Economy Unrealized capital gains tax

My suggestion wouldn't have any effect on revenue. The 20 mil line was about who I think it would be wise to guarantee is protected FROM the tax. That being the middle class and upper class. So if there was some public demand for scope creep almost no one would have to worry because almost everyone would be protected FROM the tax.

And of course, you could maximize the revenue of any tax by expading the scope. That's not really in question. I just don't think that's the point of THIS policy proposal. This proposed tax is specifically on the ultra wealthy with over 100 mil.
I don't really think the juice is worth the squeeze in light of the issues with an unrealized wealth tax and that there's no appetite for instituting it in a way that would actually generate revenue which should be the point of this kind of tax.
I don't really think the juice is worth the squeeze in light of the issues with an unrealized wealth tax and that there's no appetite for instituting it in a way that would actually generate revenue which should be the point of this kind of tax.

I think punitive/behavioral taxes can certainly be worth it if done right.
I think the impact would be minimal and revenue hardly even worth the fuss it would generate from losers it wouldn't even impact.

But I agree with the sentiment that these practices need to be brought in line through regulation or taxing the behavior.

Pretty weird to call people losers because they think more than one step ahead.

Your generic response shows me you've put next to no thought into this at all. It's all good, we can't know everything about everything but you probably shouldn't be in a thread fighting with everyone when you aren't even educated on the subject matter.
Pretty weird to call people losers because they think more than one step ahead.

Your generic response shows me you've put next to no thought into this at all. It's all good, we can't know everything about everything but you probably shouldn't be in a thread fighting with everyone when you aren't even educated on the subject matter.

If that's what you got out of my post is that I said a word that hurt your feelings then why are you even in the war room, loser?
Sure. Hold it against her, but I don't expect politicians to be policy experts. I expect them to hire policy experts who will come up with good ways to achieve the ends the politicians were elected to pursue. And I look at this as a statement that she is concerned about equality (just as Trump's proposal expressed concern about the Muslim population growing), which is a fine goal (unlike trying to ensure that the Muslim population doesn't grow--I think the gov't should stay out of trying to influence the religious makeup of a country).
I would've expected her to have enough policy experts around her that she wouldn't propose bad policy in speeches. In fairness a presidential campaign is vastly different from a presidential administration but idk that I'd give her too wide pass on proposing bad policy before getting elected. To be clear she's obviously the preferred candidate over Trump in my eyes, there is zero doubt about that. I just don't think she'll measure up to Biden's presidency.
I think punitive/behavioral taxes can certainly be worth it if done right.
Sure and I added a caveat there because the concept of sin taxes came to mind. I just don't think this tax in particular is a good one. The best defense of Harris here is that its just an empty campaign promise and won't get implemented which I think is very likely to be fair.
If that's what you got out of my post is that I said a word that hurt your feelings then why are you even in the war room, loser?

Like I said, uneducated on the subject matter, incapable of thinking ahead and just throwing out emotional childlike insults about a subject you clearly know nothing about.

Keep it up bud. You're looking great here.
Like I said, uneducated on the subject matter, incapable of thinking ahead and just throwing out emotional childlike insults about a subject you clearly know nothing about.

Keep it up bud. You're looking great here.

You scared the billionaires are going to run away and stop telling you what to think?
Because it's a slippery slope and will almost certainly be extended to all income groups.

"Hey, if you divide the income bracket this applies to by $50,000,000.00+ then I don't look like such an idiot do I?"

Please keep going lol.
You scared the billionaires are going to run away and stop telling you what to think?

I don't even know any billionaires so no, they've never told me what to think.

I'm just utilizing my own brain and my own brain says taxing unrealized gains is ridiculously stupid and unamerican. No matter what your income level is.

Part of being an adult is defending the rights of people you don't like. For instance, I find you to be incredibly childish and off putting but I wouldn't want you to have to pay tax on unrealized gains. I also wish you would stop talking because everything that comes out of your mouth is immature gibberish but I still defend your right to free speech, even though I'm tired of hearing what you have to say on the subject.

It's part of adulting. You gotta take the good with the bad. If you want billionaires to pay more taxes, there's plenty of other less corrupt ways to go about it.
Member when the it’s was only going to go after 400,000 and up? Pepperidge farm remembers

What exactly do you remember? Because that doesn't make any sense.

People subject to this tax make well above $400k a year and taxes for $400k+ people weren't even changed, lmao.
I don't even know any billionaires so no, they've never told me what to think.

I'm just utilizing my own brain and my own brain says taxing unrealized gains is ridiculously stupid and unamerican. No matter what your income level is.

Part of being an adult is defending the rights of people you don't like. For instance, I find you to be incredibly childish and off putting but I wouldn't want you to have to pay tax on unrealized gains. I also wish you would stop talking because everything that comes out of your mouth is immature gibberish but I still defend your right to free speech, even though I'm tired of hearing what you have to say on the subject.

It's part of adulting. You gotta take the good with the bad. If you want billionaires to pay more taxes, there's plenty of other less corrupt ways to go about it.

Okay name one.
You scared the billionaires are going to run away and stop telling you what to think?

You're doing soooo well.

I think punitive/behavioral taxes can certainly be worth it if done right.


You get another cookie
Okay name one.

Could have them pay the same tax rate on their foreign profits as they do on their domestic profits.

Not allowing billionaires to use write off loopholes to make their profitable endeavors seem like they're unprofitable on their tax forms.

Me personally, I don't want the government confiscating our money any more than necessary. You've seen how many billions of our tax dollars have been sent to Ukraine. Until the government can prove that they are spending our tax dollars wisely, I'm not going to advocate that they get even more of our tax dollars for wasteful spending.

All of our taxes should be lower. The government usually is not spending our money more wisely than we could.
Could have them pay the same tax rate on their foreign profits as they do on their domestic profits.

Not allowing billionaires to use write off loopholes to make their profitable endeavors seem like they're unprofitable on their tax forms.

Me personally, I don't want the government confiscating our money any more than necessary. You've seen how many billions of our tax dollars have been sent to Ukraine. Until the government can prove that they are spending our tax dollars wisely, I'm not going to advocate that they get even more of our tax dollars for wasteful spending.

All of our taxes should be lower. The government usually is not spending our money more wisely than we could.

Well you're close now... one of the methods that they're using to make their profitable endeavors seem like they're unprofitable is by using their unrealized gains as loan collateral to hide their revenue as investments. Hope this helps your understanding of the topic.
You're right we should just let them continue to use unrealized gains as loan collateral to fund their lavish lifestyles and depreciate their earnings by hiding them behind these investment loan schemes to avoid taxes.

It's working great currently for the middle class. No changes needed!
We should just go full blown communism like the Dems want, that's proven time and time again to work wonderfully. Why are you such a bootlicker? You really to shill hard for the government to take all they can from their citizens. Your big daddy government is just going to waste those tax dollars. How about we eliminate useless government spending in an effort to reduce the deficit instead of taking from the people. Dems just want less and less freedom and more reliability on government. Dependency on government and "equity" is what weak people want because they can't make it for themselves.
We should just go full blown communism like the Dems want, that's proven time and time again to work wonderfully. Why are you such a bootlicker? You really to shill hard for the government to take all they can from their citizens. Your big daddy government is just going to waste those tax dollars. How about we eliminate useless government spending in an effort to reduce the deficit instead of taking from the people. Dems just want less and less freedom and more reliability on government. Dependency on government and "equity" is what weak people want because they can't make it for themselves.

Concession accepted return to your regularly scheduled shit job at trolling.
Well you're close now... one of the methods that they're using to make their profitable endeavors seem like they're unprofitable is by using their unrealized gains as loan collateral to hide their revenue as investments. Hope this helps your understanding of the topic.

Lol thanks for the "education". Carry on being a petulant child. I'm out.