The perfect fighter.

Interesting stuff and there's little doubt he'll be a strong bastard when he gets older but it takes much more than strength to be a fighter.
More like the perfect body builder.
Evidently it takes more than raw strength to become a great fighter. But imagine what fifteen years of wrestling, jj, muay thai and boxing could create. The explosive strength from that guy would be insane.
Is this the same condition as the "Little Hercules"? I haven't heard much about him in terms of athletic performance.
Thanks for keeping us updated with breaking news...

Rare condition gives toddler super strength

Updated Wed. May. 30 2007 9:44 AM ET
Thanks for keeping us updated with breaking news...

I would have appreciated this thread if I hadn't seen the article multiple times in the past ten months.
I wonder if those 100 adults that have the same condition had great success in sports...if any are professional
I wonder if those 100 adults that have the same condition had great success in sports...if any are professional

They don't do sports stupid, they do

I wonder if those 100 adults that have the same condition had great success in sports...if any are professional

Yes, while I can't give you a source right here and now, I am pretty positive I've heard that a proffesional bodybuilder, I think he was in the Olympia or whatever the bodybuilders got versus Coleman and lost.
Is this the same condition as the "Little Hercules"? I haven't heard much about him in terms of athletic performance.

"Little Hercules" had a condition called "My father slips me oral AAS in my shakes and lies about it".
I'm sick of ppl predicting little kids would do well in sports, blah, blah blah. Give them some fukin break 'till they grow up to decide for themselves. Not to mention talent does not guarantee success.
wonder if he has a glassjaw. who's up for testing


and thank you google

ive read somewhere that people with that condition have a tendency to have torn tendons as myostatin is needed for tendon strength.