i don't understand this type of mentality.
do you think the romans gave a fuck about what other countries thought? the brits?
you're probably the first empire that has this deep insecurity about being liked. who the fuck cares? what do you think could happen? the biggest economy in the world and the biggest military power will suddenly have no friends? oh no, what does slovenia think of us?
if you want to be followed you have to project strength, not this whiny "oh no what is happening to us" bullshit. You're still in the mental trap that we, the euros, have constructed for you. the only reason that is important is because the alternative is fucking china, who will truly give no fucks about offending feelings.
the institutional and cultural reach of America is enormous and you're wasting time thinking it can be harmed by some opinion pieces published in Berlin, London or Paris. what will the euro nobility think of us peasants?
If there's an end to America, this is where it will come from - this endless desperation to be liked. i can't think of a single empire who at the same time is the strongest military in the world and also the most scared of any minuscule imagined threat 5000 miles away, who is clearly a mortal danger for everything.
wake the fuck up.