There's no real substance to Rogans UFC commentary when you rewatch the fights

Highlighted the importance? He's hyping leg kicks in fights where they don't lead to anything. He's talkign as if somebody is broken down, yet nothing happens and the fight just moves along. He's completely fixated on them and it's annoying as fuck

You’re not wrong. But leg kicks can change fights. Uneducated casuals tend to focus on swangin/ bangin. Rogan bridges the gap and has helped many a casual to appreciate the beauty of a well placed liver kick or a chopping leg kick.
I don't really mind it. Years of watching baseball and listening to the play by play commentators tell me what is on the screen have me conditioned to kind of tune it out. I just wish Joe would stop prematurely yelling "oh he hurt him bad!" only to find the strike didn't land as clean as he thought. I do find his jiu jitsu commentary beneficial.
That’s because joe is just waiting for somebody to halfway cinch an omoplata so he can lose his shit.

Joe adds to the experience for me. I just enjoy fights more with him doing commentary. To each his own.
He was lucky to have a guy like Mike to help him out

Mike Goldberg Bless

For someone with his striking abilities, it's shockingly void of any deep analysis. All he does his rapport what we are seeing on the screen. Is he so caught up with the fights himself that refuses to analyze or what's up?

As always overhyping leg kicks----

leg kick! Leg kick, Leg kick again!, another leg kick! Those leg kicks are devastating"

It's easy to get good at kicking a bag hard