unorthodox techniques


May 8, 2005
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a few weeks ago a really cool guy (whose name i can't remember and it won't mean anything to you anyway) held a mini-seminar during our class, showing us some of the unorthodox, yet very efficient techniques he has seen or came up with by himself.

the one thing that really got my attention was the principle of "squeezing", as he called it. it simply means putting pressure from two sides, causing alot of pain.

the first way of applying this is when having someone in your closed guard. all you have to do is place your knees either on the level of his liver or a bit higher on his ribs and extending your legs, but keeping the guard closed. i couldn't believe the pain this causes, if it's on the right spot and the guy doesn't know how to counter, his ribs can break. the only counter we could come up with later in training was pressing your elbows into his thighs, but its still very unpleasant.

the other one was when someone has you in kesa gatame. from the bottom, you put your legs to the side opposite of your opponent and then flip them over in circling motion, this gives you enough momentum to turn to your side. from there, just reach with over their back with one arm and lock it up with the other one that goes over their stomache. using your forearm bone as a blade, press it into their side. i'm telling you, they can't take it. it hurts like hell.

so afterwards i asked the guy howcome we don't see this stuff in competitions and he just shrugged.

before anyone starts calling me a noob, i don't train straight bjj, i train ground fighting and we use all sorts of techniques. so if you guys already know about this stuff don't be upset, i just found this very interesting and thought i'd share it here.

The first time I had this done to me, I was so uncomfortable I tapped. I felt like such a pussy. After that, though, I never tapped to any type of squeezing, because I knew it was coming. Plus, I don't think having guard that tight is going to be very efficient. You won't be able to do anything with it.
tinker_190 said:
The first time I had this done to me, I was so uncomfortable I tapped. I felt like such a pussy. After that, though, I never tapped to any type of squeezing, because I knew it was coming. Plus, I don't think having guard that tight is going to be very efficient. You won't be able to do anything with it.

yeah i understand tha guard one isn't all that functional, but it annoys the crap out of your opponent. the other one however, is nasty and i tapped guys out with it. it takes no strength and really hurts like a motherfucker.
it's just like body triangles when you have a guy flat on his stomach, no one ever shows it, I don't know why. I get a tap from a body triangle on guys with bad conditioning all the time.
I had a guy squeeze the crap outta me in his guard before. It was definitely uncomfortable. I knew he couldn't do anything with it but squeeze, so I just let him tire out doing it. I acted like it wasn't affecting me, he let up a little, & I passed into side mount. I did notice my ribs were tender the next day though...

It would probably be effective against smaller guys you could really crush.
tinker_190 said:
The first time I had this done to me, I was so uncomfortable I tapped. I felt like such a pussy. After that, though, I never tapped to any type of squeezing, because I knew it was coming. Plus, I don't think having guard that tight is going to be very efficient. You won't be able to do anything with it.

Yeah, i think every grappler knows this one. The first time i rolled with a really god guy, he took all of my energy out with a tight guard. I had abdominal pain for the rest of the week.
I don't find the tight guard works for or against me, so I don't bother with it... I ahve made people puke with the body triangle tho from the back.
I was rolling with a guy who was way heavier than me and extremely strong, but he was always reluctant to use his strength and tried to work on techniqe..except for once, I got turned slightly to the side, and he just squeezed his guard as tightly as he could and I tapped, it was definitelly right on the liver.