Social Superman Is Bisexual Now As DC Comics Set To Debut Same-Sex Relationship For Hero’s Son

Real question is

Is he top or bottom?

so how does sups not crush the top's dick when sups cums ad his butthole cleches?

My problem is that I only want trans superheros. NO other superhero is brave enough for me.

Next thing you know Captain America will be slouching and putting elbows on tables.
Cool, i hope they make the DC Universe into an actual Fanfic of Superman x Batman, and whatever other pairings there is-, just to watch Henry Cavill drill his fellow co-stars on the big screen.
I always find it funny people get butthurt about muscle bound superheroes, who prance around in tights, capes, and cod pieces, getting blown by other dudes. Like, were gay guys not supposed to shoot their shot? They're superheroes. No STD worries or awkward mornings after because he has to go save some assholes stuck on a bus teetering on a cliff's edge.
The Left has taken over near everything. Leftists have complete control of politics, the news media, social media, corporate America, medicine, CDC, NIH, universities......

A conservative Christian would get fired, cancelled, banned for standing up against this sexual perversion pushed on kids

We have warned America for decades about the Left/Democrat Party perversion was bringing to this country

I mentioned Islam because the Muslims are far less concerned about what the #Woke mob says and does compared to the Christians and western conservatives. They are strong in what they believe and are not swayed by the larger cultural trends. I guess more than anything, I am waiting for a strong social reformer who will instill some religious discipline into the culture again. I completely agree with Alasdair MacIntyre who wrote in his book After Virtue:

"This time, however, the barbarians are not waiting beyond the frontiers; they have already been among us for quite some time. And it is our lack of consciousness of this that constitutes part of our predicament. We are waiting not for Godot, but for another—doubtless very different—St. Benedict."
That's exactly what it is - contrived and inorganic. Just crowbarring ED&I issues into places they don't particularly belong, just for the sake of it. The entire social justice movement has become one big token gesture, now. Nothing is organic anymore, it's all forced, contrived nonsense just virtue signal.

That's how I feel.

Go watch Episode 1 of 'The Wonder Years' reimagining.

Everything is so on the nose, overstated and contrived. There's no Animal Farm's or 1984's anymore.

Maybe this is the genesis of things being organic. I don't know. But literally all of it appears like a penis measuring contest for who has the largest social justice schlong.
I always find it funny people get butthurt about muscle bound superheroes, who prance around in tights, capes, and cod pieces, getting blown by other dudes. Like, were gay guys not supposed to shoot their shot? They're superheroes. No STD worries or awkward mornings after because he has to go save some assholes stuck on a bus teetering on a cliff's edge.
I always find it funny that people get upset about propaganda too. Why would anyone think propaganda is a bad thing?
Mild-mannered Turkish bath attendant Cuck Kent hears a 6' 3" trans woman getting grief across town for following a 4 year old girl into a bathroom.

In mere seconds he transforms into "Superthey" and rushes off to confront the evil Trump-loving, transphobic, racist, misogynistic pig of a father and defend the helpless LGBTQ patriots among us!
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i bet superman has a big cock…