No, you just want to invent a narrative to justify your own racism (we all know why you moved to japan)
Statistically the native irish are far bigger problem, given their history
When unimpressive pasty beta males like this chav:
kill 3 children (his own siblings) just a year ago, where were the riots from these barely human low IQ hooligan chimps?
Oh thats right, pasty white little fuckhead - lone wolf, mental illness etc etc... file it under "nothing to see here"
An Irish citizen with an actual mental illness (caused by the fact he recently developed a fucking brain tumor) does something insane that could only be explained by him being mentally ill... oh he was an immigrant from 20 years ago? OMG IMMIGRANTS ARE DESTROYING THE WEST REE.
We all know your ilk doesn't give a shit about actual numbers, the stabbed children are just a convenient excuse to hate on immigrants. You can stop twisting yourself into a pretzel trying to convince us your dislike for migrants is based on any logical form of reasoning and not just good ol' fashion xenophobia and bigotry your ilk are known for.