The Jordan Peterson Thread - V2 -

I completely agree with you.

The American right wing have a unique way of taking care of its "own" people, they are also very gullible,generally low informed and they have money. This breed a special kind of charlatan that pray on those people, Ann Coulter, Rush Limbaugh,Bill O Rilley, Glen beck,Milo etc. They have gotten incredible rich selling them bullshit (literally shit products like pins,coffee mugs,hats t-shirts) there is no equivalency on the left, we just don't tend to throw money at people we agree with.

I'm starting to think JB. Peterson is the new more sophisticated version of this, the right have craved an actual intellectual that defend their traditional values. Peterson fills that void and cashing in on it.

He also plays the Dave Rubin role of being a "liberal" that only criticizes the left and defend the right.
He very rarely criticize the right even thou they have plenty of crazy.

Absolutely. Peterson's popularity demonstrates how starved for anything intellectually stimulating the American right is at present. If you don't ever read anything of substance, JP becomes profound because you have nothing to compare him to. He's not challenging the right; he's confirming their beliefs with the trappings of someone who isn't of the old guard - the crying Glenn Beck, the "tides go in, the tides go out, you can't explain that" O'Reilly - who are too passé now.

The YouTube right-wing personality gig is all buoyed by guys like Rogan, with a huge audience of bros; where Joe also invites on guests who claim shoving coffee up your ass will help mental health issues (Kelly Brogan) and sells big brain pills. If the lobsters just want life advice they could read what Aurelius wrote 2000 years ago. JP didn't improve on it. But then they wouldn't get the caricatures of modern progressive views which is what they really need...the boogeyman to blame. The mythological and philosophical ( and Little Mermaid etc) references are ultimately pointless, and serve as a cheap and verbose way to dazzle. You really don't need Disney or Solzhenitsyn to argue against gender equality. The bigots don't need to be convinced and everyone else will just think you're nuts.

BTW, haven't watched the video yet, but the first youtube comment is hilarious. I haven't watched the video yet, but you've taken Dr. Peterson out of context, straw-manned him and failed to comprehend his brilliance.
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What's wrong with his personality test?
He makes $75,000 or whatever a month in donations, then charges $20 for a 100 question personality quiz? It's a standardized big 5 personality test you can take online for free. He knows his audience is mostly young and marginalized people probably without a lot of $. He's taking advantage of their credulity.
I completely agree with you.

The American right wing have a unique way of taking care of its "own" people, they are also very gullible,generally low informed and they have money. This breed a special kind of charlatan that pray on those people, Ann Coulter, Rush Limbaugh,Bill O Rilley, Glen beck,Milo etc. They have gotten incredible rich selling them bullshit (literally shit products like pins,coffee mugs,hats t-shirts) there is no equivalency on the left, we just don't tend to throw money at people we agree with.

Im starting to think JB. Peterson is the new more sophisticated version of this, the right have craved an actual intellectual that defend their traditional values. Peterson fills that void and cashing in on it. He also plays the Dave Rubin role of being a "liberal" that only criticizes the left and defend the right.
He very rarely criticize the right even thou they have plenty of crazy.

Havent gave peterson a dime and i bet 95 percent of people who follow him to a decent degree dont either.

He puts out content and people like it. If people want to give him money IMO there is nothing wrong with that.
He makes $75,000 or whatever a month in donations, then charges $20 for a 100 question personality quiz? It's a standardized big 5 personality test you can take online for free. He knows his audience is mostly young and marginalized people probably without a lot of $. He's taking advantage of their credulity.

Can you link me the test you can take for free? I know NEO PI R is quite expensive.
Absolutely. Peterson's popularity demonstrates how starved for anything intellectually stimulating the American right is at present. If you don't ever read anything of substance, JP becomes profound because you have nothing to compare him to. He's not challenging the right; he's confirming their beliefs with the trappings of someone who isn't of the old guard - the crying Glenn Beck, the "tides go in, the tides go out, you can't explain that" O'Reilly - who are too passé now.

The YouTube right-wing personality gig is all buoyed by guys like Rogan, with a huge audience of bros; where Joe also invites on guests who claim shoving coffee up your ass will help mental health issues (Kelly Brogan) and sells big brain pills. If the lobsters just want life advice they could read what Aurelius wrote 2000 years ago. JP didn't improve on it. But then they wouldn't get the caricatures of modern progressive views which is what they really need...the boogeyman to blame. The mythological and philosophical ( and Little Mermaid etc) references are ultimately pointless, and serve as a cheap and verbose way to dazzle. You really don't need Disney or Solzhenitsyn to argue against gender equality. The bigots don't need to be convinced and everyone else will just think you're nuts.

BTW, haven't watched the video yet, but the first youtube comment is hilarious. I haven't watched the video yet, but you've taken Dr. Peterson out of context, straw-manned him and failed to comprehend his brilliance.

Rogan have been awful, mainstreaming lunatics and con men given them a huge platform to spew their bullshit, he rarely have progressives on the show and when he have had them on they are there to talk shit about democrats (i.e Jimmy Dore) and effectively skew things to the right....

Take a look at the vid and tell me what you think, probably nothing you didn't know before but a good look how Peterson weasel himself out of taking a definite stand on things.
He makes $75,000 or whatever a month in donations, then charges $20 for a 100 question personality quiz? It's a standardized big 5 personality test you can take online for free. He knows his audience is mostly young and marginalized people probably without a lot of $. He's taking advantage of their credulity.

That's not how taking advantage of people works at all.
I wonder if there is a way to do a WR roll call of sorts and see if there are any genuine liberal members here, Sherdoggers who are liberal/progressive on most fiscal and social issues, at least as it would be defined in America (which is admittedly fundamentally different from other industrialized nations), who are also willing to consider themselves genuine supporters of Dr Peterson's work and his message?
I wonder if there is a way to do a WR roll call of sorts and see if there are any genuine liberal members here, Sherdoggers who are liberal/progressive on most fiscal and social issues, at least as it would be defined in America (which is admittedly fundamentally different from other industrialized nations), who are also willing to consider themselves genuine supporters of Dr Peterson's work and his message?

Define liberal. You may have noticed that many posters you might think of as Center-right (myself included) score left of center on many of those political quizzes you see shared online. Same is true of many of Peterson’s circle of political commentators (I.e. Dave Rubin, and both Weinstein bros). There’s a emerging phenomenon where both the right and a certain faction of the center left are aligned in their opposition of SJW/Identity politics progressives.
JP cult members use a variation of the Narcissist Prayer to defend him.

That didn't happen
And if it did, it wasn't that bad
And if it was, that's not a big deal
And if it is, that's not my fault
And if it was, I didn't mean it
And if I did, you deserved it


I listened to the interview not sure what there is to complain about his answers seem fine to me. The makeup thing is the biggest gripe in the video and honestly I don't think it's that bad.

This thing people do where people get interested in a person and their idea. Then that person does tons of talks and interviews and people start dissecting everything and finding a flaw here and there is ridiculous. Please show me the intellectual that has never said or done anything stupid in their life.
There is a fourth response: Vice has zero credibility and is not worth paying attention to. I have not watched the Vice smear-piece and I have no intention of doing so.

You should watch it. It's honestly the most overblown thing I've ever seen. They are really reaching if that think this is what's going to bring him down. I'd say I'm surprised at the backlash they are receiving but twitter is it's own thing and who knows what's real on their. Could just be vice trying to get more views for their own interviews and make it seem like some huge controversy.

There's a reason no one gives a shit about this interview and the Cathy one blew up. One is relevant and something people want to listen to and learn from. This is a vice interview where Jordan says 1 semi controversial thing and they want to run with it.
In about twenty minutes I'm gonna hit the pub to meet with other members of the Laurier Society For Open Inquiry. It's our second meeting.

It's led by Ms. Lindsay Shepard. She was the TA that got dragged before the starchamber for having the temerity to neutrally present a video clip featuring Professor Jordan Peterson. It had a chilling effect on my colleagues and anybody else who worked with students whose worldview hadn't been colonized by campus "activism."

I guess we need these kind of safe spaces for free speech now, which is depressing but I think the meeting itself will be as stimulating as the last one was.

You should watch it. It's honestly the most overblown thing I've ever seen. They are really reaching if that think this is what's going to bring him down. I'd say I'm surprised at the backlash they are receiving but twitter is it's own thing and who knows what's real on their. Could just be vice trying to get more views for their own interviews and make it seem like some huge controversy.

There's a reason no one gives a shit about this interview and the Cathy one blew up. One is relevant and something people want to listen to and learn from. This is a vice interview where Jordan says 1 semi controversial thing and they want to run with it.

Did vice post the full interview with context yet? I think the Newman interview blew up in large part because it was posted unedited (that and the dynamic between Newman and Peterson obviously). Channel 4 could have chosen to just dice the interview or not show it at all but they aired the entire thing, for our viewing pleasure, as Newmans agenda and dishonesty was laid to bare in contrast to Peterson's reasonableness and composure.
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In about twenty minutes I'm gonna hit the pub to meet with other members of the Laurier Society For Open Inquiry. It's our second meeting.

It's led by Ms. Lindsay Shepard. She was the TA that got dragged before the starchamber for having the temerity to neutrally present a video clip featuring Professor Jordan Peterson. It had a chilling effect on my colleagues and anybody else who worked with students whose worldview hadn't been colonized by campus "activism."

I guess we need these kind of safe spaces for free speech now, which is depressing but I think the meeting itself will be as stimulating as the last one was.


Let us know if you hit it
He makes $75,000 or whatever a month in donations, then charges $20 for a 100 question personality quiz? It's a standardized big 5 personality test you can take online for free. He knows his audience is mostly young and marginalized people probably without a lot of $. He's taking advantage of their credulity.

Is charging people for things taking advantage of them?
Let us know if you hit it

I'm not about to get #Metoo-ed. Besides, I'm almost twice her age and waaaay too big.(EDIT: in terms of height)


It was nice talking to her, though. She may be young but she's a tough old bird. She plans on bringing high profile speakers for next month's meeting and is trying hard to get Professor Peterson to be one of them. The problem is that he's busy as hell. But I think he kind of owes her a favor. She crystallized his dark prophecy about the inevitable wilful misapplication of bill C-16 and laid the fuckery bare for the whole world to see.

She told me Infowars has recently asked to interview her and she's hesitant because the conspiracy theory label often gets slapped on any viewpoints that stray from the prevailing ideologies. Because of the reputation Infowars has she was concerned that contact with them which could damage her credibility in the event of future dialogue with other media entities.
That led to a conversation in which the question was raised as to whether Professor Petersons appearance on Fox News in anyway delegitimized his message to those who maybe only have a limited introduction to this current cultural dynamic, of which he seems to be on the vanguard.

So It was pretty much a more jovial war room, with craft beer and nachos and about four more women than the number of females we have on this site (almost zero, i think) There were also a few "undercovers" but they were pretty easy to spot, The last one wrote a cry-piece editorial about the meeting in the student newspaper, but the feeling is that those at the WLU Rainbow Centre have completely overplayed their hand. (Their list of demands which included more money, the additional hiring of a trans person of color, and a panic button -I wish I was kidding, have so far gone unheeded.)

A few gay dudes talked about how the transfolk have essentially taken over the rainbow center and brought it, and by extension everybody else in the lgb community into disrepute.

I was very happy to see quite a few people of color there to. It was a pretty good time. I encourage you all to form a group and have similar types of discussions. At times it can be lonely having a viewpoint that can only be expressed furtively. You start to get weird after a while from tamping things down all the time.

It was weird though, the feeling I had; that a free speech meeting was a subversive act. It's feeling I'm not sure you are supposed to ever get used to. But I'm rambling. Again. lol
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