The sheer hubris that JDS fans showed going into Cain rematch was unreal.


Purple Belt
Jan 8, 2011
Reaction score
And I think warrants an apology.

Not to "Cain Fans" or anything, but to the MMA fan population in general. The sheer amount of arrogance, underappreciation of Cain's abilities, and disregard for the rest of MMA fans that JDS fans showed was unacceptable. It is trumped only by the one-sided beating JDS received at the hands of a guy JDS fans would make you believe is a can.

Time to eat crow. You made yourselves look foolish. Cain has always been for real and any HW can be beaten. It's HW MMA for god's sake.
So you want people to apologize for sharing their opinion about the fighters they are behind? GL with that shit lol.

And this is Sherdog, who doesn't look foolish at times?
Jds won the first fight by ko and they should apologize for thinking he'd win again?
You are the second person I've ever heard use the word "hubris." The first was Apocalypse.

And I think warrants an apology.

Not to "Cain Fans" or anything, but to the MMA fan population in general. The sheer amount of arrogance, underappreciation of Cain's abilities, and disregard for the rest of MMA fans that JDS fans showed was unacceptable. It is trumped only by the one-sided beating JDS received at the hands of a guy JDS fans would make you believe is a can.

Time to eat crow. You made yourselves look foolish. Cain has always been for real and any HW can be beaten. It's HW MMA for god's sake.

I think you should apologize for making such a moronic thread
And I think warrants an apology.

Not to "Cain Fans" or anything, but to the MMA fan population in general. The sheer amount of arrogance, underappreciation of Cain's abilities, and disregard for the rest of MMA fans that JDS fans showed was unacceptable. It is trumped only by the one-sided beating JDS received at the hands of a guy JDS fans would make you believe is a can.

Time to eat crow. You made yourselves look foolish. Cain has always been for real and any HW can be beaten. It's HW MMA for god's sake.

I agree with U....but good luck with that apology!!:icon_lol:
Do the letters FO mean anything to you?
sweet new avi thanks!

That's a great entrance song in your sig. I'd go out with that, or "The Thieving Magpie" which is the piece that plays during the droogs' war with Billy and his gang, or the electronic version of "Ode to Joy." That whole soundtrack is good for fighting haha.
You owe an apology for this thread. To the mma population in general.
Yep. JDS is one of my favorite fighters, pretty much almost up there with Anderson but he and his fanbase were way too arrogant going into this fight. It was almost ridiculous how they looked at Cain as just some crashed hypetrain.
You don't ask fanatical followers for apologies. You laugh at them.
So JDS fans should apologize for thinking he would knock Cain out again? What about all the Velasquez fans who laugh at the possibility of a rubber match? I've seen a shit load of "no one wants to see Junior get his ass handed to him for 5rds again" and "Junior should have to win a few more fights before he's even considered for another shot at Cain"
Because thinking that a guy who won the first fight in under a minute and looked unstoppable in his career is totally ridiculous right?
And I think warrants an apology.

Not to "Cain Fans" or anything, but to the MMA fan population in general. The sheer amount of arrogance, underappreciation of Cain's abilities, and disregard for the rest of MMA fans that JDS fans showed was unacceptable. It is trumped only by the one-sided beating JDS received at the hands of a guy JDS fans would make you believe is a can.

Time to eat crow. You made yourselves look foolish. Cain has always been for real and any HW can be beaten. It's HW MMA for god's sake.

Agree completely. I don't remember the last time I saw so much sheer stupidity in one place. You couldn't even hypothetically talk about Cain winning without the drooling hordes laughing you out of a thread talking about how JDS was going to brutalize Cain in round 1.

I've never taken as much personal satisfaction out of a fight result as I did when Cain clowned him.
And I think warrants an apology.

Not to "Cain Fans" or anything, but to the MMA fan population in general. The sheer amount of arrogance, underappreciation of Cain's abilities, and disregard for the rest of MMA fans that JDS fans showed was unacceptable. It is trumped only by the one-sided beating JDS received at the hands of a guy JDS fans would make you believe is a can.

Time to eat crow. You made yourselves look foolish. Cain has always been for real and any HW can be beaten. It's HW MMA for god's sake.

JDS fans were obnoxious about Cain, and now Cain fans are obnoxious about JDS.

And the first fight was more of a definitive beating than the second.

JDS hurt Cain and finished him.

Cain hurt JDS and it went to a decision.

All this talk about how the five rounds proved more is silly; it completely ignores the fact JDS was blasted and survived, as if that made him less of a fighter.

For the record, I favored Cain in both fights, and would favor him in a third, but not by much.

I'm just annoyed by whichever group of fans is being more obnoxious, and right now, it's Cain fans by a country mile.
It is trumped only by the one-sided beating JDS received at the hands of a guy JDS fans would make you believe is a can.

People (mostly Cain's fans) are now doing that to JDS. That's the way sherdog is.