Ukraine far right got destroyed in the election

Both France and England far right wing parties are doing very well and have huge supports now. Anyone who knows history knows when the economic becomes shit white people move to the far right and blame the minorities for everything thats wrong

Not always to the right, but political polarization occurs yes.
It doesn't help that Muslim clerics in the UK act like total douchebags and cry "shariah for everyone" all the time. The guy who killed Lee Rigby was a numerous rallies for Choudery, a Muslim radical. It polarized the right wingers. It also made the "on the fence" people start siding with them cause they realized that liberal progressives preaching "multiculturalism" haven't a clue. Multiculturalism only works when all the cultures believe in it. It's painfully obvious that vast amount of Muslims, not just the few radicals, support shariah, a anti-multicultural theocratic system of law.

But as for Ukraine. I'm not sure if this election changes anything. Russian speaking Ukrainians are already being ostracized. Some of it by their own doing. And some of it being done to them by right wing nationalist. As soon as the overthrow of their elected Prime Minister happened, the Russian Ukrainians ran to Putin and Russia for help. Crimea was the easiest to fall cause the territory itself was almost a separated autonomous region filled with primarily Russian sympathizers. In Eastern Ukraine the lines are more blurred.

I still see eastern Ukraine as an eventual separate state. EU and US won't like it, but tough tooties. They don't have to live there. Russian speaking Ukrainians do. And they should have the right to choose what they want for themselves. Even if it's running to a sinister man like Putin.

Honestly, after reading the story of East Timor, among many other atrocities the US has been involved in, I don't know who's more sinister anymore.

You can call me conspiracy theorist if you want. But I have no doubt he works for the British government. He has free speech to say whatever he wants and attract all the bad guys while they arrest the people surrounding him, but nothing ever happens to him. I guess it is smart to have all these bad guys close to each other which makes it much easier to control them. I know someone who went to one of his gatherings just to see what it was all about and few days later that person was interviewed and asked what he was doing there and what he believes of what the guy was saying. Funny enough he was also offered a job to be spy for them by infiltrating those guys. You always need to have a certain threat to fully control people and I have no doubt some high up people are letting these extremist get away with their rhetoric just as a reminder to people of the threats that are out there.
Gotten to. What's there not to get? Your record in the Ukraine threads speaks for itself.

What is there that I've said in Ukraine threads that is factually inaccurate? You won't find a single thing.

You just copped out with a comment about nothing.

And I'm not 'gotten to.'
Both France and England far right wing parties are doing very well and have huge supports now. Anyone who knows history knows when the economic becomes shit white people move to the far right and blame the minorities for everything thats wrong

Immigration has never been as massive as it as been in the last few decades. Economy is not the only issue, crime and religious proselytism are also factors. But, at least for France, people should keep in mind that the rise of the Front National is also massively fueled by the failures of the two historic parties.

The Socialists look like amateurs that are in fact from the center-right and the right-wing is insanely corrupted and is too weak ideologically speaking to be effective as an opposition force (it's like their only motto is "vote for us because the Socialists suck").
What is there that I've said in Ukraine threads that is factually inaccurate? You won't find a single thing.'

Thanks, I needed a good laugh.

Lol so dictator fascist, neo Nazi affiliated government..

Ukraine had a fascist dictator?

The party in power in Ukraine are Neo Nazis. No doubt Ukraine needed a change, but maybe not a bunch of fascists.

The interim government was comprised of a single neo-Nazi party?
Thanks, I needed a good laugh.

Ukraine had a fascist dictator?

The interim government comprised of a single neo-Nazi party?

Yes, the interim government had neo nazis affiliations and they took power of Ukraine through violent riots and were not elected. This is an irrefutable fact. What is so difficult to understand about that?

There is a neo nazi posting in this very thread and by his own admission, he has been at the front lines of the riots.

It's almost as though you're all lacking a chromosome or something.
Yes, the interim government had neo nazis affiliations and they took power of Ukraine through violent riots and were not elected. This is an irrefutable fact. What is so difficult to understand about that?

1) Utterly ducked the fact that you said Ukraine had a fascist dictator.

2) The interim government was a coalition government yet you referred to the 'party in power being neo-Nazis'. There was no party in power as it was a coalition government.

What is there that I've said in Ukraine threads that is factually inaccurate? You won't find a single thing.

Still sure about that?
1) Utterly ducked the fact that you said Ukraine had a fascist dictator.

2) The interim government was a coalition government yet you referred to the 'party in power being neo-Nazis'. There was no party in power as it was a coalition government.

Still sure about that?

I have absolutely not ducked it. You keep repeating that like some kind of mantra. I laid it out for you pretty simply.

-Take power through violence
-Take power and are not elected
-Are a neo nazi or neo nazi affiliate
-Kill your own citizens with the military

This is the very definition of dictatorial fascism.

2) Don't be an imbecile. In the very comment that you quote you can see the word AFFILIATE written in the English language. Pay attention.

They had enough power to oust the democratically elected government and mobilize the military to kill their own, Ukrainian citizens. They had plenty of power.
What is there that I've said in Ukraine threads that is factually inaccurate? You won't find a single thing.

You just copped out with a comment about nothing.

And I'm not 'gotten to.'

Didn't take long for Kirku to dig up a blatantly factually inaccurate post of yours. You're a terrible poster, all rhetoric and no actual knowledge about several of the topics you discuss. You can't refrain from hyperbole and it always backfires on your end. Enjoy your rustled jimmies.
Didn't take long for Kirku to dig up a blatantly factually inaccurate post of yours. You're a terrible poster, all rhetoric and no actual knowledge about several of the topics you discuss. You can't refrain from hyperbole and it always backfires on your end. Enjoy your rustled jimmies.

Again, this is the third comment that you've made attacking me personally and you specifically mention that I apparently have no knowledge on the topics but you've implicitly refrained from discussing any of the topics at hand because it's obvious that you know jack shit.

Seems like you yourself are all talk and rhetoric and nothing more.

If you are going to cop out with 'Kirku saved me' then you can skulk off without making your argument.
Who was the fascist dictator?

Who was the party in power (of the coalition government)?

How many more times shall I say it? lol read above my friend.

You can't keep copping out with "colaition government". They were not elected ffs and they had neo nazis working with them.
Again, this is the third comment that you've made attacking me personally and you specifically mention that I apparently have no knowledge on the topics but you've implicitly refrained from discussing any of the topics at hand because it's obvious that you know jack shit.

Seems like you yourself are all talk and rhetoric and nothing more.

If you are going to cop out with 'Kirku saved me' then you can skulk off without making your argument.

You're far too sensitive. Asking "what will tkomtom do now?" is hardly a personal attack.

The excerpt Kirku quoted speaks for itself. A small part of a provisional government does not make for a fascist dictatorship. There's a simply nothing to debate there, everyone who knows what a fascist dictatorship means understands that. The fact that this presidential election was even held disputes the notion of Ukraine being run by a fascist dictator. Not to mention its outcome.
You're far too sensitive. Asking "what will tkomtom do now?" is hardly a personal attack.

The excerpt Kirku quoted speaks for itself. A small part of a provisional government does not make for a fascist dictatorship. There's a simply nothing to debate there, everyone who knows what a fascist understands that. The fact that this presidential election was even held disputes the notion of Ukraine being run by a fascist dictator. Not to mention its outcome.

You're right, a small part of a government being nazis doesn't make the entirety of it a fascist government. There is no debate there. That's why I never said that and I said AFFILIATE. It is in the sentence. It's like you're all deliberately ignorant.

What I said was that if you take power through violence and oust a democratically elected government and align yourself with neo nazis who drop nazi salutes for breakfast, mobilize the military and murder your own civilians with the military then you're approaching fascist territory and this is exactly what happened.

Obviously the situation has now become a lot more serious and you're digging up comments from a relatively long time ago.

Sorry for having an opinion on a bunch of morons in government that killed their own civilians. How dare anybody criticize the dumbasses that took power through violence. How dare they.
You're right, a small part of a government being nazis doesn't make the entirety of it a fascist government. There is no debate there. That's why I never said that.

What I said was that if you take power through violence and oust a democratically elected government and align yourself with neo nazis who drop nazi salutes for breakfast, mobilize the military and murder your own civilians with the military then you're approaching fascist territory and this is exactly what happened.

Obviously the situation has now become a lot more serious and you're digging up comments from a long time ago.

But you did say that. Look at that quote again:

Lol so dictator fascist, neo Nazi affiliated government..

The word dictator certainly implies that Svoboda have dictatorial powers within the provisional goverment. What else could it mean?

The rest of your post is clearly biased, it looks like like something a hack working for RT would write. The democratically elected government that got overthrown was beyond corrupt and also used violence against its own citizens. Its decision to cut off the Ukraine from ties with Europe was somewhat autocratic and should've best been put to a referendum, considering how polarazing that issue is in the Ukraine.

What option other than mobilizing the military do you feel the Ukranian government has? A part of the country has already been annexed after a sham referendum and separatist movements, clearly backed by Russia, are threatening to carv out another piece of its sovereign territory.

I say all of this as someone who loathes Svoboda and their likes, and as someone who has sympathy for the concerns of Russian speaking/affiliating Ukranians. These election results honor the Ukrainian people, given the how turmoil the country has found itself in usualy tends result in much larger support for far right extremists.
But you did say that. Look at that quote again:

The word dictator certainly implies that Svoboda have dictatorial powers within the provisional goverment. What else could it mean?

The rest of your post is clearly biased, it looks like like something a hack working for RT would write. The democratically elected government that got overthrown was beyond corrupt and also used violence against its own citizens. Its decision to cut off the Ukraine from ties with Europe was somewhat autocratic and should've best been put to a referendum, considering how polarazing that issue is in the Ukraine.

What option other than mobilizing the military do you feel the Ukranian government has? A part of the country has already been annexed after a sham referendum and separatist movements, clearly backed by Russia, are threatening to carv out another piece of its sovereign territory.

I say all of this as someone who loathes Svoboda and their likes, and as someone who has sympathy for the concerns of Russian speaking/affiliating Ukranians. These election results honor the Ukrainian people, given the how turmoil the country has found itself in usualy tends result in much larger support for far right extremists.

A coalition government in power that was not elected, has a neo nazi component, took power by ousting a democratically elected government and mobilized the military to murder its own citizens.

Given this^ you are still whinging about my disdain for a pitiful interim government.

Nobody cares what you think of the previous government, LOL at the RT comment. They were still democratically elected. Nobody said they weren't corrupt but you already knew that.

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