Realizing how you're old


What if you were never "with it"?
One of my girl friend tricked me into a blind date with one of her co-worker.
Started small talk,
she told me her age (39)
and I thought to myself,
damn she still look good for that age.
Then it hit me, I'm fckng about the same age...

Realized that because of work, friends relations and hobbies
I'm always around younger peoples than me.
Showed my sons the movie "The Gate", and they said all those kids must be dead by now, since the movie is so old. Never wanted to punch my kids as much as I did in that moment. That, and seeing women of my age and my penis is no longer excited, just merely curious.
Showed my sons the movie "The Gate", and they said all those kids must be dead by now, since the movie is so old. Never wanted to punch my kids as much as I did in that moment. That, and seeing women of my age and my penis is no longer excited, just merely curious.
god damn you're old,
I wasn't even born when that movie came out...
With me it's the opposite. People who are twice my age talk about movies they consider "old", when they're not actually old but just from the 70's or 80's
I'm 40, feel about the same i've ever been more or less but realized women 35+ and milfs keep stare with interest while girls in their 20s basically ignore me now

Death would have been a more mercyful end
I'm almost 40 and I noticed more younger women in their mid 20s to early 30s being interested in me. Also just getting interest from women in general. I used to not get that so much when I was younger.

Also if I meet with young people and when they find out how I old I am they think I would have figured everything out in life lol. How little do they know life will always be confusing and nobody knows what the hell they're doing. Maybe you just learn how to deal with it better.
Showed my sons the movie "The Gate", and they said all those kids must be dead by now, since the movie is so old. Never wanted to punch my kids as much as I did in that moment. That, and seeing women of my age and my penis is no longer excited, just merely curious.

What a great movie.

Thanks for the reminder. I'm going to watch it later tonight.

"You've been baaaaad!"
Well, I’ve witnessed Creed and Limp Bizkit go from being cool, to being uncool, and now being cool with the young folks again. So there’s that.

It's been about 25 years since they went mainstream.

It's weird thinking about going back 25 years from that point puts you in the Led Zeppelin, Boston, Chicago etc era.

What's sad is you listen to Creed and then any type of newer rock and it's not all that different. Music hasn't really changed much, especially with that genre.
When partying for 3 days and needing 1 day to recover changed to partying for 1 day and needing 3 days to recover.
I felt real old when a new airman at work told me she was born in 2005 :eek: