Crime TX man murders BLM protestor. Abbot vows to pardon murderer ASAP

Tldr: Streets are considered public forums and valid places to hold protest. The right to travel is no afforded to driving a motor vehicle.

I don't know if this is true or not but just want to say I find this idea to be really stupid. For one it's dangerous for both the drivers and the protestors. Also I've seen too many protests where people feel entitled to stop traffic and hold cars where they want as long as they want. That is complete bullshit.
I'm not sure exactly what you mean by "more right", but he did need to yield (as one does)

He did slow and come to a stop so how was that not enough? Why is it not also on the protestors to get out of the way?
Again, none of what you're saying removes his right to defend himself. I agree he seemed reckless, and had his car injured anyone he'd be liable. But none of that has any bearing in whether or not he can react to a threat.

If irrefutable evidence did come out that the guy pointed the gun directly at him, would it be self defense to shoot him?
It depends on if he provoked the attack.

You can't claim self-defense if you provoked the attack and the other person thought they were defending themselves. Given that other people have intentionally driven into protesters to harm them, there's a reasonable argument that driving one's car into a crowd of protesters is provoking the fight and the protesters are justified in defending themselves. In that situation, the driver would not have a right to self-defense.
why drive through a light into a crowd instead of yielding to pedestrians?

This is the biggest issue I have with this incident. Driving on an interstate and getting blocked by a group of protestors is one thing, but likely purposefully going some place seeking out the protestors is a completely different thing. I don't understand why someone would purposefully do that unless they intended to escalate the situation.
He did slow and come to a stop so how was that not enough? Why is it not also on the protestors to get out of the way?
He needed to yield at the light, not drive through it into the crowd. If he wanted to navigate the intersection like a normal human being, which is what the other drivers were doing, he should have just waited until he had a green light and then slowly moved through the crowd, which is not what he did. And if the crowd completely walled off the intersection and refused to let him make his turn at all, then that's annoying, but it's just annoying. There were other cars driving through there and the protestors were getting out of the way. There's no reason to think things would have been any different for him if he hadn't thrown a tantrum. As I mentioned previously in the thread, i've made the mistake of trying to drive through my own downtown during parades or marches or whatever, and had to wait for ages until I could get through. It's not the end of the world, and it's really not something people should be dying over.
This is the biggest issue I have with this incident. Driving on an interstate and getting blocked by a group of protestors is one thing, but likely purposefully going some place seeking out the protestors is a completely different thing. I don't understand why someone would purposefully do that unless they intended to escalate the situation.
And that's where his social media posts came into play. They seemed to indicate he had thought it through, and it sunk him. If he had just been sitting there at the intersection and then people started screaming and attacking his car out of the blue, he would have had a much better case, especially considering the other drivers were all being let through with no problem. But he engineered the situation and it got him convicted of murder.
This is the biggest issue I have with this incident. Driving on an interstate and getting blocked by a group of protestors is one thing, but likely purposefully going some place seeking out the protestors is a completely different thing. I don't understand why someone would purposefully do that unless they intended to escalate the situation.
Yup. And that is why he was convicted.
Well it's an open carry state so people walking arround with guns isn't exactly abnormal.

My ex is from Houston. I've spent time in Baytown, Houston, Galveston, and Beaumont.

Walking around with an AK-47 slung from your shoulder with hands on the grip and foregrip in the "low ready" position is abnormal in that open carry state.
My ex is from Houston. I've spent time in Baytown, Houston, Galveston, and Beaumont.

Walking around with an AK-47 slung from your shoulder with hands on the grip and foregrip in the "low ready" position is abnormal in that open carry state.
I'm not sure about day to day walking around, really i'm just talking about protests such as this. I live in Oregon, which is an open carry state (and has way way more militia folk than people realize) and it's pretty normal to see people open carrying various weapons during demonstrations or whatever. I have personally seen people wandering around LARPing with their guns in that exact "ready" position. Some of them are very reckless with their weapons, too.
It depends on if he provoked the attack.

You can't claim self-defense if you provoked the attack and the other person thought they were defending themselves. Given that other people have intentionally driven into protesters to harm them, there's a reasonable argument that driving one's car into a crowd of protesters is provoking the fight and the protesters are justified in defending themselves. In that situation, the driver would not have a right to self-defense.

Was this an "attack" by the driver?

I can't help thinking that if people truly thought he was a threat, they'd run away, not up to his car and start pounding on it.

I feel like if you take away the gunshots, this incident is similar to what we see pretty often. Someone either trying to beat a light, trying to speed through, etc and they end up in a bad spot. Due to either negligence or just a mistake, I feel like this stuff happens pretty often. The situation is different because of the protesters, but I just don't see anything that warrants anything other than a 'Fuck off, Asshole" at the driver.

I feel like if he truly wanted to harm anyone with the car, he would have.
I'm not sure about day to day walking around, really i'm just talking about protests such as this. I live in Oregon, which is an open carry state (and has way way more militia folk than people realize) and it's pretty normal to see people open carrying various weapons during demonstrations or whatever. I have personally seen people wandering around LARPing with their guns in that exact "ready" position. Some of them are very reckless with their weapons, too.

It's okay those guys are real Americans.
It's okay those guys are real Americans.
Honestly it's not even the LARPing chuds that are the main issue (although they have their moments), it's when the rallies attract particularly nasty crowds and you get, like, the old-school bikers types and neo nazis showing up. I don't mean some retired dentist in a flawless leather jacket that bought a brand new Harley, but rather the ones that have obviously done hard time and are seriously fucking threatening. Those guys could kill you without missing a beat. And then you have the whiny antifa brats throwing fucking mortars because they need to feel like they are the Rebels fighting against the Empire.
I’d think so, I mean I could see him as an aggravating stressor
