Take Trump out of the picture, and there would be somebody else taking his place; we can't think of who that is because Trump is taking up all the oxygen in the room rn. Trump is no worse than any other Republican in office.
Both the forces that define the Trump movement - the conservatives gradually rejecting the idea of a liberal democracy and a christo-fascist reaction to the changing social order - were present in the world way before Trump entered the scene as a "legitimate" political faction in 2015, so there's no reason why they won't be present in a non-trivial way if and when Trump goes.
The goal of conservatives hasn't really changed since the French Revolution: they want a society where a white Christian king (or whatever title is in style at the time) rules over a bunch of rich white male property owners who themselves rule over their families and employees.
Trump was the perfect choice. He captured conservatives rage over having a black liberal family in the White House and harnessed it to snuggle himself in the primaries. And the white christians rallied behind him because he had come out early and often making racially coded attacks at Obama, which earned him their respect.
Trump is such a wild person to be the face of Christian nationalism. I didn’t expect it to be a guy who owns casinos and who commits sexual assaults and brags about it, who brags about invading the changing rooms of Miss Teen contestants, who says weird creepy things about the attractiveness of his own daughter’s body, who’s on his third wife and hasn’t been faithful to any of them, who constantly boasts about his wealth, who seems entirely unfamiliar with the Bible, who claims Presbyterianism but cannot recite the Apostles’ Creed, etc..
I thought this would come, but in the form of a more traditional conservative Christian type but somehow it worked.
Tump is a symptom not the cause and this has been going on for a long, long time.