Elections In Shift, Biden Issues Order Allowing Temporary Border Closure to Migrants

They've met the quota? Too little far too late...
Durr so are the whites

Ok, so, you are saying: Whites (a subset of Native born Americans, which would be comprised of ALL ethnicities) are statistically more likely to murder than legal OR illegal immigrants.
I suspect that that is NOT what you wanted to say...hence my comment to you.

If that IS what you wanted to say, I am surprized, not really on brand for you, but good job branching out. .
You mean the majority won’t commit the mass amount of murders ? In short anytime an illegal murders someone it should not of happened because there should not be illegals roaming around theoretically right .. he said some static about native Americans and that they should be deported ….
and I countered his retard logic with the majority of America and murders
Keep blaming black people for your problems, that seems to have worked out well for you. America has the highest percentage of imprisoned citizens in the world, and conservatives resist any attempts to reform the justice system.

Also, net migration per thousand people:

Canada 5.4
United States 3.0

We have almost twice the immigrants per capita as you do, maybe that's why it's comically safer here. Immigrants commit less crime and much less murder.
You quoted the wrong person.
You mean the majority won’t commit the mass amount of murders ? In short anytime an illegal murders someone it should not of happened because there should not be illegals roaming around theoretically right .. he said some static about native Americans and that they should be deported ….
and I countered his retard logic with the majority of America and murders
It's expressed as a percentage, not a raw number...soooo...

Also, not Native American, but Native Born Americans... like not from the rez, but Born in the USA like the Boss.

Also, his statement was meant to be a ridiculous statement, meant to mock the xenophobia presented earlier itt (or represented by the Right wing in general). It wasn't a serious suggestion, but a humorous comment.
It's expressed as a percentage, not a raw number...soooo...

Also, not Native American, but Native Born Americans... like not from the rez, but Born in the USA like the Boss.

Also, his statement was meant to be a ridiculous statement, meant to mock the xenophobia presented earlier itt (or represented by the Right wing in general). It wasn't a serious suggestion, but a humorous comment.
The dude has zero humor …
Yeah, not before Biden blamed the republicans for not passing the border bill
“Senate republicans put partisan politics before our national security”
He always had the executive powers to stop the madness

executive powers to make the house put forward a bill?
how dare the other guy lift a finger to stop illegals! we're the ones who are supposed to be about securing the border. just not the ones doing anything about it teehee! it's everybody elses problem but if you elect us the border crisis will be fixed on day 1 because we will simply just stop talking about it!

i mean that's been our go-to strategy with dealing with the border throughout all of these years. it can't be a problem if we just pretend that it doesn't exist! we'll stamp our feet and screech about an unsecure border all day long when our elections are right around the corner, but we will never lift a finger or even sign our names on a bill to ever try to do anything to help with it.
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how dare the other guy lift a finger to stop illegals! we're the ones who are supposed to be about securing the border. just not the ones doing anything about it teehee! it's everybody elses problem but if you elect us the border crisis will be fixed on day 1 because we will simply just stop talking about it!

i mean that's been our go-to strategy with dealing with the border throughout all of these years. it can't be a problem if we just pretend that it doesn't exist! we'll stamp our feet and screech about an unsecure border all day long when our elections are right around the corner, but we will never lift a finger or even sign our names on a bill to ever try to do anything to help with it.


What’s he waiting for?? Why now?

Oh… that’s why

not sure if this cope sheet is trying to tell us that trump's wall is a catastrophic failure, or that more people want to legally immigrate to america under joe biden's presidency than any other president. now all of a sudden people in droves want to go to the states, dementia joe just made america great again.

dark brandon is just a likeable dude i guess. thats why he won the popular vote bigly. and he won it by alot.
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They've met the quota? Too little far too late...
No real change in policy at all they will still allow migrants.
Just not that many.

Assuming it survives legal challenges, the policy kicks in once the seven-day average for daily illegal crossings hits 2,500 — a regular occurrence now. The border would reopen only after the figure drops to 1,500 for seven days in a row and stays that way for two weeks.