The new Charlie's Angels movie flopped. Why are men being blamed for it's failure?

If she genuinely believes that’s the reason the movie bombed then she’s a dumb bitch for the ages. Just in recent memory, hustlers, oceans 8 and atomic blonde all did very well at the box office.. because they had star power and marketing. Charlie’s angels just looked shitty(and is according to critics) had shitty marketing and no star power. Her comments will only hurt the movies sales even more. Banks can esal and stfu.
This will tell you everything you need to know:

"Development of the film began in September 2015 when Sony Pictures opted to reboot the series, following the cancellation of the 2011 television reboot."

What's the definition of insanity?


false, that's the definition of practice. The definition of insanity involves a mental issue.

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Just because you enjoy it, doesn’t mean the majority of men do.
She is right. Most don’t care to see this type of flick, and we spend a lot on movies. Alien and terminator 2 are outliers.

Captain Marvel made a billion dollars. That isnt just women enjoying it, lots of men went to see it.

And that movie wasnt even good.

Fact is lots of movies of either gender succeed and fail. The gender isn't what attracts people.
YOu know what would have sold tickets. A tasteful and artistic lesbian 4 way with the 4 leads.
Nothing prints money like synchronized scissoring.
Captain Marvel made a billion dollars. That isnt just women enjoying it, lots of men went to see it.

And that movie wasnt even good.

Fact is lots of movies of either gender succeed and fail. The gender isn't what attracts people.
Yes, because she isn’t a regular women fighting. She is a super hero. Same with chicks and guns. Those movies do better than just chicks kicking ass because it seems at least plausible to many guys.
If you think the sexes do not have huge preferences when it comes to movies, I won’t be able to change your mind.
Yes, because she isn’t a regular women fighting. She is a super hero. Same with chicks and guns. Those movies do better than just chicks kicking ass because it seems at least plausible to many guys.
If you think the sexes do not have huge preferences when it comes to movies, I won’t be able to change your mind.

So why did it crush male led superhero movies? Not beat, crush.

The second ant man came out around the same time, and made 622 million. Captain Marvel made 1.1 billion.

Same time. Same genre. Double the money. Why is that if men hate it?
Because the woke cultural marxists of the left need a scapegoat for the failure of their nonsensical ideas.
So why did it crush male led superhero movies? Not beat, crush.

The second ant man came out around the same time, and made 622 million. Captain Marvel made 1.1 billion.

Same time. Same genre. Double the money. Why is that if men hate it?
I didn’t say men hate super hero movies. Just why does the flicks with the female leads doing manly shit fail if they aren’t super heroes or have guns? There is just a difference to most. Especially after so much exposure that MMA and fighting gets now. We know that no 100lb lady is going to do what they try to show. It’s obvious with all the footage at our fingers. That ancient martial art that will eliminate the advantages of men physically over women doesn’t exist.

And tbf, the theme of Captain Marvel is way better than Antman. Who wanted that film either? Haven’t seen either, but given the choice, I would take captain marvel too.

I’m not saying it is a vindictive attitude towards women in most films. Both sexes like certain things more than others. Not sure how that thought is seen as so out there anymore. It’s like most people don’t live in the real world anymore.
I mean, even women didn't want to see "charlie's angels", so what does that make them? why the hate for dudes when women weren't really rushing to the theater anyways?

I hated the reboot of the reboot. No one wants to see this movie. Banks sounds like a bitch.
I grew up on Cynthia Rothrock, Michelle Yeoh, Kathy Long, Sigourney Weaver, Linda Hamilton, Sally Field, Pam Grier.

This bitch can shove it.

Maybe the lackluster performance at the box office has more to do with the Charlie's Angel's gimmick being over used?

It was cute seeing Cameron Diaz dance around her apartment in her cute cartoon charactered manties, back in the day.

Why can't script writers come up with new shit? Oceans 8? Terminatrix Cat Lady 7? An all female remake of Casino??

Come up with new shit, and quit casting dry bitches with no charisma, whose only gimmicks are her slutty tattoos, obnoxious attitude, and she can "do (insert random task) better than the boys".

I can find people like that for $5.99 off the rack at Wal-Cunt. Get two for ten. Nothing unique about them at all.

Shits old, tired, and unappealing.
Brotherhood of the traveling jock strap is next boys!! We are taking one of theirs.
"Look, people have to buy tickets to this movie, too. This movie has to make money. If this movie doesn’t make money it reinforces a stereotype in Hollywood that men don’t go see women do action movies."

while there's plenty to disagree with, this is not blaming men.

yes she's talking about men, but not saying anything negative or unfair or accusatory

her remarks are something to disagree with, there's no penalty flag to be thrown here.
She's saying that if men don't go see this movie... it reinforces the stereotype that men don't go see this kind of movie? What?
wow, a woman trying the guilt trip trick, how unique .
So before the movie even opened, Elizabeth Banks(who I like) claimed that if the movie bombs, it is men's fault for not wanting to see a movie about women. Which leads me to believe that she knew it wasn't going to make any money from the start.

Now from what I had read, this movie got decent reviews, but didn't get marketed towards men(or marketed well at all)

The movie made 8 million dollars opening week on a 40 million dollar budget(The 1st reboot from 2000 made 40 million opening week)

I am curious as who(as in what sex) actually went out to see this movie to make that 8 million opening week. I bet it was equally men and women.

I think the problem is that no one gave a shit about about a reboot of a reboot movie being made.

And did men prevent women from seeing this movie? I mean if my wife wants to see a movie that I really don't want to, I either suck it up and go, or she gets her mother or one of her friends to go and see it.
People are tired of this narcissistic white liberal elite feminist agenda and the reboot oozed of that. The first charlie angels never pushed that sjw shit so people watched.
She's saying that if men don't go see this movie... it reinforces the stereotype that men don't go see this kind of movie? What?


men don’t go see women do action movies.

what is the negative there?
cause its only a topic within small conservative/liberal circles - its basically 2 sides that have gone completely mad and are forcing everyone else to be part of it

some conservatives are so invested into the topic of minority and women rights as if they are personally attacked by them (OMG THEY MADE ANOTHER SHITTY HOLLYWOOD MOVIE, DISREGARD THE FACT THAT HALF OF CALI IS ON FIRE, WHATS MOST IMPORTANT IS SOME DUMB ACTRESS HAVING A DUMB OPINION), while some liberals are fucked in the head with their (fake) wokeness and make an issue out of something that wasnt until recently

both conservatives and liberals (no matter how different they preach they are) get triggered over the same things - they are equally to blame in all of this.

I'm guessing you made a thread about climate change and nobody read it or participated in it so you're upset that this thread is more active and getting more replies.

You are derailing the thread and quite frankly, your whining is cringy as fuck.
She has a point about how the comic movies are of a male genre and tie in to other movies with men so its very different from something like this.

But honestly I think the problem is that movies like Bank's Charlie's Angels aren't really of a male or female genre. Originally Charlie' Angels was in a male genre since the sex appeal of the actresses was a big part of the appeal and the first movie understood that. But once you remove the sex appeal I think the property falls into a start of limbo. It has female leads so superficially it should appeal to women but its just a run of the mill spy flick at the end of the day and my understanding is that women don't generally flock to those. And because the female leads lack the sex appeal of earlier incarnations the appeal to men is gone.

I think if you want to market action films to women you can't just take the formula used for action films targeted to men and then replace the leads with women. It'd have to be very different in some way. I think part of the problem is that in an effort to create "stronk womyn" these movies tend to make the female leads too "badass" at the expense of tension. And honestly modern action scenes are usually terrible in their choreography so once you strip away the other elements that make action films appealing(sex appeal, using a well established IP, star power, etc) you're just left with the shitty action scenes and why would you go pay to see that?

I remember the days of Ronda beating Cain (under the right circumstances).

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