The Flu Is So Hot Right Now!


Brown Belt
Mar 15, 2007
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it's the new thing, and everyone is getting it.

in ny, the flu taking the media by storm. it's the only thing i'm hearing about right now. I have noticed a flu outbreak in people around me. why is the flu shot being pumped so much right now. everything and everyone is telling me to get the flu shot. i don't want it, and i will not get it (i'm going to edit this when i get the flu). for some reason it scares the hell out of me.
from my very, very basic knowledge of on anything science, i think i've heard that a virus will always adapt. the flu seems to mutate at a very high pace. i've heard the vaccine they're pumping out isn't even for the strain that people are getting now.

is it like this everywhere? i'm getting that generic mutated/medical mishap movie/video game feeling from this scenario.
It's going to end with a desolate Time square and will smith battling a bunch of flu zombies.
Pretty sure it's terrible in Illinois, where I am.

I haven't gotten it yet, but I'm starting to hear stories close to me.
Lol. Quick check - are we talking The Flu, or just one of the various urti's that get labelled "The Flu" by the uninformed?

Either way, wash your hands, kiddies.
Watch out for pneumonia after you think you feel better. That's kicking a lot of asses right now.
It's been going through our office, but I got the shot a few months back. Still planning on taking a few fake sick days this week though.
Watch out for pneumonia after you think you feel better. That's kicking a lot of asses right now.

My great-grandmother fought through that about a month or so ago.
in before conspiracy theorists think it is a fear mongering plot by big pharma and vaccines are poison.
I aint catching shit, my immune system is sick.
Watch out for pneumonia after you think you feel better. That's kicking a lot of asses right now.

You can get a vaccine for that that lasts for life. I think I'm gonna get one at my next doctor appointment. That shit is not to be fucked with. Never had it but don;t want it either.
You can get a vaccine for that that lasts for life. I think I'm gonna get one at my next doctor appointment. That shit is not to be fucked with. Never had it but don;t want it either.

How does that work? I thought the flu virus constantly mutated?
How does that work? I thought the flu virus constantly mutated?

I was referring to the pneumonia vaccine that lasts for life. They reformulate the flu vaccine every year, and you have to get a new one every year.
I don't think I'd put faith into a lifetime flu shot just yet. Eventually we'll have one and the flu will be a memory, but we've only had this huge annual flu shot program for a relatively short time.

ed: you meant pneumonia, nevermind. I didn't know we had one of those, interesting.
You can get a vaccine for that that lasts for life. I think I'm gonna get one at my next doctor appointment. That shit is not to be fucked with. Never had it but don;t want it either.

Pneumonia is the inflammation of alveoli in the lungs, and may be caused by any number of viruses or bacteria.

edit; just looked it up. Seemed to my knowledge something that shouldn't be possible (One shot in a lifetime.) That is what they are saying, though in Alberta you cannot get it if you are under 65.
just coming off of a bad one myself and its been going around my job as well.
It's not pnemonia but a bad cough seems to be going around more so than the flu
Pneumonia is the inflammation of alveoli in the lungs, and may be caused by any number of viruses or bacteria.

True that. There is a vaccine for some of the more common bacterial pneumonias, but calling it a pneumonia vaccine is a bit of a stretch.
That swine flu thing a few years ago freaked everyone out, and ever since, flu coverage has increased to much more than it used to be, at least that I've noticed. And I care just as much now as I ever did, and that's not at all. I just go about my business, and if I get sick, I let my body do what it's supposed to do: Fight it and get stronger.
