Tips for a tiny weak 16 year old?


Blue Belt
Oct 29, 2005
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Hey, I am in total need of help. I'm 16, and my stature is tiny.

I'm currently 5'5, 110 lbs. My bodyfat % has to be like 3% or something close. I workout in a gym 3 times a week.

My numbers for lifting suck. I can only bench 115, I can only squat 185, and I totally suck at cleans. I also try to eat alot, but I still cant gain ANY weight. I have a lot of muscle but thats it. They are just very defined, not big. I also have a 6 pack, and everything. BUt the probelm for me is I just dont gain weight so I can get truly stornger. Anyone have any tips?
SSnake77 said:
Hey, I am in total need of help. I'm 16, and my stature is tiny.

I'm currently 5'5, 110 lbs. My bodyfat % has to be like 3% or something close. I workout in a gym 3 times a week.

My numbers for lifting suck. I can only bench 115, I can only squat 185, and I totally suck at cleans. I also try to eat alot, but I still cant gain ANY weight. I have a lot of muscle but thats it. They are just very defined, not big. I also have a 6 pack, and everything. BUt the probelm for me is I just dont gain weight so I can get truly stornger. Anyone have any tips?
Read the stickies, eat a lot (not what you think is a lot but really loads of food, particularly stuff thats capable of making you bigger), follow stickies, the end. Any fairly general question along these lines will only ever really be replied to with "read the stickies", after all thats what they're there for.
I suggest you start with :
If there is anything you need to know is have patience! At 16 you are still turning from a boy to a man, your body isnt programed to be big and strong yet. Learn the lifts, get technical about that shit, lay a foundation, start doing some grapling (as this makes ya gorilla strong;) and let it take its time. Consistant progresive training for a few years with a sound lifting plan will make you in to a beast. But I know thats not what you want to hear at 16.
Yeap eat like a man not like a girl, growing boy needs food to be big......

I got this problem that i eat lot when i was boy and i got big but i still eat.....yeah too much :icon_lol: oh well just need to do more weight lifting and then everything is fine.....mayby :wink:
Lets start with a description of what you eat and how much throughout the day.
As far as training goes, if your goal is strength/mass, follow the Carnal sticks.
If you don't have time to eat, take whey protein shakes with you.
Since I am a beginner as well, I'll ask a stupid question here. See when everyone says what they lift like this guy here is that the maximum you can lift doing just 1 rep or is like that what you lift doing 3x8 for example.

Also those stickies tell you nothing. There should be one telling you different routines. Maybe there is but it certainly isn't easy to find. If it wasn't for some nice people replying to my Pure White Belt post I would still be in the dark as to what was a good way to do things.
SSnake77 said:
Hey, I am in total need of help. I'm 16, and my stature is tiny.

I'm currently 5'5, 110 lbs. My bodyfat % has to be like 3% or something close. I workout in a gym 3 times a week.

My numbers for lifting suck. I can only bench 115, I can only squat 185, and I totally suck at cleans. I also try to eat alot, but I still cant gain ANY weight. I have a lot of muscle but thats it. They are just very defined, not big. I also have a 6 pack, and everything. BUt the probelm for me is I just dont gain weight so I can get truly stornger. Anyone have any tips?

The most important thing that everyone has failed to mention here is STICK WITH IT! In my opinion your numbers compared to your body weight and frame aren't that bad. I know LOTS of guys who can't bench their own body weight, you're already exceeding yours. That's very good. 185 squatting vs. 110 body mass is excellent too.

Right now you're 16, I'm willing to bet that you haven't hit the big growth spurt yet. Once that happens it'll be like nature giving you some free steroids without the side effects. Like everyone else has said here, lift big and eat big. Push yourself in the gym and keep your head up.

My cousin had a similiar problem. He was relatively smallish in until about his junior year in high school, I think like 5'8 and 150 or something. He kept with it and he even got ridiculed some by kids who hit their growth spurt earlier at 14-15. He didn't pay them any mind and just kept eating like he should and lifting. Now he stands at 6'3' 215 and he benches 335 for reps. Needless to say those guys who made fun of him now don't really have much to say.

Keep your discipline, keep working hard in the gym, eat like your a deathrow inmate and every meal is your last supper, and nature will take it's course.
krellik said:
If there is anything you need to know is have patience! At 16 you are still turning from a boy to a man, your body isnt programed to be big and strong yet. Learn the lifts, get technical about that shit, lay a foundation, start doing some grapling (as this makes ya gorilla strong;) and let it take its time. Consistant progresive training for a few years with a sound lifting plan will make you in to a beast. But I know thats not what you want to hear at 16.

This is good advice.

As you get older, you will get stronger and larger even without working out. Ur still growing dude! Most 16 year olds don't have the frame there, yet.
buy dinosaur training and learn proper technique
HevyDevyGK said:
Also those stickies tell you nothing. There should be one telling you different routines. Maybe there is but it certainly isn't easy to find.
Were you in the "special" class at school? Go about a third of the page down the Carnal treatise that I posted a link to and you will find a sample workout, there is also one in Urban's website, also in the stickies. If you can't find them I suggest you attempt to read them.
hey, I'm 17, pretty small dude, but the dedication I put into getting stronger always brings me results more and more, and I'm getting bigger too, so just keep at it is all I can say, get a solid routine and stick with it for a while...
I'm 17, too. I'm not too tiny, but I definitely need to be stronger. I'm 5'11" but I'm about 152 pounds at around 10% body fat. Keep working on lifting, but if you're doing martial arts at all, use your size disadvantage to your advantage by learning to use technique over strength. When you have great technique, and then have lots of strength, you'll be all set.
Eat 6 meals a day, keep them high in carbs & protein. V important to eat your greens to help your body produce the chemicals needed in processing the building agents.
Keep hydrated.
Get in a routine!!

I was in the same boat at your age & the best program i found for me was called pyramids.
Start at a very low weight, the kind you can easily do 15 & then some.
Right you've got your comfortable weight, then do as follows:

- 15 reps.
- Increase weight (eg. +2kg)
- 12 reps
- Increase weight (eg. +2kg)
- 9 reps
- Increase weight (eg. +2kg)
- 6 reps
- Increase weight (eg. +2kg)
- 3 reps

Don't work your muscles to exhaustion, if you struggle to complete, then start on a lower weight next time.
This is a great way of building strength.

If it's mass you want, then slow down your lifts (eg. 3secs up, 3ses down).
Another thing i did as a teen was take creatine, this increased my size rapidly, it increases your recovery rate & it also retains fluids more in your muscles, giving you a more buff image. You can find it in most health stores.
Although my advice would be to leave the chemicals alone until your bodies fully developed on its own.
when i was 15-16 i put on 60 lbs and grew like 5 inches in a year. be patient.
185lb squat is very good.

And at 16 you still have a heck of a lot of growing to do.