Crime TX man murders BLM protestor. Abbot vows to pardon murderer ASAP

Was this an "attack" by the driver?

I can't help thinking that if people truly thought he was a threat, they'd run away, not up to his car and start pounding on it.

I feel like if you take away the gunshots, this incident is similar to what we see pretty often. Someone either trying to beat a light, trying to speed through, etc and they end up in a bad spot. Due to either negligence or just a mistake, I feel like this stuff happens pretty often. The situation is different because of the protesters, but I just don't see anything that warrants anything other than a 'Fuck off, Asshole" at the driver.

I feel like if he truly wanted to harm anyone with the car, he would have.
Some people might run, some people might be proactive in their self-defense. And I disagree that this is something we see pretty often. I live in a city where there are major protests 1-2x a year. I never see anyone feel they have to rush through said protest. Most people drive more cautiously precisely because they don't want to hit anyone. It's not like drivers can't see and hear the massive amount of people walking down the middle of the street. There's more than enough time to plan and act accordingly.

And, given that other protests have been met with people intentionally driving into them, I don't think you can demand that the protesters assume this driver is there for kumbayahs and hugs.
"The Ayatollah of rock-and-rollah!"
Is there a video I haven't seen? Both sides seem 100% sure they hold the truth, but I looked at one video and find it hardly conclusive.
Pedestrians always have the right of way.

The crowd thought he was going to drive into them and tried to stop him. Why didn't they do it to any other car?

You seriously can’t be dumb enough to think this. What are these for?

I don't know if this is true or not but just want to say I find this idea to be really stupid. For one it's dangerous for both the drivers and the protestors. Also I've seen too many protests where people feel entitled to stop traffic and hold cars where they want as long as they want. That is complete bullshit.

The GOAT. Watched it 3 times since last week
I can't help thinking that if people truly thought he was a threat, they'd run away, not up to his car and start pounding on it.

True. This is also something I don't understand. People can't stand up to a vehicle. The vehicle will win every time. Don't be stupid and block the roadway and then act shocked that someone gets upset about it and tries to make their way through. Regardless, drivers should avoid known protests where the road is blocked to the extent possible.
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And no one has explained the whole gun handling safety/if it pointing at the ground is it ready to fire or not.

Like I asked pages and pages ago.

Not sure if this is what you want.

It appears to be in a low ready. That is pointed in the direction of your intended target. On a standing person about upper leg level. Triger hand in position ( your finger should be straight and not on the trigger but plenty of people are dumb and have their finger on the Triger) in this situation it would have been pointed at the door.

This is a ready to engage position not a relaxed position. I have no idea if the weapon was found with the safety off. Chances are it was made safe with out checking or recording the safety position.
It's not a belief, it's the law. lmao.

No matter how much you hope, it's not legal to run over pedestrians.

Plenty of people every year who decide to play in the street like a moron get run over where no criminal act occurred.
It's not a belief, it's the law. lmao.

No matter how much you hope, it's not legal to run over pedestrians.

It is if they are threatening you you can. So when the weapon was pointed at him and he was at a stop he could have plowed through them to get away.
Plenty of people every year who decide to play in the street like a moron get run over where no criminal act occurred.
Exactly, it's not murder if someone runs out into the road like a crazy person and a driver has no way to avoid hitting them. That's not what "yielding" means. It means that you wait. If pedestrians are jay walking at an intersection you are at, you wait until they cross. This is very fundamentally basic traffic stuff.
Exactly, it's not murder if someone runs out into the road like a crazy person and a driver has no way to avoid hitting them. That's not what "yielding" means. It means that you wait. If pedestrians are jay walking at an intersection you are at, you wait until they cross. This is very fundamentally basic traffic stuff.

Sorry I’m not going to yield to someone who’s playing in the road like an idiot and approaches my car with a rifle.
Sorry I’m not going to yield to someone who’s playing in the road like an idiot and approaches my car with a rifle.
Except of course in this case Perry refused to yield at a red light and then drove his car into the crowd, therefore being the one doing the approaching, rather than being approached.