

HawkEyes Mihawk

I have watched both of these guys and noticed that they have the exact same style. But the difference is Tyson is faster, stronger, and has better defense. It's like comparing Rampage to Forrest, Rampage is better at everything. The ONLY thing Frazier has on Tyson is heart. So I think if we want to indicate how Tyson would do against the golden age HW's, we look at how Frazier did, but Tyson is like Frazier 2.0.

I seriously think Tyson would be the worse possible match up for ALI, in the history of HW's. I think he would beat Frazier via 2.0. But I think he would have a shit load of trouble with Foreman. That might be a fight he loses. And this is all of them in there primes.
No they dont. Tyson has a peek a boo style. Frazier has a figity cross armed style.

See Tyson vs. Buster Mathis. Tyson struggled against guys with great upper body movement and Frazier had that going for him. Add to the equation one of the best left hooks of all time and a heart that philly could be proud of, and I think Frazier wares Tyson down.
I have watched both of these guys and noticed that they have the exact same style. But the difference is Tyson is faster, stronger, and has better defense. It's like comparing Rampage to Forrest, Rampage is better at everything. The ONLY thing Frazier has on Tyson is heart. So I think if we want to indicate how Tyson would do against the golden age HW's, we look at how Frazier did, but Tyson is like Frazier 2.0.

I seriously think Tyson would be the worse possible match up for ALI, in the history of HW's. I think he would beat Frazier via 2.0. But I think he would have a shit load of trouble with Foreman. That might be a fight he loses. And this is all of them in there primes.

Tyson lost to just about every great fighter he faced. I'm not trying to hate on him, because he was very good. Tyson did beat Holmes and Spinks, but he lost to Holyfield and Douglas.

They didn't have the exact same style either. Both used different offensive and defensive tactics. Tyson was quicker, but Frazier was stronger. Defense I would say is about even. Frazier had experience, heart, and the chin on Tyson.

Tyson would get eaten up by both Ali and Frazier. His best chance at beating either guy would be Frazier, though. Ali is a bad match up for Tyson, just like Douglas was.
I have watched both of these guys and noticed that they have the exact same style. But the difference is Tyson is faster, stronger, and has better defense. It's like comparing Rampage to Forrest, Rampage is better at everything. The ONLY thing Frazier has on Tyson is heart. So I think if we want to indicate how Tyson would do against the golden age HW's, we look at how Frazier did, but Tyson is like Frazier 2.0.

I seriously think Tyson would be the worse possible match up for ALI, in the history of HW's. I think he would beat Frazier via 2.0. But I think he would have a shit load of trouble with Foreman. That might be a fight he loses. And this is all of them in there primes.

just your opinion
Tyson lost to just about every great fighter he faced. I'm not trying to hate on him, because he was very good. Tyson did beat Holmes and Spinks, but he lost to Holyfield and Douglas.

They didn't have the exact same style either. Both used different offensive and defensive tactics. Tyson was quicker, but Frazier was stronger. Defense I would say is about even. Frazier had experience, heart, and the chin on Tyson.

Tyson would get eaten up by both Ali and Frazier. His best chance at beating either guy would be Frazier, though. Ali is a bad match up for Tyson, just like Douglas was.
You really think Frazier had a better chin? I don't. More heart, sure. Better chin? Nah. I still don't know how that first uppercut from Douglas didn't knock Tyson the fuck out. The difference is every time Tyson went down he didn't get up whereas Frazier did.
I have watched both of these guys and noticed that they have the exact same style. But the difference is Tyson is faster, stronger, and has better defense. It's like comparing Rampage to Forrest, Rampage is better at everything. The ONLY thing Frazier has on Tyson is heart. So I think if we want to indicate how Tyson would do against the golden age HW's, we look at how Frazier did, but Tyson is like Frazier 2.0.

I seriously think Tyson would be the worse possible match up for ALI, in the history of HW's. I think he would beat Frazier via 2.0. But I think he would have a shit load of trouble with Foreman. That might be a fight he loses. And this is all of them in there primes.

Sounds pretty logical.

As many have said, the night Tyson fought Michael Spinks, Tyson may have been the greatest heavyweight to ever step into the ring. Using that particular night in reference to Tyson, I think he would of easily beat Ali, Frazier and any other heavyweight except maybe Foreman when he was in his prime. Foreman was a mean, angry man at one time. Certainly, a Tyson-Foreman fight at that period would of been an epic fight between 2 of the greatest.

Not to start any kind of bashing but, I still believe Foreman threw the fight to Ali and noone can convince me otherwise. Ali beat Liston with the "phantom" punch and he used the "rope-a-dope" to beat Foreman which is pure crock. He was never been able to do it since that fight against anyone nor do I believe I have ever seen anyone use that tactic to win. No one can convince me that with Ali laying against the ropes, Big George could not hit him. ANYONE could of hit Ali. Marciano would of battered Ali into unconsciousness if he decided to pull that same tactic. As far as I'm concerned, I agree with Ray Arcel about this fight....
Yeah, Foreman threw a fight, then went into tirades about how he was poisoned, then went into serious cocaine addiction, nearly died in the ring against Lyle, and eventually retired practically a shell of his more youthful and confident self. All on purpose. lol
George Plimpton among others remarked how it looked like Ali was throwing the fight when he initially began leaning against the ropes and covering up.

So obviously they were both trying to throw the fight, and no one can convince me otherwise.

I mean neither really had anything to gain by winning one of the biggest fights ever.
If anything Tyson's style more closely resembled Floyd Patterson's- which makes sense since they both had D'mato showing them the moves
Yeah, Foreman threw a fight, then went into tirades about how he was poisoned, then went into serious cocaine addiction, nearly died in the ring against Lyle, and eventually retired practically a shell of his more youthful and confident self. All on purpose. lol

You really think Frazier had a better chin? I don't. More heart, sure. Better chin? Nah. I still don't know how that first uppercut from Douglas didn't knock Tyson the fuck out. The difference is every time Tyson went down he didn't get up whereas Frazier did.

Really the only guy to ever hurt or even drop Frazier multiple times was Foreman. Tyson has a great chin in a sense that he was rarely knocked down, but what I mean by chin, is to take a shot and keep fighting. I guess that is more of a mentality thing though...
Really the only guy to ever hurt or even drop Frazier multiple times was Foreman. Tyson has a great chin in a sense that he was rarely knocked down, but what I mean by chin, is to take a shot and keep fighting. I guess that is more of a mentality thing though...

Absolutely. It is a different skillset, and a better one at that. I get into alot of conversations on this subject. Who had the best chin?.... ok, now who used that chin most effectively? The answer changes drastically.

Julio Ceaser Chavez is a perfect example of a guy using his ability to not only take, but to fight through shot's that might have stopped most guys cold.
Absolutely. It is a different skillset, and a better one at that. I get into alot of conversations on this subject. Who had the best chin?.... ok, now who used that chin most effectively? The answer changes drastically.

Julio Ceaser Chavez is a perfect example of a guy using his ability to not only take, but to fight through shot's that might have stopped most guys cold.

It's a better skill as long as you can take some damage. I think you got to have both to be great. One without the other and you get guys like Tyson, combined it's Ali, etc...
i agree frazier has tyson on heart... but the one thing that will mean tyson will own frazier.. is that tyson is a phenomenal fast starter and joe is slower than miss daisy... which means in anyones language tyson by KO/TKO rd 1/2
i agree frazier has tyson on heart... but the one thing that will mean tyson will own frazier.. is that tyson is a phenomenal fast starter and joe is slower than miss daisy... which means in anyones language tyson by KO/TKO rd 1/2

Tyson was a fast starter when guys didn't press him. The top level guys Tyson fought that pressured him, beat him...

Joe Frazier brings pressure...
Of course he is...Marvis got f-ing destroyed!
Yeah, Foreman threw a fight, then went into tirades about how he was poisoned, then went into serious cocaine addiction, nearly died in the ring against Lyle, and eventually retired practically a shell of his more youthful and confident self. All on purpose. lol


No way he threw that fight. There were a multitude of reasons that combined for that loss--but throwing it wasn't one of them.

Now, Liston on the other hand.....................
Hey KK real quick. Now I don't believe Foreman threw that fight and so you're correct in that respect imo. However, to say that he couldn't have gone downhill because he regretted the choice of throwing a fight isn't really logical. Going downhill after that fight could be explained by his poor performace or him being really upset for making a horrible choice to throw a fight. Again though I don't believe like you that he did I just don't think him going downhill proves anything one way or another.