Sucker Punchers


That KO was so satisfying.
More like a sucker - takedown.

His opponent put his glove out for the tap, Colton shot a double.

Then he said MMA was easy.

Hasn't won a fight since winning TUF. He will likely get the contractual reauirement of 4 fights and get cut.

Also Joe Warren sucker punched Rafael Silva while asking to touch gloves after Joe kicked Silva in the groin.
Paul Kelly faked the glove touch and tried to punch Cerrone IIRC.
He then got dominated and finally submitted in the 2nd.
Edit Prime Yossarian beat me to it

Paul Kelly faked the glove touch and tried to punch Cerrone IIRC.
He then got dominated and finally submitted in the 2nd.

I almost forgot about that one, I love when the sucker puncher gets whooped.
How 'bout the ole Manny Gamburyan fake-glove-touch-kick?

I don't think there was any ill intent but Mariusz Zaromskis at the last Bellator event had i think two separate shots after the bell with one being that somersault kick he does after the bell, like actually fairly late.
The Fisher/Wiman fight was quite a while ago but, I don't remember them ttying to touch gloves before the flying knee. I remember Wiman raising his hand, with a finger pointed in the the air, as if to say he wasnt hurt, just before the lights went out.

This dude sucker punched Chico Camus after getting choked out
iirc that guy is mentally challenged

I wonder who gave him a licence to fight, he clearly doesn't have the mental capacity to understand the rules, punched him before the fight and kneed his opponent in the head multiple times on the ground.
The ref was already breaking them up and the cage door was already opened from my recollection, it wasn't long after the fight but he definitly hit him after the round and could have pulled the punch but chose not to. He also tried to knee him in the face on the ground later in the fight on purpose but missed.

It was actually right as the bell went. The ref wasn't breaking them up at all and the cage door wasn't open. No truth to that claim.
