Elections Trump’s speeches mega thread

Again stop reading Magat media and put on your big boy pants and read something outside that echo chamber.

Biden WAS NOT in government when the requests he made to Twitter, that Elon exposed and called 'government censorship', were made. If you read what Biden asked for, the requests were directed at asking Twitter to follow their own rules. It would be the same as someone breaking a rule here and you hitting 'report' and explaining what rule the person broke, so the mods can then consider it and act.

It is not only NORMAL for citizens to do but Twitter and Sherdog ask you to do it and have the 'report' button there for that very reason.

What Trump did, was speak officially thru the White House, in a way that violated the Constitution by using government to seek censor criticisms of him something all public officials have NO RIGHT to ask to be taken down.

So despite Magat media repeating what Biden did was bad, it was NOT. But what Trump did through the White House was truly bad and a huge abuse of governmental power, in defiance of the Constitution.
You're talking to the 2nd or 3rd dumbest poster on these forums.


is all of this unhinged and deranged cry-cry coming from the same rapist, fraudster, and felon who once cried about the weaponization of government and how unfairly he is being treated for breaking the law?

and he wants to give long prison sentences to political donors? am i reading this gobbledygook right? you know, molestini cheetolini once donated money to kamala harris during her successful campaign to become attorney general. perhaps he should lock himself up whaddya say?
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Best I can give you is a convicted felon, adjudicated rapist, someone who stopped the peaceful transfer of power of a free and fair election, and lost the debate. The #blueAnon are shoooooooook

Best I can give you is a convicted felon, adjudicated rapist, someone who stopped the peaceful transfer of power of a free and fair election, and lost the debate. The #blueAnon are shoooooooook

Pretty sure it's the Republicans who are running on micromanaging people's lives and doing it transparently lol
Best I can give you is a convicted felon, adjudicated rapist, someone who stopped the peaceful transfer of power of a free and fair election, and lost the debate. The #blueAnon are shoooooooook

So based on the above video you are voting Harris right?

if you want the government to 'get out of the way' and :

- let parents raise their kids, regardless of whether that family is hetero or gay
- to let adults decide on their own health care needs
- to let adults decide what type of contraception they want to use
- to let adults use medical assistance like IVF to conceive a child and have a family
- to decide what books their kids can access and read
- to not impose any specific religion in schools or other public places
- to not dictate which words are allowed to be used in society

And so on and so on... then you are not voting Magat and must be voting Dem.

Today's Magat party is the American version of the Taliban. They want to use a weaponized version of christianity,merged with gov't to make everyone submit and live under an increasingly extreme version of their interpretation of what Christianity is and means.
Sadly, Trump is now looking like the tired, demented one. He's 78 and touring takes a toll on him. Vance is not very likeable and I think he was the wrong VP pick. Blue state people hate Trump so much they're willing to vote a damn sock puppet. What the hell is Harris's stance on the border and personal liberties? She's only strong on the Roe v. Wade issue.
