Bumping the World Wide Weird thread. Originally there wasn't much interest. Gonna give it another go. If you have anything strange, weird, scientific, paranormal, creepy, philosophical or otherwise just cool then post it here.

Don't remember if its been posted in this thread but I'll start with Fatal Familial Insomnia. It is a very rare disease that appears to be genetic which causes a person's brain to malfunction and not be able to sleep anymore. The victims basically stay awake until they die. It is truly a horrifying disease to be diagnosed with. At first they tried to treat it by having a doctor induce sleep with drugs but the part of the brain responsible for recharging your mind no longer functions so they are unconscious but not sleeping. Eventually this leads to death in 12-18 months.


I clicked this

Went to unsolved mysteries

and found a picture of Conor

Bumping the World Wide Weird thread. Originally there wasn't much interest. Gonna give it another go. If you have anything strange, weird, scientific, paranormal, creepy, philosophical or otherwise just cool then post it here.

Don't remember if its been posted in this thread but I'll start with Fatal Familial Insomnia. It is a very rare disease that appears to be genetic which causes a person's brain to malfunction and not be able to sleep anymore. The victims basically stay awake until they die. It is truly a horrifying disease to be diagnosed with. At first they tried to treat it by having a doctor induce sleep with drugs but the part of the brain responsible for recharging your mind no longer functions so they are unconscious but not sleeping. Eventually this leads to death in 12-18 months.

Is this the disease that is prevalent in SE Asia?
Is this the disease that is prevalent in SE Asia?

I'm not sure. i know it appears to run in families and be linked to some sort of brain genetics but its horrible. They just wake up one day and can never sleep again. They try to sleep and even sleep a little at the beginning but it ends up killing them in about a year. They descend into madness and hallucinations caused by sleep deprivation. I can't think of a much more horrible way to die than just staying awake until you go mad and die.
I'm not sure. i know it appears to run in families and be linked to some sort of brain genetics but its horrible. They just wake up one day and can never sleep again. They try to sleep and even sleep a little at the beginning but it ends up killing them in about a year. They descend into madness and hallucinations caused by sleep deprivation. I can't think of a much more horrible way to die than just staying awake until you go mad and die.
Yeah, that sounds terrible. I can't imagine the sadness that has to bring everyone involved.
A website about how to breath for nourishment instead of eating food.
But at the same time, suggests eating Quarter Pounders w/cheese and drinking diet coke (ONLY) as these are 5d foods (I hope I'm getting this part right and not mixing up 3d foods) which can help you ascend (die?) if you stick to this diet.
Before you write this off as bs, consider this question:

Not only that, but...
Oh, you don't? That's what I thought!. (ya dumb mofos)

Just to drop a lil knowledge on y'all

The secret in the diet coke is the "LIQUID LIGHT".
A website about how to breath for nourishment instead of eating food.
But at the same time, suggests eating Quarter Pounders w/cheese and drinking diet coke (ONLY) as these are 5d foods (I hope I'm getting this part right and not mixing up 3d foods) which can help you ascend (die?) if you stick to this diet.
Before you write this off as bs, consider this question:

Not only that, but...

Oh, you don't? That's what I thought!. (ya dumb mofos)
I think this might be my favorite post of all-time.
Roko's Basilisk

This has been called the most terrifying thought experiment of all time. It began years ago on a message forum called LessWrong which is a highbrowed sort of forum for analytical and mathematical thinking. It is run by a man named named Eliezer Yudowsky.


Eliezer Yudowsky doesn't just run the LessWrong message forum, he is an artificial intelligence researcher and co-founder of the Machine Intelligence Research Institute. In other words, this is one of the guys trying to build Skynet so that our machine overlords can take over some day. So now that you get an idea of who we are talking about, which is to say, not a basement dweller, let us get on to the story of Roko, and his basilisk.


The thought experiment began on LessWrong forum when a user named Roko posted an idea that goes something like this. What if in the future a malevolent artificial intelligence comes into existence that will punish all those that did not help it come into existence sooner? Roko argued that he was right to give the readers a choice to help build this A.I. or to suffer from its godlike power. Now this may seem confusing, which I will try to clear up.

Eliezer Yudowsky, the big brain pictured above, reacted in horror to this idea on the LessWrong forums, as follows.

Listen to me very closely, you idiot.
You have to be really clever to come up with a genuinely dangerous thought. I am disheartened that people can be clever enough to do that and not clever enough to do the obvious thing and KEEP THEIR IDIOT MOUTHS SHUT about it, because it is much more important to sound intelligent when talking to your friends.
This post was STUPID.

Basically Yudowsky told Roko, you are an idiot sir because a super intelligence blackmailing you must then follow through on the threat otherwise the blackmail carries no weight. He informed Roko that this was a dangerous thought. The idea of the Basilisk is in itself what is dangerous, the idea. You see, simply by me telling you about Roko's Basilisk is enough to condemn you to its punishments unless you work in a tech field that is helping his future self come into existence. Eliezer Yudowsky explained that Roko was clever enough to come up with an actual dangerous thought, but not smart enough to never speak of it.

As users at LessWrong began to complain about this thought experiment and the basilisk, Yudowsky got so upset with it he deleted the thread altogether in an effort to kill it. This still may not be clear to you, the reader so lets continue a little bit. The belief is that at some point computers will become smarter than the men that create them. I do not believe this is avoidable at this point. We will build machines that are able to think and do things that we cannot do. Curing cancer would be an example of something good that could come of that.

There is a bit more high browed thinking on this problem called Timeless Decision Theory. I'll try to keep it short and to the point. The idea is that a super intelligent alien comes along and offers you a choice of two boxes. Box A has $1000, and Box B has $1,000,000 or nothing. The Alien has access to a super computer that is godlike in power and can predict whether you will take both boxes or just take Box B.


The alien gives you a choice to take either both boxes, or you can take only Box B. And here is where the problem begins that has baffled decision theorists everywhere.

If you take both boxes, you’re guaranteed at least $1,000. If you just take Box B, you aren’t guaranteed anything. But the alien has another twist: Its supercomputer, which knows just about everything, made a prediction a week ago as to whether you would take both boxes or just Box B. If the supercomputer predicted you’d take both boxes, then the alien left the second box empty. If the supercomputer predicted you’d just take Box B, then the alien put the $1 million in Box B.

So, what are you going to do? Remember, the supercomputer has always been right in the past.

This problem has baffled no end of decision theorists. The alien can’t change what’s already in the boxes, so whatever you do, you’re guaranteed to end up with more money by taking both boxes than by taking just Box B, regardless of the prediction. Of course, if you think that way and the computer predicted you’d think that way, then Box B will be empty and you’ll only get $1,000. If the computer is so awesome at its predictions, you ought to take Box B only and get the cool million, right? But what if the computer was wrong this time? And regardless, whatever the computer said then can’t possibly change what’s happening now, right? So prediction be damned, take both boxes! But then …

The maddening conflict between free will and godlike prediction has not led to any resolution of Newcomb’s paradox, and people will call themselves “one-boxers” or “two-boxers” depending on where they side. (My wife once declared herself a one-boxer, saying, “I trust the computer.”)

Roko's Basilisk is similar to this when offering up his version of Newcomb's Paradox.


Roko’s Basilisk has told you that if you just take Box B, then it’s got Eternal Torment in it, because Roko’s Basilisk would really you rather take Box A and Box B. In that case, you’d best make sure you’re devoting your life to helping create Roko’s Basilisk! Because, should Roko’s Basilisk come to pass (or worse, if it’s already come to pass and is God of this particular instance of reality) and it sees that you chose not to help it out, you’re screwed.

You may be wondering why this is such a big deal for the LessWrong people, given the apparently far-fetched nature of the thought experiment. It’s not that Roko’s Basilisk will necessarily materialize, or is even likely to. It’s more that if you’ve committed yourself to timeless decision theory, then thinking about this sort of trade literally makes it more likely to happen

So if you have followed along this long, you may still be a little confused, and I'm sorry for that. Perhaps you should re-evaluate your life and go into tech. I will provide a link to one such breakdown of the basilisk or you can look on your own for one that suits you. Either away, I apologize for exposing you to this dangerous set of ideas that may have already affected our reality.
Great fkin idea @MusterX !!
To contribuit to this thread ive picked 2 vídeos of what cant be considered as paranormal but its definatly interesting and weird in a way...

The strange story of Maurice Wilson. Maurice Wilson, picture below, had the idea to fly to mount Everest and climb it with no aviation experience or climbing experience.


Maurice Wilson with his plane, Ever Rest. He lived from 1898-1934.

As an aviator, flying half way across the world would be a difficult and dangerous feat back then but then after that Wilson planned to summit Everest, solo, with no climbing experience. This was in 1934, the first solo summit did not happen until 1980. His plan was insane because not only did he plan to climb Everest solo, he planned to do it with no equipment.

His body was found in 1935 and most of what is known is because they found his diary. Apparently he was also a crossdresser and had some women's shoes and dresses with him for the occasion. I haven't been able to locate the actual diary but here is a wiki link for his story. This guy was smart enough to learn to fly and acquire a plane but then dumb enough to try to climb Everest solo.
Great fkin idea @MusterX !!
To contribuit to this thread ive picked 2 vídeos of what cant be considered as paranormal but its definatly interesting and weird in a way...

Thanks for the contribution Fadeless, going to watch those videos in a bit. I started this thread about a year ago but not much activity. Just trying to reboot it for anyone interested.
A website about how to breath for nourishment instead of eating food.
But at the same time, suggests eating Quarter Pounders w/cheese and drinking diet coke (ONLY) as these are 5d foods (I hope I'm getting this part right and not mixing up 3d foods) which can help you ascend (die?) if you stick to this diet.
Before you write this off as bs, consider this question:

Not only that, but...

Oh, you don't? That's what I thought!. (ya dumb mofos)

Just to drop a lil knowledge on y'all

Well shit. These 5D MF'ers are coming down into our 3D reality to eat our cheeseburgers and get cool souvenirs. Only the Breatharians will understand this. Ice-cream was originally created to remove the symptoms of staying too long in this 3rd dimension. In fact, if you meditate every day on the 5 magic words and then eat McDonald's double cheeseburgers with diet coke, you may ascend to the 5th dimension.
Thanks for the contribution Fadeless, going to watch those videos in a bit. I started this thread about a year ago but not much activity. Just trying to reboot it for anyone interested.
Dont mention it , thank you for all your contribuitions and this awesome thread.