Stupid things you used to believe

A lot of people have these same beliefs.

Have you had that moment when you realized your parents were only pretending to know everything?
I figured that my parents are not good parents and didnt do nearly as much as I did.

first off, I had more kids than them, a lot more.

I didnt have the luxury of a full time babysitter, I was always at grandma's, and yet my parents wont watch my kids...... nursing homes arent cheap, you see how that works?

they still try to act like they know everything, so I invited them to go roller skating with my kids....... little do they know, it takes a bit of practice to learn to skate...... lmao, they were drowning on the floor.
Santa clause, easter bunny, Tooth fairy

Making a baby meant putting your dick in a girl, fall asleep, bam, kid is there.

Fucking, going in and out is optional because of above.

You have to wet the toothbrush either before or after applying tooth paste for it to work.
I used to believe there were animals in my tenants apartment, I could have swore I heard them scratching around in there. But apparently he kept his work and home life very seperate, and only ate pet food for the fiber.
I was raised on Long Island and when I was 11 told we were moving to Arizona (1992). I thought everything was saloons and dirt roads, horses and had no idea that people had actual houses and there was a city.
In elementary school, some stupid kid said the cherry cobbler was something nasty you don't want to eat, so I probably wasted who knows how many deliciious cherry cobblers.
I was told that Asian chicks had sideways pussies.

Seemed legit at the time.