Economy stonks v12, gamestonk?


Thank you Ryan Cohen

GME YOLO works out just as predicted

Thank you Ryan Cohen

GME YOLO works out just as predicted

i've enjoyed watching from the sidelines. i did sell puts a few times, but nothing too crazy.

the irony is i might play the short side of this if it keeps running. i really can't fathom how this is supposed to turn around so well.
my timing on amd/xlnx via ces was worse than ever. lolz @ them being down on intel's clusterfuck. what difference a day makes. at least i grabbed some OP premiums on both ends, but i would have rather just bought more today... obviously.
my timing on amd/xlnx via ces was worse than ever. lolz @ them being down on intel's clusterfuck. what difference a day makes. at least i grabbed some OP premiums on both ends, but i would have rather just bought more today... obviously.
I can never get the chips right and stay away.
Id be up 8k today on my accidental purchase of 100 shares of

Bought bbby at open...up about 7% on the day...downside...never got a chance to build big position. 100 shares, 3 call options.
Id be up 8k today on my accidental purchase of 100 shares of

Bought bbby at open...up about 7% on the day...downside...never got a chance to build big position. 100 shares, 3 call options.
BBBY is a very funny stonk.
I'd be trimming into the $25 approach but that's just me.
BBBY is a very funny stonk.
I'd be trimming into the $25 approach but that's just me.

Agreed. I'd be happy to trim it now honestly if I didn't buy like such a pussy.

Stocks up 10% calls up 90% atm
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Gay boomer bears absolutely blown the frick out lmao

Imagine betting against based zoomer autist Ryan Cohen
these guys are imbeciles. (cnbc, re: intc, tsm, etc)
Holy fuck GME.

My pockets are fucking cash heavy.

Ryan Cohen is my savior
I was jacking off to DEEP FUCKING VALUE cocaine autist the other day, he has been correct all along

God bless him
