Stupid: Men's Health Muscle Madness

Imagine if none of your votes count and some dude at Men's Health is just making up percentages.
Imagine if none of your votes count and some dude at Men's Health is just making up percentages.

You, also, are blowin' my MIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIND, dude!

(gears up to publish magazine, "S&P Health" to compete with newly powerlifting-centric "Men's Health")
Wouldnt surprise me.

After the first round, the power clean advanced despite the fact that it had a losing percentage. The webmaster has since gone back and given the power clean the winning percentage.
How the hell did pullups beat squats? This proves that most Men's Health readers are lightweights. I just voted for deadlift twice. We must all do our duty to make sure deadlift wins.
Somebody recently refered to pullups as "the upper boddy squat" I'm inclined to agree, but if I had to choose which was more "functional" in terms of athletic endevors, I would still have to go with squats. Still, a 2% margin for the loss to pullups is impressive in a poll like this.

Do you guys think there are a lot of men's health readers making these decisions? or is it the infiltration from forums like ours holding sway over this tournament?
I think maybe pullups won over squats because squats are seen as a lower body exercise...while most people want more upper body strength for aesthetic reasons....and you don't need any equipment but a tree limb to do pullups...squats require equipment...I think pullups will beat deadlift for the same reasons...please don't kick my ass devilsson...
There's apparently nothing to stop people from voting over and over again.

So, if someone were a big DL fan and had nothing to do, he or she could, theoretically, vote for it, like, one time for every pound in your PR.

Quoting Richard Nixon here -- "...but that would be wrong."
i will go on a rampage if deadlift loses...

*votes 700 times*

ahh those were the days....i can barely lift myself out of bed these
Taking their cue from the college basketball tournament brackets that always show up this time of year, Men's Health magazine is having a bracket-style "competition" that invites website users to vote for their favorite resistance exercises. Eventually they'll narrow it down to one winner, the "best exercise of all time."

Some of the match-ups are puzzling (biceps curls vs. Bulgarian split squats), and the classifications moreso -- there's a "strength" category and a "power" category, but the only Oly-related lifts are in the "strength" category. And deadlifts are in the "core" category.

Here's the link --

Have some laughs, cast some votes, throw a 5-pound plate at your computer screen! Whatever else you do, refrain from asking yourself "why does flak know what Men's Health puts on its website, anway?"

The assignment of exercises to the categories "strength" and "power" seems arbitrary. These variables have less to do with the kind exercise you do than with the way you perform them (e.g slowly or in an explosive manner).
Anyway, the poll already looks flawed. How could an exercise like bench press, which doesn't make use of the biggest and strongest muscles in the body (back extensors, upper leg flexors and lower leg extensors), possibly be considered the "best exercise of all time" ? It lost to deadlift by the way.
The assignment of exercises to the categories "strength" and "power" seems arbitrary. These variables have less to do with the kind exercise you do than with the way you perform them (e.g slowly or in an explosive manner).

Well, yeah, but if you look closely they associate power cleans with strength and seated calf raise with power. That doesn't make much sense, does it?
I think everyone on S&P should vote.. theres no reason some of these lifts should ever even be done, let alone be recommended as the best in men's fitness. Who the hell does seated calf raises??

PS. I hate how dips and pull-ups are in the same bracket..When I saw lat pulldowns I immediately though pull-ups should of been there, instead.

I see people do them everyday in my uni gym :icon_neut
Wow I seriously can't believe the deadlift lost to chins...

I guess it's better in the sense that you don't need equipment and if you need to add weight you can always do one handed pullups...
Disgusting I voted a few dozen times for deads....well at least deads,squats,bench and chins made up the top brackets.

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