Elections Trump Indicted On 91 Counts

You think the election is rigged even after so many republicans and people close to Trump have conceded that they lost fair and square….
Wait people are still on the election rig hoax???

Even after the main stooge himself climbed off that badwagon. Getting his homies disbarred and even jail time for that lie/hoax?
Where’s the actual evidence then beyond he said or she said.

Even VP Pence assured that the vote count was legit. Do you think a life long Republican like himself would be a closeted liberal?
Hell even, your guy, Tucker Carlson admitted that the whole “rigged election” schtick was a grifting scheme for dildo brained MAGA fans.
Even Ivanka Trump is on tape admitting it!


Because the Democrats locked everyone down and scared them into staying home and mailing their vote in instead of voting in person. This way, they would have control of how many votes came in through the mail. And if the mail in votes were questioned, then you were silenced.

You already know this.

if mailing in presidential votes is so bad, than why did rapey von schitzenpantz mail in his vote in both of the elections that he ran in?
Reading this article literally made me LOL. "I did this, I did that, I built the wall." haha.

"He raised a question as to, if we gave them additional documents now, would they, would they, the Department of Justice, come back and say well, why did you withhold them and try to use that as a basis for criminal liability or to make him look bad in the press," according to Corcoran's notes about what Trump asked his attorneys in May 2022 after prosecutors subpoenaed the former president to turn over any classified documents in his possession, records reviewed by ABC News say.

"Well look isn't it better if there are no documents?" Trump also asked his attorneys after raising concerns about prosecutors "opening up new fronts against him," according to Corcoran's notes...

During an approximately one-and-a-half-hour meeting with both Trump and attorney Jennifer Little, Trump brought a box to their first meeting to demonstrate its contents, showing the attorneys his newspaper clippings, Post-it notes, and photos, and other materials.

"I don't want anybody looking, I don't want anybody looking through my boxes, I really don't, I don't want you looking through my boxes," Trump said, according to a portion of the notes included in the indictment against Trump. "Look I just don't want anybody going through these things."...

"Look, you know, I have ten different actions against me. They are trying to get me. They're going after me. These people are ruthless," Trump remarked while boasting about his own administration. "I've done all these great things for the country. I improved the economy, I lowered taxes, I did this, I did that, built the wall."
Where’s the actual evidence then beyond he said or she said.

we gotta wait for the crackhead pillow salesman to finish going over all of the rest of the evidence of election fraud that nobody else in the universe is allowed to lay eyes on. the kind of evidence too damning to bring to court. the kind of evidence that should only be presented during a legal dispute over in the parking lot of a landscaping store across the street from the dildo shop, while your attorneys are covered in snot and sweating out shoe polish.

we're at 1331 kraken-less days and counting. and still not a single sliver of bamboo has been uncovered deep within the jungles of america. and to this very day, not a single allegation of any kind of fraud has ever been made on cheeto benito's behalf throughout any courtroom in the land.

but don't you worry guys. trust the plan. the crackhead pillow salesman is going to be taking all of that evidence to court any day now and constitutionally reinstating molestini cheetolini as president. but just not today. for the meantime make sure to get your donations in ya stupid sacks of shit. the super rich guy who never misses an opportunity to tell everybody how super rich he is needs some more of your money, and america ain't gonna save itself!
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if mailing in presidential votes is so bad, than why did rapey von schitzenpantz mail in his vote in both of the elections that he ran in?
TRUMP: I’ve had a lot of hoaxes played on me. This is one of them.

KAPLAN: And how would, how would you define the word hoax?

TRUMP: A fake story. A false story. A made up story.

KAPLAN: Something that’s not true.

TRUMP: Something that’s not true. Yes.

KAPLAN: Sitting here today can you recall what else you have referred to as a hoax?

TRUMP: Sure. The Russia Russia Russia hoax, it’s been proven to be a hoax. Ukraine Ukraine Ukraine hoax. The Mueller situation for two and a half years hoax – ended and no collusion. It was a whole big hoax. The lying to the FISA court hoax; the lying to Congress many times hoax by all these people, this scum that we have in our country; lying to Congress hoax; the spying on my campaign hoax. They spied on my campaign and now they admitted that was another hoax, and I could get a whole list of them. And this is a hoax too.

KAPLAN: Okay, in addition to the Russia Russia Russia hoax, the Ukraine Ukraine Ukraine hoax, the Mueller the Mueller or Mueller hoax, the lying to FISA hoax, the lying to Congress hoax, and the spying on your campaign hoax. Isn’t it true that you also referred to the use of mail in ballots as a hoax?

TRUMP: Yeah, I do. I do. I think they’re very dishonest, mail in ballots, very dishonest.

KAPLAN: And isn’t it true that you yourself have voted by mail?

TRUMP: I do. I do. Sometimes I do. But I don’t know what happens to it once you, once you give it, I have no idea.
Where’s the actual evidence then beyond he said or she said.

Even VP Pence assured that the vote count was legit. Do you think a life long Republican like himself would be a closeted liberal?
Hell even, your guy, Tucker Carlson admitted that the whole “rigged election” schtick was a grifting scheme for dildo brained MAGA fans.

Pence had to ask Dan Quayle for advice. Dan potato head Quayle....

For all y'all that are too young to remember Dan Quayle, he was George Bush Sr's VP. To help promote Bush's Weed and Seed program, Dan was in charge of a spelling bee.
A kid was given the word potato. He went up to the board, and spelled it correctly. Dan called him back up to the board, and insisted that it was spelled potatoe.
we gotta wait for the crackhead pillow salesman to finish going over all of the rest of the evidence of election fraud that nobody else in the universe is allowed to lay eyes on. the kind of evidence too damning to bring to court. the kind of evidence that should only be presented at a legal dispute over in the parking lot of a landscaping store across the street from the dildo shop, while your attorneys are covered in snot and sweating out shoe polish.

we're at 1331 kraken-less days and counting. and still not a single sliver of bamboo has been uncovered deep within the jungles of america. and to this very day, not a single allegation of any kind of fraud has ever been made on cheeto benito's behalf throughout any courtroom in the land.

but don't you worry guys. trust the plan. the crackhead pillow salesman is going to be taking all of that evidence to court any day now and constitutionally reinstating molestini cheetolini as president. but just not today. for the meantime make sure to get your donations in ya stupid sacks of shit. the super rich guy who never misses an opportunity to tell everybody how super rich he is needs some more of your money, and america ain't gonna save itself!

I'd like to know what happened to all that Arizona voter data that the Crack Ninjas flew to Montana.
of course staging a crime scene with fake shit they brought with them for public manipulation doesn't bother you fuckin sleazeballs! lmao
Oh, we're back to that excuse today? #3 it is! What will it be tomorrow?

  1. Trump declassified the documents with his mind.
  2. A standing order authorized him to declassify documents post-presidency.
  3. The FBI planted the evidence.
  4. Trump just wanted souvenirs from his presidency. No big deal. They were keepsakes.
  5. Trump was just working from home. Like millions of hard working Americans do.
  6. The documents were taken by aides by accident. Trump never had any idea!
  7. The documents are Trump's property! He can do whatever he wants!
  8. Trump was just too busy to return them.
  9. What about Obama?
  10. What about Biden?
  11. Election interference!
  12. If they can do this to a POTUS, they can do it to you too!
  13. They're not coming after Trump; they're coming after Trump supporters! Trump is just standing in the way!
  14. Witch hunt!
  15. Hoax!
  16. They were looking for Hillary's emails!
Man, if you MAGAts are still mad about the last election and can't get over it, I can't wait until November and you lose again. LMAO you're about to go through some shit. Your meltdowns will be epic!

They're already talking about Civil War level anger.
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lmao. the feds brought scary cover sheets with them for their photo op so they can doctor the scene, make trump look bad, and rile up their cultists.

you guys are such cans, man.



So, putting a "Top Secret/SCI" cover on a "Top Secret/SCI" document DOESN'T count because it's already "Top Secret/SCI"?

Oh, we're back to that excuse today? #3 it is! What will it be tomorrow?

  1. Trump declassified the documents with his mind.
  2. A standing order authorized him to declassify documents post-presidency.
  3. The FBI planted the evidence.
  4. Trump just wanted souvenirs from his presidency. No big deal. They were keepsakes.
  5. Trump was just working from home. Like millions of hard working Americans do.
  6. The documents were taken by aides by accident. Trump never had any idea!
  7. The documents are Trump's property! He can do whatever he wants!
  8. Trump was just too busy to return them.
  9. What about Obama?
  10. What about Biden?
  11. Election interference!
  12. If they can do this to a POTUS, they can do it to you too!
  13. They're not coming after Trump; they're coming after Trump supporters! Trump is just standing in the way!
  14. Witch hunt!
  15. Hoax!
  16. They were looking for Hillary's emails!

this is why more and more black men not named strych are supporting trump cause that community has a history of dealing with dirty cops that pull this shit.

hey everybody, let's scrounge around for the few scraps of paper in donny's room and organize them into a pile. we'll even bring our own placeholder documents (cause you can't photograph ACKCHEWUL documents, that's against national security!) and we'll print more papers saying "DONNY'S ILLEGAL CLASSIFIED DOCUMENTS STASH" and put them on top of the others, so everyone knows what a deliberate treasonous insurrectionist scumbag he is. we're gonna need a crime scene staging department, director of photogrpahy, and a lighting crew too, stat!
this is why more and more black men not named strych are supporting trump
Jumping that shark again, Super Nintendo.


cause that community has a history of dealing with dirty cops that pull this shit.
Donald's on tape showing it off to people. His aides are on camera moving documents around for him. Trump's own lawyers accept that he was possession of them. Trump himself, at times, has acquiesced to the reality that he had them.

This is in no way comparable to corrupt cops planting something on an innocent black person.
hey everybody, let's scrounge around for the few scraps of paper in donny's room and organize them into a pile. we'll even bring our own placeholder documents (cause you can't photograph ACKCHEWUL documents, that's against national security!) and we'll print more papers saying "DONNY'S ILLEGAL CLASSIFIED DOCUMENTS STASH" and put them on top of the others, so everyone knows what a deliberate treasonous insurrectionist scumbag he is. we're gonna need a crime scene staging department, director of photogrpahy, and a lighting crew too, stat!
this is why more and more black men not named strych are supporting trump cause that community has a history of dealing with dirty cops that pull this shit.

hey everybody, let's scrounge around for the few scraps of paper in donny's room and organize them into a pile. we'll even bring our own placeholder documents (cause you can't photograph ACKCHEWUL documents, that's against national security!) and we'll print more papers saying "DONNY'S ILLEGAL CLASSIFIED DOCUMENTS STASH" and put them on top of the others, so everyone knows what a deliberate treasonous insurrectionist scumbag he is. we're gonna need a crime scene staging department, director of photogrpahy, and a lighting crew too, stat!
You think they should have released pics of the classified records?
Because the Democrats locked everyone down and scared them into staying home and mailing their vote in instead of voting in person. This way, they would have control of how many votes came in through the mail. And if the mail in votes were questioned, then you were silenced.

You already know this.

So, you mean to tell me that Trump WASN'T President during the covid lockdowns?
