I just noticed
@Andy Capp and
@Siver! liked the comment. You guys don't think he was mentally ill?
What I am mocking is if, in the event of a muslimist terrorist attack (and lets say, especially if this happened during Biden's presidency) the perp was subsequently shown by law enforcement to have a history of mental illness, you and your kind would instantly,
instantly jump on that as excuse-making, and you would say it was all the woke lefty admin trying to run interference and make excuses for the evil nasty muslimists, and you would say it was all a distraction, and that it is the ideology of Muslimism that was the problem, not the guy's mental illness, and that mental illness was a fucking copout, and its a disgrace anyone could try and minimise their actions and blaaaah, blaaaah, fucking blaaaah.
of course, the boot being on the other foot, and the perp being conservative you
instantly accept the mental illness argument and ignore the ideology. In your defence, i think you are lacking the self-awareness to realise the inconsistency here, albeit, that seems to be as a result of hubris, so it still means you're a dick.
you would actually be less of a dick if you'd just own the conservative label