The evangelical vote

Andddd a further irony is that there would be far fewer abortions if they voted left.
Increased spending and focus on social welfare, education,and healthcare would reduce the number of people that seek abortions.

The free market doesnt care about fixing social problems. They would get more of what they wanted if they actually practiced Christianity

hiya SmilinDesperado,

i pointed this out and was met by...nothing, from folks here who hew to the right.

its not rational, if you think about it.

that's what makes me think that the basis of evangelical hatred of the Democrats isn't really based in abortion issues. they claim its all about abortion because it gives them the moral high ground (in the same way a baker who throws a lesbian couple out of his bakery for asking for a wedding cake is REALLY just an uptight asshole, but it sounds nicer if he says its all about religious liberty), but i don't believe it.

i think that evangelicals spurn democratic Presidents for reasons beyond the abortion issue.

We all know it's because the pansexual Luciferian Democrat party is drinking baby blood while using abortion juice as lubricant during their satanic sex orgies. All pizza parlors are secret molochian pedo dungeons controled by reptilian Commander Hillary Clinton. Baby Jesus sent Trump to save us from the Illuminati and the globalist who want to take our guns and let trannys poo in the girls room. God bless Israel.
Hey rip, long time no see..
HereticBD, hello!

is that what its called?

you mean, like the way President Bill Clinton signed the Religious Freedom Restoration Act?

I'm pretty sure Bill Clinton was well liked by all sides, with good reason.