Elections Trump now dominating swing states, 70% think our political reich "needs major changes" or "to be torn down completely"

If you think that the government is not responsible for inflation then there is no helping you. Continue to worship at the alter of Big G.
Relief for the pandemic and spikes in spending surely contributed to the problem. We’re a major economy. But, are you saying it was the cause of global inflation?
Relief for the pandemic and spikes in spending surely contributed to the problem. We’re a major economy. But, are you saying it was the cause of global inflation?
There are tons of countries with lower inflation than the US.

There are tons of countries with lower inflation than the US.

Not sure what that has to do with the conversation. I haven’t claimed the US has the lowest inflation in the world. It is one of leaders in economic recovery since the pandemic, though.
Not sure what that has to do with the conversation. I haven’t claimed the US has the lowest inflation in the world. It is one of leaders in economic recovery since the pandemic, though.
In terms of advanced (G7) nations, we're not one of the leaders; we're head and shoulders above everyone else. That makes the inflation comparisons a little misleading (key cause of low inflation is economic stagnation).
Black culture loves trump
Dawg, what’s with your weird obsession with social media people supporting trump…….
In terms of advanced (G7) nations, we're not one of the leaders; we're head and shoulders above everyone else. That makes the inflation comparisons a little misleading (key cause of low inflation is economic stagnation).
Yes indeed, I was looking at G20, though. Wasn’t sure how to determine “the best” recovery with all the metrics to consider. We’re objectively one of the strongest.

Thing is, I was just asking Rob to clarify what I thought were confusing back to back posts, like he was implying the US either caused global inflation or shouldn’t have been affected by it. But I got no answers and an irrelevant comparison.

ETA: Or maybe he was trying to say we’d have been better off if we engineered a recession to deal with it?
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Not sure what that has to do with the conversation. I haven’t claimed the US has the lowest inflation in the world. It is one of leaders in economic recovery since the pandemic, though.
Lolwut? Rob asked you about inflation, and you specifically said "the entire world is dealing with it and the US has outperformed everyone", and now pretend just a couple minutes later you never said it?

It seems like you listened to a white house press release and just took their word for it, so I provided the information that shows that isn't the case.

Is inflation something that the government has no control over? Is national policy, spending and money printing completely irrelevant?

What a wonderful blissful ignorance

The entire world is dealing with the issue and the US has outperformed everyone.

Your last sentence sounds like part of your daily affirmations.
I also don’t necessarily blame Biden for the inflation. Our government as a whole as a money printing addiction. It’s not just one party. Republicans are just as guilty.

The 3 main causes for inflation were:

1) Supply chain disruptions due to Covid
2) The Fed's policies
3) Money printing

In that order. I'd agree the money printing didn't help/made it worse, but I'd argue 1 & 2 alone would have still caused inflation to spike and Republicans/Democrats don't have control over those.
The 3 main causes for inflation were:

1) Supply chain disruptions due to Covid
2) The Fed's policies
3) Money printing

In that order. I'd agree the money printing didn't help/made it worse, but I'd argue 1 & 2 alone would have still caused inflation to spike and Republicans/Democrats don't have control over those.
That is where you’re wrong.

What caused the supply chain issues? The virus or the policies enacted by governments during that time?

Unless you are of the mind of “all governments did the best job possible”…
The guy who tells everyone he is good at business because he inherited a company his Grandma started has zero Fortune 500 CEO’s supporting.
The guy who claims he is the best at business can’t get anyone who runs the largest companies to endorse him.
Will give Trump credit he does have the fear of boat electrocution and eaten by a shark voters on lockdown.
That is where you’re wrong.

What caused the supply chain issues? The virus or the policies enacted by governments during that time?

Unless you are of the mind of “all governments did the best job possible”…

Lockdowns would have happened regardless of who was in charge and did around the world in attempt to mitigate the damage of the virus. To a certain extent they would also have happened regardless of government polices and did.... for example my company and many others, sent us home for remote work before any govt mandates.

Furthermore even if the US had 0 lockdowns... the fact that China and all of our other trading partners had lockdowns would have still severely disrupted our supply chains, and supply chains around the world.
what really cracks me up about this obvious scams is that they don't even hide it anymore. 2000 mules cost $15-20 bucks to stream it and it was just complete lies and nonsense. It is mind blowing that people not only believed it, but paid to be lied to their face.
Confirmation bias is a helluva drug.
The guy who tells everyone he is good at business because he inherited a company his Grandma started has zero Fortune 500 CEO’s supporting.
The guy who claims he is the best at business can’t get anyone who runs the largest companies to endorse him.
Will give Trump credit he does have the fear of boat electrocution and eaten by a shark voters on lockdown.
Seems like only yesterday democrats at least pretended to have some self esteem and were against "the top 1%", and now you're openly bragging about dropping to your knees and having to wipe them off your chin and doing whatever fortune 500 CEOs tell you.


And this is my issue

Even with 100% hindsight, supply chain disruptions would have still occurred, unless you had a one guy controlling the entire world... it really was the virus to blame.

I have a bigger problem with the Fed though. They kept interest rates unnecessarily low at the end of Obama's term and throughout Trump's term even though the economy had recovered from the GFC at that point, which left them little room to work with during the pandemic. Then during the pandemic they got so caught up with the temporary unemployment that they forgot their main purpose is to control inflation levels, which forced them to make rapid and drastic increases when it did happen.
Yes indeed, I was looking at G20, though. Wasn’t sure how to determine “the best” recovery with all the metrics to consider. We’re objectively one of the strongest.
Comparisons with much poorer countries are less meaningful, though. I think that if some of the big headline metrics are close, it's fuzzy, but the U.S. is really blowing away the rest of the developed world.
Thing is, I was just asking Rob to clarify what I thought were confusing back to back posts, like he was implying the US either caused global inflation or shouldn’t have been affected by it. But I got no answers and an irrelevant comparison.

ETA: Or maybe he was trying to say we’d have been better off if we engineered a recession to deal with it?
I honestly don't think there's any way he and people like him would conclude that the U.S. is doing well if the president isn't a Democrat. And that's not symmetrical (because media consumption is not--most liberals consume mainstream news, while most rightists consume Fox or even more partisan outlets). I was here in 2017-2019 arguing with leftists who were talking about the economy being in the shitter (it was actually in the shitter for a bit in between).

On your last point, see below. I think engineering a recession would have reduced inflation a little but it would have still gotten very high, and then we'd also have a recession, which IMO is worse.
Lolwut? Rob asked you about inflation, and you specifically said "the entire world is dealing with it and the US has outperformed everyone", and now pretend just a couple minutes later you never said it?
This is the post you were responding to in its entirety: "Relief for the pandemic and spikes in spending surely contributed to the problem. We’re a major economy. But, are you saying it was the cause of global inflation?"

And your response was just another canned GOP talking point--while the U.S. economy is the strongest in the world, by far, we don't literally have the lowest inflation rate over the past year.
The 3 main causes for inflation were:

1) Supply chain disruptions due to Covid
2) The Fed's policies
3) Money printing

In that order. I'd agree the money printing didn't help/made it worse, but I'd argue 1 & 2 alone would have still caused inflation to spike and Republicans/Democrats don't have control over those.
Wrong on 2 and 3 (which would seem to be the same thing). Remember, mechanically inflation is basically the gap between the increase in spending and the increase in production of goods and services in a country (complicated a little by international trade). When you conceptualize it that way, you can see how the pandemic contributed--not just the supply-chain disruptions, but the overall supply shortage. People suddenly had less to spend on, while they didn't immediately lose their money. There was also a huge recession, which kept it in check, but then when the economy came roaring back, it took a while for production to respond to the price signals, and then in the big rush to increase production, there were supply-chain disruptions exacerbating the problem. And then on top of that, there was also the Russian invasion. In the U.S., underlying inflation peaked around 4.5% (which was unrelated to the supply-chain disruptions or the invasion), but then those other factors contributed to the much higher actual peak. Countries that didn't have the same explosive growth didn't have their underlying inflation peak as high, but many were more affected by the other issues.
That is where you’re wrong.

What caused the supply chain issues? The virus or the policies enacted by governments during that time?

Unless you are of the mind of “all governments did the best job possible”…
The supply-chain issues were caused by the U-Turn the economy made.

The overall failure of the economy to immediately increase production after getting signals that production was not needed is a matter of nature. The economic slowdown could certainly be blamed on bad gov't policies--not preventing the spread of the disease but doing too little to prevent it early. The slowdown after the pandemic got here was an interaction between the virus and society (including the gov't).