Elections Trump now dominating swing states, 70% think our political reich "needs major changes" or "to be torn down completely"

Trump is busy wondering if he's going to get electrocuted by the battery or eaten by the shark, but @ipowerslapmywife is like "just jump the shark, bro."

I honestly cant fathom ANYONE saying we are better off now than just before the covid BS. The shit that has happened during biden has affecting all citizens, whereas trump's doings either went unnoticed or made life better.

Biden has been the first president that made my life shittier in many ways, but I've gOt iT aLl WrOnG.

You do. Because you’re a moron and incapable of thinking, if you think Trump being elected would have prevented the fallout from Covid I have a bridge to sell you.
Cool bot response, bro. Do you have even one original thought in your head, or is it just all "pussy grab" and "no platform"?

You got shit for brains. Trump is the only President that his former cabinet openly speaks out about him being incapable.

He does not read briefings. He doesn’t care for details.

Do you remember when he sold your blue collar ass on keeping GM manufacturing plants in the states? Gave a whole speech about it to the workers even though it was a lie. Plant closed anyway.

But Biden bad
You got shit for brains. Trump is the only President that his former cabinet openly speaks out about him being incapable.

He does not read briefings. He doesn’t care for details.

Do you remember when he sold your blue collar ass on keeping GM manufacturing plants in the states? Gave a whole speech about it to the workers even though it was a lie. Plant closed anyway.

But Biden bad
He clearly doesn't want to actually do the real work. Kasich told a story that the Trump campaign asked him if he wanted to be VP in 2016. They said he could be in charge of all domestic and foreign policy. Kasich asked if I'm in charge of all domestic and foreign policy, then what is Trump going to do? Their response: "Make America Great Again."
Covid was 4 years ago buddy. How come nothing is improving, it’s getting worse not better.

You can’t be that dumb? Surely not. Covid started in 03/2020. Things didn’t truly reopen until 2022. The Feds went from 0 interests rates to now the Fed fund rate is like 5-6. Inflation world wide is an issue. It takes years to recovery just like the recession of 08. Read a book.
He clearly doesn't want to actually do the real work. Kasich told a story that the Trump campaign asked him if he wanted to be VP in 2016. They said he could be in charge of all domestic and foreign policy. Kasich asked if I'm in charge of all domestic and foreign policy, then what is Trump going to do? Their response: "Make America Great Again."
Trump wants to campaign forever
yeah, so Orange Man Bad. got it. great. we've heard it for 9 years.

you guys will never change. the trump-specific mental illness they've induced in you people will never go away and it's "Get Trump!" at any cost, no matter how badly it ruins the country and the trust that people had in it.
Sigh. Get used to hearing more guilty verdicts. The evidence of his crimes is overwhelming no matter how long he delays his trials.
Are you a parent? If a child is old enough to remember showering with a parent and it making it uncomfortable for them, they are TOO FUCKING old to be doing it. She mentions it was inappropriate. She mentions it in the context of other sexually uncomfortable things. CONTEXT. She admitted she wrote it. We also see SEVERAL videos of Biden making young children uncomfortable, touching and sniffing. These are ON TAPE. These are not deniable things man. So you will always believe the victim unless it hurts your politician? Thats sick in the head. I really don't care how much you hate Trump (plenty of valid arguments to be made) or how Liberal you are, to deny very disturbing things just because he is your candidate is flat out wrong.
Biden isn't my candidate. I'd swap him out for someone else without hesitation. He is just the alternative to a corrupt sack of shit that literally tried to rig the last election.

You are the one that isn't listening to the victim here because of your politics. You are focusing on one part of her stream of consciousness writing without knowing the proper context even though she herself has stated her diary is being distorted to lie about her family.
That's why I don't think you're as moderate as you claim. There are extremists on both sides that are no better than the others. That somehow moderates are closer to the right over the years is a meme.
Completely disagree.

I don’t think I can disagree more.

Things that would have been considered completely insane to both political parties are now tent poles of the left.

The right is essentially the same party as it always was except trump is more of a bad actor than any other party leader.

Beyond your dislike of Trump and people like MGT what right policies have truly gone as extreme as what we see from the left?
Completely disagree.

I don’t think I can disagree more.

Things that would have been considered completely insane to both political parties are now tent poles of the left.

The right is essentially the same party as it always was except trump is more of a bad actor than any other party leader.

Beyond your dislike of Trump and people like MGT what right policies have truly gone as extreme as what we see from the left?
The Republicans, IE "the right" are fundamentally different than they were 10 years ago. They were, at their core, the party of personal responsibility...that tenet has completely left the building in concert with the absolute deification of Trump...saying it's the left that has shifted is bananas and makes it difficult to entertain your analysis or perspective otherwise if you see reality in such a skewed way. Joe Biden is the most moderate, milktoast president of the last 50 years, by some margin, but to the modern conservative, he's an ultra lib...why? Because conservatives today have gone way off the reservation to the right, to the point where democracy itself and the rule of law are secondary to getting whatever it is they want.
The Republicans, IE "the right" are fundamentally different than they were 10 years ago. They were, at their core, the party of personal responsibility...that tenet has completely left the building in concert with the absolute deification of Trump...saying it's the left that has shifted is bananas and makes it difficult to entertain your analysis or perspective otherwise if you see reality in such a skewed way. Joe Biden is the most moderate, milktoast president of the last 50 years, by some margin, but to the modern conservative, he's an ultra lib...why? Because conservatives today have gone way off the reservation to the right, to the point where democracy itself and the rule of law are secondary to getting whatever it is they want.
Polling has shown the left has shifted though.