl

It is the opinion of me, and everyone else here who has had actual life experience.

Now, why do you think that is?
That's not true. There are people here with life experience who are certainly NOT saying that.

A lot of sherdoggers, myself included, love a good zinger. It's good for likes and chuckles. Admitting that I have a crush on my deli girl is just begging for sherbros to poke fun about how I am so crazily obsessed with her. It's all in good fun. I look forward to more ramblings from you.
Stalk her... find out what she likes. Baseball games, ballet, and then get two tickets to the best upcoming event. Make it to the deli the week before and tell her, that you have two tickets to the ????? and you had to break it off with Emily Ratajowski, because she wanted you to move to Europe and you're not down. Also, that Emily doesn't like ????? which you do. Sooooo... I have this extra ticket. If you get caught stalking her, you're a creep and you will be standing out in front of said event scalping those tickets. May be worth it?
I do ok there. You're probably better looking than me but I'm 6'2 so I have that going for me. My old mentor was a short Hispanic guy who could easily kick my ass as well as the majority of guys in general. He was way better with women but I like to think that I learned some of his charisma during the mentorship.
Are you Hispanic? I don't know where you live. But back in the day, In my neck of the woods, everyone was mostly white. There was this hispanic chick i liked in school, we messed around, but she didn't want anyone to know because of the racial tension. It's probably not appropriate to talk about it, so im going to leave it at this.
Are you Hispanic? I don't know where you live. But back in the day, In my neck of the woods, everyone was mostly white. There was this hispanic chick i liked in school, we messed around, but she didn't want anyone to know because of the racial tension. It's probably not appropriate to talk about it, so im going to leave it at this.
I am not Hispanic, no. That's messed up that people would be tense over that.
That's not true. There are people here with life experience who are certainly NOT saying that.

A lot of sherdoggers, myself included, love a good zinger. It's good for likes and chuckles. Admitting that I have a crush on my deli girl is just begging for sherbros to poke fun about how I am so crazily obsessed with her. It's all in good fun. I look forward to more ramblings from you.
Those are sherdoggers who are teenagers or in their early twenties. If they’re any older, I promise you they are ex cons.