"Street fight"


Brown Belt
Sep 23, 2002
Reaction score
I wouldn't call it a fight, but we were on the sidewalk, which is pretty close to a street in most areas.

An altercation flames up out of nowhere, and before we know it, myself and 5 of my buddies from my jiujitsu academy are backing cautiously away from a group of 12+ hispanic fellows.

As I back away trying to keep an eye on everyone, I run right into a fucking TREE. clock my head pretty good and realize instantly that I am completely fucked. A guy dives in from my left and socks me good in the eye, got a nice shiner now, and I react instantly, bum rushing the nearest guy in front of me. I clinch up tight to protect my face from more punches, and drag him back with me, I can feel people hitting the top and back of my head but it doesn't matter.

A few seconds later I shove the guy away from me and break free of the melee. My friends have also broken away, and one suffered a nasty cut under his eye from a punch.

We retreat a few blocks and I notice my side is drenched, probably beer from the cans they chucked at us (which is what started this whole mess) I thought. Then I looked at my hand and it was covered in blood. I lift up my shirt and reveal much to my surprise:

I had been fucking stabbed. Right over my liver, actually.

So during my visit to the ER I learn that they also shanked me in the right thigh, and after extensive testing, x-rays, ultrasounds, cat-scans, it turns out I am a-ok. The knife didn't get through my abdominal muscles, and no organs were damaged. The muscle in my thigh was pretty well fucked up though. Anyway a few stitches later I get released, and told to take it easy and "eat lots of protein."

Interestingly, while I was in there a mexican dude came in with, guess what, a stab wound. When aksed by the nurses where this happened he replied with what was an obvious stuttering lie. My friend broke in, saying "Are you sure it wasn't [street we were on]?" and the guy freaked, so he was obviously involved, his buddies must have stabbed him by accident. I'm betting it was the guy I clinched.

Some thoughts:

-This was a nice neighborhood, about 2 blocks from downtown. Fucked up.
-Jiujitsu is great, but the surprise knife attack is superior.
-I have jiujitsu to thank for the musculature that probably saved my life, or at least kept me out of surgery. Those hanging situps pay off.
-If I hadn't clinched that guy, the knife that hit him would have hit me, and god knows where. Without him as a human shield they would have had an open look at my chest, and could easily have got me in the heart or lungs.
-Don't be a fool, stay in school.
Well i would of, i would of............... got stabbed too:-(

Sorry to hear it man.. sucks. get well soon.
Hope you have a speedy recovery.

Takes real fucking guts to stab someone - especially when you're in a larger group.

There's some real fucktards in this world that's for sure.
Wow. I hope you are okay dude.

I hope you called the police about this. Especially since one of the guys was in the hopsital with you. I don't know how much they would be able to do since everyone will claim that they did not stab you. Obviously one of them did, but they will never admit to it, and I doubt there are any witnesses. However, just having the cops harass them might their lives a little harder. It is worth the call, in my opinion.

I don't know what else you could have done in that situation. Outnumbered two to one is pretty rough. I'm just glad you didn't get more seriously injured.

I'm NOT trying to criticize your reaction. In a situation like that, your adrenaline is pumping so hard that you are not even thinking straight. I have done plenty of things in those situations that I never should have done. However, bum rushing the guy was probably a bad idea. When you are outnumbered like that, charging in will get you seriously fucked up. After the first punch, I (hopefully) would have just thrown enough strikes to get a chance to run like hell. That's a lot safer than clinching on the street against rough dudes.

Again, I wasn't there. I might have charged in myself. The only reason I am saying this is because I got the idea from your post that you thought the clinch was beneficial. I have to disagree and say that I think the clinch is what got you stabbed. You were probably getting the best of this guy due to your training, and his buddies were like "Oh shit" and freaked out and stabbed you.

Anyway, I hope you get better fast and that it doesn't affect your training. And I hope that something happens to the bastards who stabbed you.
Fuck that's awful. Any of you guys ever here of S.T.A.B.? It's a knife defense programme based on greco.
Goes to show that all the sport grappling in the world doesn't prepare you for extreme situations.

Had to re-edit. Feel sorry you man it's not nice. But never back away. Either go in completely to destroy if all dangers are weighed up, if not get out of there. Adrenaline is muthaphucka too. Gotta learn to control that shit.
You are damn lucky Mirada ... that was close. Good thing you're okay. So many guys end up dead from this kind of thing.

That's why no matter how hard you train fighting, in the end the best defense is fleeing.
thats messed up, post it if there are any repercusions for the Mexicans
That is fricken horrible! You could have died, and for what? What the heck were those guys doing? Fricken idiots. Glad you are okay.

A mexican friend of mine once told me that mexican Judo beat all other martial arts. When I asked him what the heck mexican Judo was he said:

Judon't know that I gotta a knife...

It was funny when he said it (he isn't the type to carry around a knife), but now I see there is a very real scary side to it.

Hope you get better. And stay safe!
That sucks. Cowardly to outnumber someone, jump him, and stab him. Hope you have a speedy recovery and there are no permanent ill effects.
Cojofl said:
Fuck that's awful. Any of you guys ever here of S.T.A.B.? It's a knife defense programme based on greco.

I didn't even see the knife. No defense program in the world could have helped me.
Balto said:
The only reason I am saying this is because I got the idea from your post that you thought the clinch was beneficial. I have to disagree and say that I think the clinch is what got you stabbed. You were probably getting the best of this guy due to your training, and his buddies were like "Oh shit" and freaked out and stabbed you.

Very good point, but with my knee injured I can't run at anything even close to full speed, and I was pinned against the tree by the guy punching me. The only way I could go was forward, change my angle, and then back out towards my friends.

It obviously would have been better to get the drop on the guy who punched me as soon as I felt the tree, breaking through the line there and moving to safety, but when you're piss-drunk at 3 AM you don't always have the tactical computer ticking at full velocity.

I think the clinch was beneficial in that it shielded many of my vitals as I tried to escape, it may not have been the best strategy, but my other options by the time I reacted were to stand and strike with 3 or 4 guys, cornered against a tree.

Also keep in mind that the whole thing took less than five seconds, I was punched, clinched the guy, got stabbed and broke free of the melee in less time than it took you to read this sentance.
As for a conviction, no way. It was any one of twelve mexicans, I have no idea which one and I would probably only recognize the guy who punched me.

I wouldn't press charges anyway though, knowing my neighborhood I probably live across the street from their cousins. Better to cut my loses and be happy I wasn't seriously harmed.
get better soon man and take care...
Ouch. That sucks. I guess you just have to be happy to be ok.
I am glad you livied to fight another day. Those guys are pussies.