Elections Trudeau' Liberals loss second Liberal stronghold, in byelection loss

I don't know, Canadian boomers are still the number one voting demographic and they seem absolutely slavishly devoted to being libtards.

That's the big problem in Canada. No one gives a shit about the country. All they care about is their own entitlements. Boomers will watch the whole country burn to ash before they accept any kind of reform of their ridiculously lavish undeserved lifestyle. These aren't WW2 veterans any more. These are the hippy children of WW2 veterans who just did drugs and got rich off real estate they bought with their inheritance.

Fuck em.
At this point, its best for him and Freeland to go down with the ship. Anyone who replaced him will get Kim Campbell'd
I’m not so sure. I think people don’t really like pp. I think a proper leader keeps the damage minimal. But who knows.
I’m not so sure. I think people don’t really like pp. I think a proper leader keeps the damage minimal. But who knows.
I know you hate PP, but he is the only pro in the mix. The rest are pure amatuers. Carney would be a sacrifical lamb and go out like the special rapotuer (or however you spell that word) who cometely ruined his legacy as a reputable GG.
I know you hate PP, but he is the only pro in the mix. The rest are pure amatuers. Carney would be a sacrifical lamb and go out like the special rapotuer (or however you spell that word) who cometely ruined his legacy as a reputable GG.
Carney might be perfect, since he could use the Harper angle and also he is older. If he loses, he isn’t harming a long term career.

Yes. I don’t like PP at all.
I don't know d*ck about Canadian politics, but Singh punking this guy is funny:

Wouldn't say it's possible as it would alienate the vast majority of Canadians and force the NDP to join the Conservatives in a non confidence vote. No party has entertained a coalition with the Bloc as 1. You would have to cave to separatist/ cultural nationalists demands and 2. Form a coalition with a party 70% of the country can't vote for.

The fact that the bloc is even a thing on the national level shows how much of a joke canada is. The fact that they are 3rd largest party is evidence of much of cuck nation canada is
Canada is a highly disfunctional confereracy. Quebec pays federal tax and as such, gets their say on a national level. But most people in Quebec tolerate Canada at best or want to secede at worst, so they vote bloc.
it was reported that most of the money from the canadian trucker revolt came from American Right Wingers too. These guys are tightly linked across borders
I think that in Canada the general cultural diffusion is the following, from West to East:
- Vancouver looks to Seattle/San Francisco progressists
- the West looks to Midwest republicans
- Ontario looks to NY
- Quebec looks to some blend of New England and France
- Maritimes looks to some blend of New England and British Isles.

That‘s kind of how I see it.
I think that in Canada the general cultural diffusion is the following, from West to East:
- Vancouver looks to Seattle/San Francisco progressists
- the West looks to Midwest republicans
- Ontario looks to NY
- Quebec looks to some blend of New England and France
- Maritimes looks to some blend of New England and British Isles.

That‘s kind of how I see it.
You probably got it right up until Ontario. I could be wrong.
This has to be a joke. Canadians in a huge majority hate Trump. I can't say I know a sole that likes Trump in Canada. Maybe some rednecks in Alberta, but even then I'd say less than 50% of said rednecks, which is a small #.

I should have added "right-wing supporters on Sherdog," not all of Canada.

I clicked on this thread because it seemed interesting and came across an All-Star team of the most vicious Sherfronters posting in the first few pages.
The chances are zero and none. He is the biggest narcissist in politics and will burn his whole party down to keep riding the high of being Canada's PM until the election is forced. Total idiot, with a government of idiots standing right behind him (NDP and Bloc included).
The man is beyond crazy and he’ll be doing every trick in the book he can to stay in power. He gets told he lost the by elections because of him and just responds he will continue to deliver for Canadians…. He will go scorched earth before he steps down.
I don't know d*ck about Canadian politics, but Singh punking this guy is funny:

These guys are tough when they don’t think they wlll be confronted. There was that one tough guy who verbally assaulted Christa freeland a while back. He wouldn’t even attempt to do that to a male politician. Fake tough guys.