Trump Ukraine V 13 -Impeachment Hearing

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Oh. I see you updated your post to insult me. You'll forgive me if I leave that part out? :rolleyes:

The only thing that's transparent is that the Dems are furious they lost to Trump and they are using any underhanded excuse they can to smear him before the next election. They KNOW there is no chance of him being removed from office. This is all Political hit job just like the Russia hoax and I hope one day someone is held accountable for it.

I’m asking how an adult cannot comprehend something they learn as a child.
@Oliver Clothesoff
That was probably it. The conventional wisdom is that you lead with your best witnesses, and best evidence. That's likely what Dems thought they were doing. However, the testimony was not received as favorably as they thought it would be.
Really? That was it? Jesus.... I'm almost disappointed. I mean WTF.... Talk about weak sauce. :rolleyes:
I’m asking how an adult cannot comprehend something they learn as a child.
If it's any consolation, I don't believe for a minute that you sincerely think any of this is actually impeachable or that this will lead to Trump being removed. You aren't stupid. You are an activist who is trying to have Trump removed from office.

I suppose I can respect that, but I don't respect the pretending this is a legit way for Schiff and the members of the House to behave. This is an attempt to smear Trump and effect the outcome of the 2020 election in their favor, because they know they can't win at the ballot box. They've been after Trump from the moment he took office.

We have actual work (USMCA) that needs to be done and all the Dems have done is focus on this bullshit. If you really do think Trump will be removed over this phone call when even Democrats are saying it will never happen... then I'd ask you the same question you just posed to me. ;)
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There is preponderance of evidence that the aid was but a smaller piece of a larger plot to pressure Ukraine into announcing the investigations publicly.

In the entire saga, from the very start when Rudy’s goons asked the previous President, the only deliverables that were made explicit were the investigations.

So If you are willing to argue that the evidence for the above claims is insufficient, then you must make the case for differing reasons, e.g. lack of European support, general concern of corruption, under the same standards of scrutiny.

It doesn’t work because it doesn’t match what happened.
No way they shot their shot already. We still have Vindman and Sondland left for public testimony. We've only seen the undercard so far.
No way they shot their shot already. We still have Vindman and Sondland left for public testimony. We've only seen the undercard so far.
The problem is we already know what they are going to say. There ain't a whole lot of "there" there. ;)

I must admit, I found the closed door testimony of Vindman to be extremely disturbing. Just not in a way that hurts Trump. He really seemed to encompass the definition of a Deep State NeoCon. And he did not seem to be very knowledgeable on what was actually going on in Ukraine.

I'm sure hes a great man who served his country but really seems to be a bad witness. Will be a mistake to have him testify publicly imo.

I honestly believe today was the best the Dems can get.

I now think there is a chance the impeachment vote does not even pass
The problem is we already know what they are going to say. There ain't a whole lot of "there" there. ;)

It's going to be different in public. Not entirely different, but different questions will be asked of them.
I thought the whistleblower was the best witness? Or is it Vindman? There is not one single star witness Mr. Jordan and you know that. Or maybe for once think for yourself and comeback with something I haven’t heard out of some talking head.

Sorry, I meant to reply to Oliver, not you.

Nevertheless, I think you should lower your expectations. As I stated, when presenting a case in open court (or in this case, on the floor of Congress), it is best to lead with your best arguments, evidence, and witnesses. Why? Because spectators (usually jurors) will quickly lose interest in the murky details of the case. If they don't understand it in the first few minutes, chances are they won't expend further energy trying to piece it all together later. This principle applies with even more force to congressional hearings, because unlike jurors, members of the public are free to change the channel if it gets boring.

If Mr. Ciaramella or Mr. Vindman were going to be "bombshell" witnesses, we probably would have heard from them first. Instead, we heard from Mr. Taylor and Mr. Kent, and then Ms. Yovanovitch. The consensus seems to be (even among Democrats) that these witnesses have not by themselves presented a compelling case for impeachment. That's a bad sign for Dems, because it's all downhill from here.
No way they shot their shot already. We still have Vindman and Sondland left for public testimony. We've only seen the undercard so far.

It is conceivable, but it’s surprising that they would start out so slow. Peoples’ minds tend to get set, and they fatigue. The idea may be more of a safety approach for supporting a captive Dem vote, but it’s not a great public strategy.
I hope Rudy was watching today. He is getting set up as the fall guy. They are going to say Rudy went Rogue. Trump was smart involving Rudy in his QpQ schemes with the Ukriane. That way if busted Rudy takes the bullet.
It's going to be different in public. Not entirely different, but different questions will be asked of them.
Sondland's already stated that there was no connection between the assistance and the investigations, and if you get right down to it, that's really the basis of their whole case. Seems like a non-starter to me, but I guess we'll see. So far, this hasn't delivered on anything that Schiff promised it would, so I remain skeptical. ;)
It is conceivable, but it’s surprising that they would start out so slow. Peoples’ minds tend to get set, and they fatigue. The idea may be more of a safety approach for supporting a captive Dem vote, but it’s not a great public strategy.

They are starting out slow because they don't really have anything. Consider it a slow start while they stall time to figure out something, anything to try and make stick. Plus they know Biden is a thorn in their side at this point.
And the real "reality":


Hey it's not my fault you put all of your personal info on public websites. If I really wanted to, I could just type your name into my Lexis Investigations portal. Don't worry, you're not that interesting, and I don't care what you do. But really, you should think about maybe not putting your life story on the internet.

It was important enough to you that you decided to post my name, where you thought I lived. You also looked through, and "analyzed" my postings there too.

Maybe you should think about not being a racist doxxing creep all the time.
I hear the TV ratings are much lower than the Kavanaugh hearings
Really? That was it? Jesus.... I'm almost disappointed. I mean WTF.... Talk about weak sauce. :rolleyes:

You seem to really only make posts that make
You feel good inside. Not a single fact in any of your posts really. It makes you feel so good to say Dems want to undue the 2016 election but the election is less than a year away. How dumb does that sound?
Sondland's already stated that there was no connection between the assistance and the investigations, and if you get right down to it, that's really the basis of their whole case. Seems like a non-starter to me, but I guess we'll see. So far, this hasn't delivered on anything that Schiff promised it would, so I remain skeptical. ;)

In typical Trump Davidians fashion, Trump could
slap your mom and you would have the same
response. Anyone with a brain can see that Trump was holding up the aid until the president of Ukraine went on CNN and announced an investigation. Must be weird going through life being wrong about everything
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