Taylor officially 100% insane?

nothing new for me in the article, good for people to speak out but those are aspects of the business/sport that aren't going away soon. I would say it's much worse for the damage to them causes them to be violent to others rather than the near zen like detachement from reality I see (which is more common). I mean, their character is shot once they rape or shoot someone, it's not something people will be understanding about. It's even hard to tell how much of this stuff is just the changes they went through and how much is really them. I still don't think Bowe was a bad guy, he did some stupid shit but I always thought the media had it in for him a little because they hated Rock Newman. Then you have a guy like Tony Ayala who obviously was destined to be a rapist no matter what his background. To be violent is something that has to be handled very carefully, one of Bruce Lee's greatest quotes (and one of many which I think make him a genius) was that "we must be able to walk through the door to madness and come back". Which means that you have to have some decency and discipline or you'll get stuck on that side. Which, frankly, as I've said, I've seen much more from martial artists than boxers. What can be done? Nothing, eventually, if the human race lives long enough, violent sports will be banished forever. But truth is, lots of these guys love to fight, they are violent, hard men to begin with and boxing may be the best thing for them in this society. The english boxer I knew once intimated to me that he couldn't box in England because he had a criminal record, I thought it was insane to cut off any semi-legit way for a guy predisposed to crime to make a living. And this guy is one of the most decent, kindest men you could ever want to meet. I've always said, if they want to banish boxing, they should start with banishing poverty.
"please do better next year"

yeah no fucking shit jermaine

wtf this guy has lost it

yeah, it would be hilarious if it weren't so sad and a nearly murderous incident.
Alexas Texas' ass > Austin Taylor's ass

nothing new for me in the article, good for people to speak out but those are aspects of the business/sport that aren't going away soon. I would say it's much worse for the damage to them causes them to be violent to others rather than the near zen like detachement from reality I see (which is more common). I mean, their character is shot once they rape or shoot someone, it's not something people will be understanding about. It's even hard to tell how much of this stuff is just the changes they went through and how much is really them. I still don't think Bowe was a bad guy, he did some stupid shit but I always thought the media had it in for him a little because they hated Rock Newman. Then you have a guy like Tony Ayala who obviously was destined to be a rapist no matter what his background. To be violent is something that has to be handled very carefully, one of Bruce Lee's greatest quotes (and one of many which I think make him a genius) was that "we must be able to walk through the door to madness and come back". Which means that you have to have some decency and discipline or you'll get stuck on that side. Which, frankly, as I've said, I've seen much more from martial artists than boxers. What can be done? Nothing, eventually, if the human race lives long enough, violent sports will be banished forever. But truth is, lots of these guys love to fight, they are violent, hard men to begin with and boxing may be the best thing for them in this society. The english boxer I knew once intimated to me that he couldn't box in England because he had a criminal record, I thought it was insane to cut off any semi-legit way for a guy predisposed to crime to make a living. And this guy is one of the most decent, kindest men you could ever want to meet. I've always said, if they want to banish boxing, they should start with banishing poverty.

Good stuff as usual, particularly the points about being violent to others. Anyone who at a minimum has spared another man knows the "nasty "that has to come out to beat the sh.. out of another human. One could argue that the assault on ones own soul is worse than the beating being delivered, in that it robs from the deliverer small pieces of his ablillty to connect with his fellow man. Now, I am am not saying that they can't be recovered but I am saying a partal detachment from normal civility are a prerequisite to preforming in the "arena" , and Sometimes one has difficulty raining it in or they lack the desire to pull back to normalcy for a multitude of reasons, in jermains case , I think the "arena "has taken that option from his hands, other than Devine intervention that is.

Like someone said in the comment section for this article , " cases like this bring back to the surface my personally ambiguity toward the sport in general."
ya, it's a frightening thing to dally with, I once thought I'd killed a man, for about a half hour, the whole seismic shift in my identity that would have required would have been too much for me. Fortunately, the guy was ok and I never saw violence with the same carelessness I once did.