Elections Trump now dominating swing states, 70% think our political reich "needs major changes" or "to be torn down completely"

Wow you posted one grandma. Most women who vote for trump are the hottest women while the overweight unattractive green haired women are lefties
I honestly cant fathom ANYONE saying we are better off now than just before the covid BS. The shit that has happened during biden has affecting all citizens, whereas trump's doings either went unnoticed or made life better.

Biden has been the first president that made my life shittier in many ways, but I've gOt iT aLl WrOnG.

Well, the stock market is hitting daily historic highs. Not that I attribute that to Biden, but Trump routinely took credit for the stock markets success.
Where's @curryjunkie ?

Dude, would you like a Whippy chosen avatar between now and the election or to lose your account? The polls just get worse and worse for the Democrats... just like I warned you goofs when the lawfare started. I won't be making you other offers... the clock is ticking.

You do have a chance that Biden drops out and that would save you. I bet you're hoping that senile bastard shits himself on stage and you get Kamala.
thats 3 times now youve tried to downgrade an account bet between us to an avatar bet...

Both elections it was almost tied lol.

but kellyanne conway called the first one a blowout.

sleepy joe wound up with 306 electoral votes in 2020, but with over 7 million votes more than the next candidate.

so if the first election was a blowout, then i guess 2020 was a full on pink sock, with a pink sock hanging off of it

that's a prolapsed rectum for those of you who aren't aware of what a pink sock is.
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How come only white countries have this trans issue. We don’t see Africa or any Asian, Indian country with the gender nonsense. lgbtq wasn’t a huge thing until the last 8 years. Now half the country is LGBTQ
You are honestly trapped in your news bubble and coming across as very ignorant. I dont blame you though, when you search out confirmation bias sources, you get trapped into believing bullshit like you posted ignoramus.
Actually white countries stopped it in Africa.
You might want to research Native Americans and two Spirits.
Hell in Sparta, newly married woman would shave their hair so their husbands could transition into banging women because they were so used to banging dudes.
I said it’s a high possibility but I can’t prove it. Imo they do vote
I heard it was 2000 Mules that swung the election.
Oh never mind Dinesh admitted that was bullshit, because he was about to get sued and after watching Fox News cut a 900 million dollar check thought it would be better to fess up to his lie before he had to suck dick for beer money.
thats 3 times now youve tried to downgrade an account bet between us to an avatar bet...


wonder if he takes username bets? i've already got my own maid around here now. i can always use somebody to be my sex slave or personal toilet.
Well, the stock market is hitting daily historic highs. Not that I attribute that to Biden, but Trump routinely took credit for the stock markets success.

The stock market is a misery index. It was a bad thing under Trump its a bad thing today. That money comes from either exploited people or cut corners which will eventually lead to exploited people.
What the hell are you babbling about? Biden is running on the border? Biden has destroyed the border, creating massive child sex trafficking, and crime has gone through the roof.
But you just said trump fixed the border.
You are honestly trapped in your news bubble and coming across as very ignorant. I dont blame you though, when you search out confirmation bias sources, you get trapped into believing bullshit like you posted ignoramus.
Actually white countries stopped it in Africa.
You might want to research Native Americans and two Spirits.
Hell in Sparta, newly married woman would shave their hair so their husbands could transition into banging women because they were so used to banging dudes.
lol I never said it didn’t happen, it wasn’t that common like it is today, where half the country is lgbtq. That shows brainwashing more than anything, Gen z is taught this. Having half the country like that isn’t normal and it only effects white countries…..
lol I never said it didn’t happen, it wasn’t that common like it is today, where half the country is lgbtq. That shows brainwashing more than anything, Gen z is taught this. Having half the country like that isn’t normal and it only effects white countries…..
Half the country is LBTQ, is this my Uncle Randy's new Sherdog Handle? Out of all the people I know only 2 are gay. I am not sure if that counts anyone who is closeted, but openly gay, is 2 and I know more than 4 fucking people.
Lol, half the country indeed! Half, thanks for the laughs, Pal. You better watch out, there is some dude out there looking to butt fuck you. You need to stay hyper vigilante to save your anus.
Half the country is LBTQ, is this my Uncle Randy's new Sherdog Handle? Out of all the people I know only 2 are gay. I am not sure if that counts anyone who is closeted, but openly gay, is 2 and I know more than 4 fucking people.
Lol, half the country indeed! Half, thanks for the laughs, Pal. You better watch out, there is some dude out there looking to butt fuck you. You need to stay hyper vigilante to save your anus.
You must not go outside or live under a rock. It’s a abnormally high percentage
But you just said trump fixed the border.

but the border is fixed when trump got elected. i mean sure they didn't really do anything to try to fix it and it was always an issue, but the moment the republicans get in office they just forget about it, do nothing about it, and it suddenly becomes a non-issue because they ignore it. they don't want to talk about it. it can't possibly be a problem if they just pretend it doesnt exist. and then as soon as the democrats are back in office it's suddenly a massive crisis that they are screeching about. and it will continue to be an issue until a republican gets elected into office....which will be fixed from day one because they simply just won't talk about it and it will all go away. they don't want to lift a finger to do anything about the border. they just want to try to use it as ammo for each and every election campaign.

they've talked a big game about the border, but each and every single time a bipartisan bill gets drafted to help with the border, the republicans vote it down. they don't give two fucks about the border and migration issue. they simply just pay lip service to it whenever an election is around the corner and they feel like it's convenient for their campaign.

just like the budget. all the screeching in the world when obama was president, yet trump gets in office and they're spending like it's going out of style, and he drives the national debt up by over 8 trillion dollars, and yet not a single peep from the right about it. radio silence from them. until biden gets in office and suddenly spending is a big issue again that's worth bringing up in every conversation.