Stupid: Men's Health Muscle Madness

I don't know about you guys, but I'm trolling the polls.

Lets make this magazine and its readers look like a joke: seated calf raises ftw.
I'm really interested in spending my time participating in a Men's Health poll and giving their site more page hits.
I'm really interested in spending my time participating in a Men's Health poll and giving their site more page hits.

Thus increasing ad revenue? Splendid idea, Chase. With any luck, they'll make enough money to hire better writers.
I was going to be positive and say good things about this and then I read this:

"People like traditional squats because theyre easy."
You ever done bulgarian split squats? (holding the weight overhead with badgers instead of plates over a pit of lava and richard simmons gets to have his way with you if you don't finish your last rep)
You ever done bulgarian split squats? (holding the weight overhead with badgers instead of plates over a pit of lava and richard simmons gets to have his way with you if you don't finish your last rep)



thats the gayest thing I have EVER seen

Damn you goggle, my eyes burn!
If it's a fitness magazine, and it isn't named "Milo", you should probably just throw it away.
Someone should write a ********** that votes for good exercises, refreshes the page, and continues. If most people on S&P ran it while they slept/worked those exercises would be almost guaranteed to win...

MH is the most popular fitness magazine in the world. If it's reader's open the pages on April 7th and see that the deadlift/squat/powerclean has been voted the best exercise of all time it might actually help them!

Edit: aparently "j@v@ scr1pt" is a censored word hah
I think everyone on S&P should vote.. theres no reason some of these lifts should ever even be done, let alone be recommended as the best in men's fitness. Who the hell does seated calf raises??

PS. I hate how dips and pull-ups are in the same bracket..When I saw lat pulldowns I immediately though pull-ups should of been there, instead.

*scratches seated calf raises off routine*:redface:

standing are cool, right?
I'm pretty sure there are guys here that do Seated calf raises as an accessory exercise. There really aren't many lifts that should "never be done," but there are a lot (like seated calf raises) that people do for all the wrong reasons. For example, heavy quarter squats can be done if you have problems at the top of a squat. They shouldn't be done because you have no fucking clue what depth is.

As for your PS, why would they put those two together, that would, like, make sense...

I still have to disagree with seated calf raises. I'd much rather see people loading up the bar and doing standing calf raises with a heavy barbell.
At least those are mentioned. I don't get women's mags 'cause most of them are all about 'toning' or 'let's do yoga or walking, that's all you should do!' Bah. The closest thing I can find is M&F Hers, and that has a definite emphasis on bodybuilding and using machines. They do have occasional good stuff, but they only come out bimonthly or even quarterly.

don't hate on yoga.
I think the point was that yoga isn't all you should do... unless you want to look like gumby, which could be cool I guess, but just wouldn't be worth it without the green skin IMO.
*hates on yoga and does overhead squats instead*

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