Tried Complexes-OMG!

Chad Hamilton said:
Do you believe long runs are necessary?

I would think at least one day where you run for 20 minutes are longer would be neccessary.
Goat Meal said:
Diligen, Wenis, and Duncan -

I was surprised it how little he said he ran. He said he mostly rolled, sparred, and did "interval weight training" (which were more like complexes than anything). He only set aside one day for sprints and that was it. He didn't mention anything about long distances.

And yeah, that's why I was surprised, because I've never seen him gas or even slow down. In his fight with Jason Miller, he was full throttle the entire 15 minutes...

Yeah, that doesn't surprise me about him not running that much, yet not gassing. I run 2 a week, usually about 2-3 miles, but I run them HARD. I also set aside one day a week to do sprinting intervals on a stationary bike. The rest I do is wrestling, BJJ (just started), and complexes. I have yet to 'gass' in a match...